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I always wanted to fly.  At one of the churches I served, one of our parishioners owned his own plane.  He took me up on July 7, 2001, let me have the controls, and I was hooked. .My first flying lesson was on 7/6/04.  I have 9.5 hours, but had to take a leave due to moving to a new job in another state.  I'll pick it back up in the spring.

My Family



Our Church


The church I serve as Director of Music Ministries is the First United Methodist Church in Oneonta, NY.  The church is a major hub for the community.  For you organists, below are pictures of the left and right stop jambs of our M.P. Moeller pipe organ.  There are 4 divisions in the front and an antiphonal division in the tower as well as the Trumpet en Chemade.  Discussions over the past years involve moving all the pipework out of the present chambers into the choir loft, moving the choir and console to the chancel area, re-using the antiphonal pipes in the main organ, and using digital stops for the antiphonal.  The suggested console is 3 manual, but I believe a 4 manual will be more functional.





Aviation                        Flight Planning                Just for Fun                                                ADDS (Aviation Digital Data Service)                    Pogo Games

Sporty's                                                                NWS (National Weather Service)                            Lidia's Italy

AOPA                                                                   DUATS                                                                        Men Who Crochet

FAA                                                                                                                                                            Logan's Mystery of Time & Space

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