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based on William Shakespeare's The Life and Death of King John


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Adapted King John opens at The Producer's Club

The Bastard

It has been said that Shakespeare first wrote KING JOHN in 1590. He then let it breath for five years while he resurrected RICHARD III and HENRY VI, created a shrew and began the introduction of the first thinking man to literature, HAMLET.

In 1595 Shakespeare knew what KING JOHN was missing. Amongst his accomplishments in the last five years Shakespeare perfected the classic "Shakespearean Character" The Bastard of Faulconbridge. The natural born son of King Richard the Lion Hearted.

Like the celebrated Falstaff, the Bastard of Faulconbridge is altogether too grand of a character to be shadowed by Kings. We felt he deserved his own play! We have proceded to edit KING JOHN, bringing the Bastard of Faulconbridge to the spot light. Behold THE BASTARD.

Bastard is also listed at this other fine World Wide Website

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