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Welcome To The Castle Of

The King and The Queen


"On the surface, everything seems fine. I've got this great guy. And he loves my kid. And he sure does like me a lot. And I can't live like that. It's not the way I'm built."   Jerry Maguire


A quote I feel should stay here permanently as a reminder of how simple life can actually be.






Warning: These pages all have music on them. Turn your speakers down beforehand !!!


Today's Date Is:   





Special Site Updates


The Site is once again going through changes. If these stupid web servers would stop shutting me down maybe we could get things moving here and have things ready.


Special Section


Nikki was extremely helpful to me and has a wonderful website full of info, poetry and pics. Please check it out right here and thank you again Nikki


Nikki's Page


You can also read up on some of the members of the mirc chat where Nikki hangs out. It's a cool site and worth a look.


AFR Channel Homepage



Random Quote of the Moment

Lower your flags and march straight back to England, stopping at every home to beg forgiveness for a hundred years of theft, rape, and murder. Do this and your men shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will die today. Wallace: "Braveheart"


Our Message Board


You Guys are going to want to check this out. Its my new forum and message board. There are discussions for Movies, Yahoo, TV, Spirituality, Current Events, Wrestling, Art, Poetry and a special section called Venus' Cam Wh@res. I'm sure you can figure out what that is. We have positions open for mods and the site is growing as we get more and more members. So check it out, sign up and start posting crap. Make new friends already will ya. lol


Hells Ministry Message Board







On Friday, October 9, 2004, after 2 grueling games of Spades with reigning champions Donna and Jeanine, Moose and Valley pulled out a crushing victory to reclaim their belts and leave the Bronx as the Official Spades Heavyweight Champions. 









Also on October 9 we saw a new Scrabble champion as I was too drunk to spell. Defending champion James Jones watched as he gained one championship but lost another to Jeanine Solis.





On October 15, another upset occurred as the newly introduced TROUBLE World Championship was introduced and one by Vanessa Cruz after a neck and neck game with Frank. Will your King ever win a friggin' belt???




About Me



Click on My Picture To Get Photos Of Me






Well there I am. What can I say about myself that most everyone already knows. I was born July 18. 1977. That makes me 27 right now. I had a pretty interesting life so far I believe. Bits and pieces of info on it will be here, other parts you'll just have to get to know me. Recently I moved back to my home of New York City after learning several important lessons in Arizona for 4 years of my life.







Well these are my kids, the ones I took care of in AZ. Mason is the young one and Zane is the older one. They are great kids and I will always have great memories to keep with me forever. I pray that they turn into great kids and will think about them until the day I no longer exist in this world


Click on the picture to get more photos of my life in Arizona





The Friday Night Fight Club



Get more info by clicking the picture below



Donna, Moose, Valley, Jeanine, Junior


My Schedule


You can go here to see what I have planned in the next few weeks, and you can also add your appointments in there as well so that we can all remember important dates








In Remembrance




Gerard Carter


Gerard is my dawgs cousin. We will always keep him in our prayers and never forget him.


Officer Gerard Carter passed away Friday July 31, 1998 at 1:06 a.m. at St. Vincent's Hospital on Staten Island. Carter was shot 5 days earlier, at point blank range in the head as he and his partner Police Officer Eric Storch sat in a marked police car outside the West Brighton Housing Project. They were there to serve a warrant on a 17-year-old man for skipping a one-day community service sentence for fare beating.

His killer, Shatiek Johnson, was arrested 3 days later. On December 13, 1999 Johnson was sentenced and given the maximum of 25 years to life in prison.

The New York City Police Department Medal of Honor is the highest award that may be bestowed upon a member of the service. During the 1999 Medal Day Ceremonies held at One Police Plaza, Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and Police Commissioner Howard Safir awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously to Officer Carter



Keys To The Castle



We apologize for the lack of links being here. Rest assured that when they return you will not regret the wait.




A tribute to one of the most horrific days in US history,




A collection of pictures of some of the most beautiful women in entertainment




Get the latest scores and standings weekly from the NFL




My Poetry and Art Along with Contributed Works As Well



Coming Soon




My Favorite Links



Great places to visit, all approved by me. Have a site you love as well? Add it to the list.





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