trust God

I awoke this morning not feeling I have slept and not feeling I need more sleep. I suppose I had an awkward nights rest. I had to move my car to the "Friday side of the street" (alternate side parking is in effect in my neighborhood) today so the first thing I did was look outside. A space was available right in front of my house. So I jumped on it, 3/4 asleep and all, and went outside in the cold. I changed only into my pants and a coat. (Yesterday the same thing happened and I was remise in thinking that "It's too early, the Lord will provide for me later on." Yes, I spoke like a fool. Later that day I used the car and when I got back there was no parking! So the next day, today, I jumped on the opportunity the Lord gave me. But I realize it now that I was going to move the car for a short trip and didn't need to move it until today! So I learned two lessons: [1] don't take the Lord for granted, don't take His blessings for granted, and [2] think! (which day it is that you need the car on one side or the other of the street.)

All glory to God!

Finally back in my room I decide to check my (this) website for something I can add. To be brief, one thing led to another and I came to one of my notes: "trust in the Lord = Psalm 94:8-11." I did a search and it is related but not directly. So I went ahead and did another - direct - search of "trust God." There are so many versus telling us to trust God (and not ourselves). But one said trust God in very clear terms: Proverbs 30:5. "Perfect," I thought.

So as usual I read further and found something I have been doing ever since I have been asking to be relieved of my tremendous burden of my bills:

7 "Two things I ask of you, O LORD ;

    do not refuse me before I die:

8 Keep falsehood and lies far from me;

    give me neither poverty nor riches,

    but give me only my daily bread.

This is why I always say:

All glory to God!

Although I am a sinner, my hope is renewed yet again because I have been asking the Lord to teach me to pray. And there was the time, many years ago, when I asked the LORD "Is 'teach me Your ways' a correct prayer?" Indeed. I later (~2 weeks) found that this was Moses' prayer to God for Isreal after they sinned against Him at the foot of the mountain. (I did a search for it as "Moses pray" b/c I remember that it said something like: "...and Moses prayed, 'teach them Your ways...'" It was when he had to leave Israel - just before they entered the Promised land. I'll try 'promised land' or just 'promised'...)

Thrusday, August 11th 2005 @ 12:53 AM (early morning) EST USA
Here are two other verses which clearly tell us to trust alone in God:

John 14:1
(Christ said this to His disciples) "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."

Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

All glory to God!