// InTro// PaGe Info // LayOutz //
// CoNtAcT Me // HotLinkZ // OuTro & BaNnErZ//

"This is 4 My Nationwide, Citywide, Worldwide, 2PAC Fans!!
Remember, "Real Men Do Real Things"
So Don't Hate The Game, Hate U'R Self Homie!!
For all 2PAC Komradz in every Borough of every City of every State, from New York 2 Oakland, from Los Angelas 2 Bronx, From Brooklyn 2 Houston,TX 2 WHERE EVER!!
You all know legends live forever and I'm here just to keep this legend's memory ALIVE. So I hope you Feel me on this layout, Like 2PAC would say = Looking 4 Them Better Dayz!! R.I.P. 2PAC!!

PaGe InfO

| [Layout Theme] [2PAC-Smile 4 Me] |
| [Layout Creator] [
KrayzieGee~Designz~4U] |
| [Page Coded By] [Krayzie Gee] |
| [Programs Used] [Paint Shop9, Dreamweaver 4, Flash MX] |
| [Font Used] [Century Gothic] |
| [Song Playing] [Better Dayz - 2PAC - R.I.P.] |

My LayOutZ

Here are a few Layoutz I have been working on below. If you like any of my LayOutZ & like one to post on your page or site then hit me up on my contact page, and I'll send you the info on it. NOTE: On subject line please enter: KGD4U with the # of LayOut you want and alittle about yourself as well, Thanks. And I'll hit you back with the layout info you want within 72 Hrs. All I ask of you is to have a link back to my site or have any of my banners on your page or site... Thanks....

Welcome to KrayzieGee~Designz~4U. Everything here is copyrighted to the creator: Krayzie Gee, and the sole property of my staff and I Bottom Line! Please don't take my work that I work so hard on. I'm not going to go as far and say the codes are mine because HTML is a universal language. But Remember the way I put them together is unique in my own way. Please use my banner or a link on your sites if you use my codes, or take anything off my sites Thanks. You may not sell any of my template or include it on a CD you are selling or sell downloads of it. To use any of my template for a reason other than a single site, you must get permission from the Creator by sending an email to krayziegee_designz_4u@yahoo.com . Remember I do this voluntary, out of my own free will and time. I'm not getting paid for having my site up so please don't tell me what I'm supposed to do or how to do things. However I do welcome your comments, criticism, suggestions and donations on all my sites on my CONTACT PAGE, as long as they are expressed in a mature, adult manner. Immaturity, ignorance and outright hostility will not be tolerated and will be ignored. Thanks and hope you enjoy my website.

Copyright Since © 2004, KrayzieGee Designz 4U


More LayOutZ coming soon, Please check back later!!

Hot Linkz

Click On Any Banners Or Links To Enter That Site

More Sites To Come Soon!!

OuTroDuction & BaNnEr CoDeZ

Thank You For Viewing My Site!! Stop By Anytime!!

How To Copy Codes:
Place your cursor inside the textbox of my banner code. Press the ( Ctrl+S ) to highlight box. Then press ( Ctrl+C ) to copy the highlighted code. Now go to your personal edit homepage and press ( Ctrl+V ) to place code inside your edit page where HTML codes can be used. NOTE: If by any chance my codes don't work, please contact me on my contact page so I may fix the problem Thanks!!

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