8 Million Questions About Me

This is about 8 million questions about me...ok it's only 400 questions...but that's still a hell of a lot if you ask me! Anyway you'll definately know everything you ever wanted to know about me and probably more after reading this.

1. What brand of toothpaste? Crest.
2. Shampoo, Conditioner: Salon shampoo or thermasilk if i'm broke haha.
3. What Brands? Oh...i guess i already answered that.
4. What flavor dental floss: Mint, cinnamon, bubble gum, or regular? mint
5. Do you roll your socks, pull them up, or what? I wear little socks...but i roll them up if i'm wearing winter socks
6. Fave teletubby? I don't watch teletubbies
7. Do you know Donald Ducks middle name? nope, do you?
8. Favorite color? Purple and navy blue
9. Summer footwear: sandals or nothing? Sandals but barefoot on the beach
10. Apples, oranges, or bananas? oranges and/or apples
11. Lefty or righty? lefty
12. Glass is half-empty or half-full? Half full of emptiness (man am i clever)
13. Wild guys or shy guys? in between...depends on my mood
14. What do you like about yourself? I can be pretty cool when i'm not being a shithead
15. Would you ever wear Taz boxers? I guess...i don't know why i would really though
16. Do you sing in the shower? sometimes
17. Do you talk to your pet? yes
18. Do you talk to yourself? sometimes...i mutter a lot
19. Do you have a secret crush on your dentist? no...my orthodontist is pretty sexy though, as is my optomotrist
20. Do you know your mailman/woman's name? No
21. Do you give your mailman/woman a gift on Xmas? no. i don't even know his name.
22. Do you have 11 toes? no
23. What is the lamest pick up line u've ever used? You must be butta cuz you're meltin all over me! (lol I don't think I've actually ever used that)
24. Would you ever buy/use a pink pen? sure
25. Would you ever buy ANYTHING pink? Yeah
26. Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny? Mickey
27. Do you think Daffy Duck is hot? Umm yeah...ducks turn me on
28. Would you ever recite poetry to a girl? yeah, but it wouldn't be to her...i mean, i wouldn't write a love poem about a girl...you know what i mean. Also, i noticed that this thing has a lot of gender specific questions which is stupid cause one second it asks me what kind of guys i like and the next it's asking about reciting poetry to a girl? mmm alright
29. What color nail polish/lipstick would you wear? usually only clear nail polish or french tips and i don't really wear lipstick
30. Do you bite your lip when you're nervous? i bite it when i'm thinking sometimes
31. Would you break up with a guy if his favorite food was peanut butter on carrots? probably not
32. Do tight jeans make guys look gay? Yep. Unless it's, like, Brad Pitt. mmmmmm
33. How do you take mascara off? Water and soap or eye makeup remover
34. Do guys who play hard to get turn you on? No, they piss me off
35. What is your bra size? It is 36 or 34 B I think
36. Would u ever wear lip gloss? I do everyday
37. What's better: gummi sweet tarts or sweet tart gum? those both sound gross
38. M&Ms or Skittles? Skittles unless i'm craving chocolate
39. Do you go to public places with your mom, and actually TALK to her? yeah
40. What is 1+1? I suck at math, but i'm pretty sure that's 2
41. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
42. Pick one: RuPaul - Dennis Rodman? rupaul. haha, trannies rule
43. How old are you? 18 44. How old do you WANT to be? 18's good
45. Where do you want to live? New England...preferably boston or hartford
46. Where do you want to go? Anywhere
47. Who do you want to meet? you.
48. Do you like Kool-Aid? no
49. Which is a better gift? Flowers or chocolate? Flowers
50. What are your favorite pizza toppings? black olives
51. Do you like toast? yes sir
52. Do you still carve pumpkins? i haven't in a while
53. Do you still leave cookies & milk out for Santa? nope
54. Have you lost all your (baby) teeth? yes
55. Have your wisdom teeth seen light yet? i don't think so
56. Clear or colored? what?
57. When your dentist asked, what flavor fluoride did you pick: bubble-gum, grape, or mint? none of the above, my dentist had more flavors than that
58. Where is your hand right NOW? On the keyboard there slick
59. What is better: your right ear or left pinky? I'm gonna say my right ear because i was recently complimented on my ears.
60. Okay or O'tay? okay
61. French poodle or french kiss? french kiss
62. Are 2 x 4s really 2 inches by 4 inches? I have no clue
63. If not, how big are they REALLY? good question
64. Do you have a 2 x 4 or a 1 x 2? what?
65. Do you know your parents' birthdays/ages? yes
66. Do you know your siblings birthdays/ages? yes
67. Does your grandma tell you she is 29? Yeah..she's joking though
68. Have you ever used colored white-out? Then wouldn't it be COLORED-out??
69. What do you think of Smurfette? She's probably a girl smurf.
70. What is your favorite book? The Catcher in the Rye or Summer Sisters
71. How does a cabin far, far away, with a fire, candles, and the one you love sound? It sounds great...bring it on
72. Salmon or Cod? neither thank you
73. Crab or Lobster? Crab
74. What sounds better: up or down? down
75. What sounds better: sideways or sidewards? sideways
76. Ok, NOW where is your hand? Still on the keyboard
77. Describe the best day of your life. no.
78. Broom or mop? mop
79. What is your favorite word? stellar
80. Free! Don't have to answer this since there is no question. good (so i answer it anyway. i'm bright.)
81. What is your name? Jessi
82. What do you wish your name was? Olivia
83. Describe your kinkiest fantasy. You wish I'd tell you
84. What is the weirdest middle name you've ever heard? Pen's middle name...I don't know how to spell it, Cadaret?
85. Are your feet the same size? As far as I know
86. Cassettes or CDs? cd's
87. Is watching "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" a tradition in your home? not really but we watch it sometimes
88. What are your Christmas traditions? we open presents and then go to my grandma's for dinner
89. How do you open your envelopes: tear or cut? tear
90. 10 more to go, are you bored? very, why else would I be doing this?..and I think there are a lot more than 10 left
91. Do you like onions? no
92. What would you name your band, if you had one? umm..Jessi's Band
93. Have you ever worn a dress? many
94. Did you know that if you talk into a vent, someone in a nearby room will hear you? yes
95. Frogs or toads? frogs
96. Do u believe in making a wish at 11:11? I always forget
97. 8 or 3? 8
98. How long can you hula-hoop for? not very long
99. Did you know Dave is AWESOME? Yep, he's amazing
100. You made it. Do you love me now? no
101. Did you ever eat crayons when you were little? i don't recall ever eating crayons, but then again i know what they taste like, so i must've at some point...it was probably accidental.
102. On your last birthday, what did you wish for? i don't remember but i think my last birthday sucked and i was upset. I don't remember why though.
103. Do you know all the words to the National Anthem? i think so
104. Is watching the Superbowl a party in your house? no
105. Are you going to name your son Elvis? Nope
106. If not, what? Kaleb
107. What about your daughter?Olivia or Gwyneth 108. Describe your most embarrassing moment. no way
109. Do you read tabloids? Sometimes in the store, but I wouldn't buy one
110. Did you ever have a crush on one of your teachers? nope. but this middle aged woman that sits in front of me in my world history class wants our teacher i think. it's funny.
111. Do you like cotton candy? eww, no
112. Do you suck your thumb? no, sometimes i chew on it though
113. Are you allergic to cats? yeah and mine likes to lay on my head
114. Favorite food? Lasagna, peanut butter sanwiches, and salad
115. What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? scream
116. Ribbed or plain? ribbed
117. "Lala" or "Skittle de bop du wop"? Lala
118. Apple pie or cherry pie? apple
119. Pepsi or Coke? really, i don't care
120. Strawberry or Vanilla? Vanilla
121. Favorite movie? American Beauty
122. Favorite Actor? Kevin Spacey
123. Favorite Actress? Winona Ryder
124. Cheerios or corn flakes? Cheerios
125. Panty hose or thigh-highs? Panty Hose
127. Midnight or mid-day? midnight
128. Hope or Billy? Billy...?
129. Cottonball or Q-tip? Q-Tip
130. Dry or lubricated? lubricated
131. Fast or slow? slow
132. Hard or soft? hard
133. Yogurt or ice-cream? ice cream
134. Spoon or fork? fork
135. Are you crying right now? no
136. Fling or flick? Fliiiiing
137. Look at your middle finger, on your right hand, what do you see? Skin
138. Look to your left, what do you see? A cabinet type deal and a lamp
139. Look to your right, what do you see? a rocking chair and the back of the couch
140. Who is at your house right now? me and my dad
141. Are your legs crossed right now? nope
142. Do a few twirls, are you dizzy now? no
143. Favorite song? Demon by Guster, At your most beautiful by REM and #41 by dmb are probably my top 3
144. Panties or underwear? panties
145. Tootsie pops or blowpops? blowpops
146. Big Red, Juicy Fruit, or Doublemint? doublemint
147. Do you like to fish? no, fishing is gross and it's for rednecks.
148. Is your grandpa cool? very cool
149. Does your grandpa bore you with long stories? nope, his stories aren't boring
150. Do you snore? only when I'm sick
151. Describe how your breath smells right now. like tootsie rolls cause i just ate one.
152. Would you rather be "Matilda" or "Alexis." Alexis
153. Does it taste good? mmmmmm
154. Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? lick
155. Do you chew on pens or pencils? Yeah
156. What is your favorite comic (like in the paper!) I don't read those
157. Acting class or class act? Class act
158. Upside-down or downside-up? upside-down
159. What's up?My ceiling
160. What does "GROWL TIGER" make you think of? Vicious. Grrrrrr
161. What does this -> .dm,'fglkserhngjkqb; make you think of? When I get bored and type nonsense
162. Blondes or brunettes? brunettes
163. Push or pull? pull
164. If a door says pull, do you automatically push? No
165. Do you even read those door things? I guess so
166. Do spiders scare you? some of them do
167. What does? what does scare me? Lots of stuff
168. Did you know I was scared of FROGS when I was a baby? Nope..thanks for informing me though
169. What was your first word? No clue....probably mama or dada
171. What time is it? 1:05am
170. What was your first phrase? idk idk
172. Did you know my phone just rang? Yes, it was me calling you
173. Is your phone ringing? Nope
174. What's your phone number? Guess
175. Do you eat your toe-nails? mmmm no
176. Are you in drag right now? nope
177. WalMart of Kmart? Definitely Wal-Mart..it's the happenin place
178. Jim Carrey or Mariah Carey? Jim
179. How many REAL push-ups can you do? at once? not many
180. How many fake push-ups can you do? what are fake push ups?
181. Go run a mile. You have ten minutes. -- Are you tired now?Nope
182. Does your bike have 2 wheels? most do
183. Are they flat? Probably
184. Can you do a hand-stand? Maybe if I tried. Probably not though
185. Front or back? back
186. Walk backwards for 5 steps. Stop. Turn around. What time is it? 1:09
187. Are you on fire right now? I hope not
188. If I give you a piece of paper, what are the odds of you not eating it? pretty high
189. Sprite or 7-up? 7-up. actually, i like sierra mist more but that wasn't a choice
190. Mug Rootbeer or DrPepper? DrPepper
191. Bambi or Thumper? Bambi
192. Do you think Flower is hot? Yea...skunks turn me on too
193. If I told you to jump off a bridge, would you? That's pretty doubtful
194. Would you lick Prince's feet for $5? The singer?
195. Do you know there are people who would do that for free? that's so sad
196. Umm. can you count how many questions are left? I could, but I don't want to
197. Is your left pinky right-handed? nope it's left handed
198. 5 7 8-1234569%555x3=? sure
199. If you had 5 dollars, went to the store to buy 1 apple for 50 cents, but they were out, how many apples would you have? apparently none
200. Do you know how many calories you burn when you do the wild thing? enough
201. How do you spell Czechoslovakia? I don't
202. Can you burp whenever you want? nope
203. Will you call me? nope, sorry
204. What is the corniest pick-up line you've ever HEARD? Nice shirt, wanna fuck?
205. When you sit are you actually standing? no...you're sitting silly
206. Spit or swallow? swallow
207. When it's time for you to go to bed, do you go or stay up talking to me? i go
208. Did you know Mariah Carey rulez? no, she's a skank
209. How old were you when you were 12? about 14 or 15
210. On a good day how many tootsie pops can you eat? 2
211. On a bad? 6
212. X-Men or Power Rangers? neither
213. Go into a crouded public place.. try to bite your ear and hit your chest.. What happens? People stare
214. Do people give you money? yes, sometimes
215. Pizza or squid? pizza
216. Love or war? love
217. What's your favorite sense: touch, sight, hearing, smelling, or taste? touch and sight
218. If you could relive one day of your life, what day, and why? This one because I love to sit here and answer forty six thousand questions
219. Shake or stir? stir
220. Pen or pencil? pen
221. On or off? on
222. Ribbit or croak? ribbit
223. Comb or brush? brush
224. Sitting: indian-style or on your knees. indian style
225. What do you call them: Bangs or fringe? bangs
226. How long are yours? pretty long
227. How long is it? How long is what?
228. Will you please send me your picture? no
229. A large group of friends or a best friend? both
230. Nick or Shawn? Nick
231. Lori or Kim? Kim
232. Laurie or Lori? Laurie
233. Chris or Kris? Chris
234. Who is the most perverted person you've ever met? lol probably me
235. Why? I need to get some
236. Who is the weirdest person you've ever met? This chick that I work with, Lisa
237. Why? She's a psycho and she's annoying as hell
238. Would you consider yourself: wild or mild? both
239. Would you consider yourself: shy, fly, high, or dry? You pick
240. Would you consider yourself: bad, rad, mad, or sad? all at one point
241. Wind, water, or fire? fire
242. Earth or sky? Earth
243. Iced or hot? iced
244. Mocha or regular? mocha
245. Would you like fries with that? no, thank you
246. Single or double? Depends
247. Mild or hot sauce? mild
248. What do you think about guns? they shoot things
249. What color is your hand? skin colored
250. Do you like being called nice?yes
251. Are you right-faced? yes...sure
252. If you were a frog would you eat flies? yes
253. Do you eat flies already? no
254. If you were a cat would you eat rats? No, I'd be a nice cat
255. Do you have a pet rat? no
256. Name your pets. Sassy and Jet
257. Do you love your pets? no, i hate them
258. Are you an exclamation kind of person or a period? period.
259. Do you love me? no...we already went over that
260. VHS or hi-8? VHS
261. What is better: sand or dirt? sand
262. What is better: walks on the beach with sand flying at you or walks in the mountains with killer squirrels? the beach.
263. Are you scared of small animals? no
264. Alvin, Simon, or Theodore? alvin
265. Leave-in or Rinse-out? leave-in
266. Straight, waves, or curls? whatever
267. Who is your favorite power ranger? idk, I don't watch them
268. Who is your favorite smurf? i don't watch that show either
269. Who is your favorite GI Joe? blah blah
270. Do you love Optimus Prime? no
271. How did Optimus Prime die in Transformers - the movie? wtf?
272. Did you watched Pee Wee's Playhouse when you were little? yep
273. Would you watch it now if it was still on? probably not
274. How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? idk, ask the owl
275. Will the world ever know? Probably
276. Did you have to go ask Owl to find out? Nope, I sent you to
277. Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, or Owl? Roo
279. Have you ever been to Disneyland? nope
280. Have you ever been to Disneyworld? yes
281. If not, do you want to? If yes, do you want to go again? Sure
282. Have you ever been out of the country? yes
283. If so, where? Canada
284. Do you like where you live? nope not at all
285. Do a cart-wheel. Was that fun? no
286. Count your fingers. How many do you have? 10
287. How many times has Wile E. Coyote been squished? a lot
288. Do you secretly wish the road-runner would get caught? yes, i can't sleep at night
289. Who is better: Sylvester or Tweety? Tweety
290. Is your room messy right now? not really
291. Count your fingers again. How many do you have now? 9, I ate one
292. Are you sure you counted correctly? oh, there's the other one. Glad I counted again.
293. Do you have a thing for Peter Cottontail? Yep...rabbits turn me on too.
294. Have you ever been in love with a cartoon character? no
295. What is your favorite TV show? will and grace and gilmore girls. Oh and trading spaces.
296. Who is your favorite cartoon character? stewey from family guy, sideshow bob from the simpsons, and stan from southpark
297. All Saints or Spice Girls? my guy friends like to jam to the spice girls...no, they really do.
298. What is your favorite awards show? they all suck.
299. Do you think you are going to be famous one day? Yep...everyone gets 15 minutes of fame
300. If so, for what? If no, why not? idk, but I'll make sure it's something very scandalous
301. What was the last certificate/award you got for? my high school diploma
302. Are you obsessed with sports? no 303. What is your favorite sport? soccer. I like lacrosse too.
304. Do you watch or play that sport? neither really...i used to play soccer and i have a thing for soccer guys, so i'll occasionaly go to soccer games...and i just think lacrosse is neat.
305. What is your favorite basketball team? A good one.
306. What is your favorite baseball team? Yankees
307. What is your favorite hockey team? Sabres
308. What is your favorite football team? i hate football
309. Favorite players? idk. Like i said, i have a thing for soccer guys.
310. What is the most boring thing to watch on TV? either football or that horrible show battlebots. What the fuck is with that show? Why does it exsist? I don't understand
311. Do you watch golf? No way..that's probably the second most boring thing on tv
312. Who is your favorite golfer? um hi don't watch golf.
313. If you said you weren't bored before, are you now? I didn't say I wasn't before, and I still am
314. What are you the King of? more like queen..and everything
315. Can you name all the characters on the Simpsons? yes
316. What is the bartenders name? moe
317. What is the quickie-mart's owner's name? apu
318. Who is the police chief? wiggum
319. What is your school called? Jamestown Community College. Although my answer before was better(It was "hell". But that was from when i went to jhs).
320. What grade are you in? i'm a freshman in college
321. What are your school colors? actually, i don't know
322. What is your school mascot? i don't even know that...clearly i'm all about school spirit.
323. What clubs are you in? i'm not in anyBR> 324. Do you have a specific person who is your school mascot? i have no idea.
325. If yes, what is his/her name and what do they wear? bubble
326. How many teachers do you have? 5
327. What is your favorite subject? creative writing
328. Why? i love to write. i must REALLY love it, because my teacher is a raving lunatic, as is everyone in that class, and i want to kick them all. But i still enjoy it.
329. What is your worst subject? Math
330. Why? It sucks MAJOR ASS
331. What do you wish you had done in the past, but didn't? Lots of stuff
332. What do you wish you hadn't done? started this survey 333. What do you wish for? sex and money
334. What are your goals? to live
335. What do you plan to be? a journalist/author...or a columnist or an editor.
336. Are you going to college (now or future?) yep
337. Did middle school suck? yes
338. Did elementary school suck? no
339. Did you call elementary school something else? no
340. How many people go to your school? like 2500 or something
341. How many did you wish go to your school? i don't care, i just wish i wasn't in jamestown still
342. Do you hate anyone? yep
343. Do you love anyone? yep
344. Do you have a friend that you wish wasn't? yes. i shouldn't admit that. that's terrible. why would you be friends with someone you don't like?
345. Do you read your horoscope?yes
346. Do you believe in that stuff? to a degree
347. Whipped cream or fudge syrup? whipped cream...and stawberries
348. Please tell that someone that you love, just what you're thinking of, if tomorrow never comes! no I don't think so
349. Do you pick up pennies off the ground, if you find them? not usually
350. Have you ever found someone's wallet? unfortunatly not
351. Did you give it back? it's hard to give something back that you didn't find...and hell no I wouldn't, are you kidding me?
352. What is the most money you've ever found at once? $20
353. Who is your favorite model? i don't really have one i guess
354. Do you think women with a lot of makeup on are prettier? yes...but not TOO much, just enough so they're not ugly anymore haha
355. Do you want to be a model? no
356. Can you walk the runway?hell yeah
357. Have you ever pretended you could? I don't have to pretend.
358. Are you too sexy for your clothes? you bet
359. Have you ever gone out with more than one person at a time? kind of, but i wasn't dating either of them exclusively
360. Do you read other people's mail? yes
361. Are you Curious George? yep, why do you think i read other peoples' mail?
362. Do you like monkeys? sure
363. Do you look like a monkey? I hope not
364. Are yawns contagious? yep
365. Does yawning turn you on? mm hmm
366. Do you like Alanis Morissette? not particularly. she's okay i guess
367. Do you think she is pretty? nope she's pretty ugly actually
368. Do you think she is a good singer? not really.
369. What type of fetishes do you have? uhh...well i have a stomach fetish kinda...and idk, i can't think of them but i doubt i'd tell you if i could
370. Do you wear socks on in bed? no that bugs me
371. Do socks turn you on? nope
372. What do your weirdest socks look like? i don't really have any weird socks anymore
373. Do your socks have holes in them? a couple of them do
374. Do you want a Volkswagon? no
375. What is that kind of phone called with the round dialer thing that they don't make now? Rotary phone?
376. Do your socks smell? nope
377. Do you smell? Yes. I smell good.
378. What do you smell like? coconut lime stuff
379. Will what you smell like make me puke? nope, you'll love it
380. What cologne do your wear?coconut lime stuff and love spell
381. Or do you wear perfume? oh...well whatever
382. Does it smell better or worse than you? well I smell like it since I wear it, so the same
383. Do you like CK-1 or CK-Be? 1
384. Do you wish you were a woman? I am one
385. So what's your foot doing right now? one of my feet is sitting on its side on the ground and the other one's on top of it
386. Look up, what's there? a ceiling fan (also, a ceiling.)
387. Do you have cable? yes
388. Do you have extended-cable? not that i know of
389. Do you think the word "HyPeRnEsS" sounds cool? oh sure when you write it that way
390. Do you have caller-ID? no
391. Do you have three-way? yes
392. Do you have 2 phone line? yep
393. Do you think the phone company rips you off? probably
394. Do you like your mom? ehh. i can take her or leave her. she's nuts and she's a bad bad person. but she's my mom so idk what to tell ya
395. Do you like your dad? i love him to death, he's the coolest guy
396. Do you like your siblings? my brother's a pretty cool kid
397. Now that you've been filling this out for a while, do you still remember what 1+1 = ? it's still 2
398. Do you have to use the bathroom now? nope
399. When was the last time you did? about an hour ago
400. Do you still like me?? you are not a person.


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