666 revealed

05/29/04 1:29 PM EST USA
Praise God! I always wondered about the meaning of '666'. It is the number of man and the number of the beast. (Now that I think of it what does God mean by: "...the number of man..."?)

Only 4 verses mention the number 666:
1 Kings 10:14 and 2 Chronicles 9:13
The amount of gold Solomon received.

Ezra 2:13
Sons of Adonikam

Revelation 13:16-18
He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

Sabbath, April 16th, 2005 @ 10:04 AM EST USA
It should be noted that people think Nero was the beast (and therefore the Bible isn't true) but Nero did not force this number on people nor did he restrict the buying or selling of goods w/o it. And so as usual people (on both sides - the non-believer and the religious ... which might be the same thing?) take only parts of the verses they want to use for their own purposes. Of course this is by God's will (for He alone is Sovereign) and so this is by way of a comment and not a criticism of those who do not follow God's word. May God open their eyes; may He richly bless them (with Salvation), in Jesus' name, amen.

On the Pope's "forehead": Vicarivs Filii Dei
FIL II... ...... 53
DEI ......... ......501
......... ......... ...Total666

All glory to God!

Tuesday, 4/22/08, 7:34 PM EST USA
It just struck me that '666' may mean a trio of men (people) each being one of the "6's". E.g. a political leader, a religious leader, and a business leader. (I won't suggest names since this would be disingenuous to those people.)

I make this suggestion since, while not being a Roman Catholic (I was raised in an RC church but no longer listen to anything anyone says that is not in the Bible - God's Holy Word.), the mitar of the RC Pope (the word "Pope" is a title, that's why I capitalized it) no longer has the "Vicarius Filei Dei" stitched to its brim. So fair is fair. One Pope (in the middle ages?) had it stitched to the inside of the brim of the Pope's mitar (the Dagon-shaped (Dagon is a popular pagan fish-type god) hat he wears) does it are they all "guilty" of subscribing to it? I don't think so. In order for this to be absolutely true, the RC church would have to set this idea in writting - as a formal document which then stands for all future Popes. In that case then any Pope who does not discount this V.F.D. is therefore subscribing to it. No such document has been found.

So this leaves the door open to other interpretations of this famous (infamous) number. Naturally the Pope stands out b/c there is a "whore of Babylon" in Revelation (a "whore" in the Bible is a pseudonym for a church which compromises with the world - they compromise on God's Holy Word) which sits on a lion in the "city of seven hills". NOTE NOTE NOTE: Revelation was written around 65 AD - well before the RC church was found - in ROME - whose old world name is: "the city of seven hills". So indeed, the RC Church, having assuredly compromised God's Holy Word is a "whore" (see remnantofGod.org for a more detailed description of how far they are from god's Holy Word), and the (once used - maybe still accepted) 666 in the Pope's mitar.

May God richly bless you and yours so that you too may share in the hope of Salvation for all those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

All glory to God!