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JaDy's Page

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Keene State College
Katie and Matthew's web page
My weird ass cousin's web page
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days until I leave for New Hampshire.

I know some of the pictures aren't the best quality, but it's enough to get me started. I never remember to work on the web page, I'm a busy girl this summer. The summer is flying by, I hope I get to spend more time with all of you before I leave for NH. I leave August 25, so get in touch with me before then !! It's going to be difficult to leave all of my Ghetto Scotia Seriously I will miss all of you so much. It will take some getting used to. When I find out my new email address, phone number and street address for school I will let you all know. Even though I will miss all of my friends very much, I will miss Steve the most. You all know how difficult it's going to be for me. I need my sweety !! Have a great Summer and Keep in touch.

Pictures of me and my honey

My favorite picture of Steve and I. Ain't he cute? I just love him to pieces.

This is also from Christmas 2000. Ohhh so handsome!!

Steve and I.. This is my boyfriend from the West Side!! hehe

Prom 2000. We picked Steve up afterwards. This was in our limo.

Look my baby got skill. This Kanatuna is the old bike. He has up graded to a Honda Superhawk. Mm Mm Mm

And this here is Steve when he was a lil one. Awww

Pictures of My friends

September 2000
Megan and I at our last spirit week at SGHS.

These are my girls from SGHS. From left to right we have Liz,Megan,Ashley, Dawn and in the tree is April and I.

I wish I could remember why Jarred and I were making these faces.

Prom 2000
Left to right Jarred,Me and Dawn. On our way to the Marriot

Prom 2000
Megan and I were evil but still sexy. I would also like to focus your attention to my awesome tan. I'm jealous of myself. haha

Prom 2000
Jay and April dancing. Oh so pretty !!

Heres Megan and my donkey -aka- Mr. Olsen. hehe DONT ASK !!

I'm sure you all know who this is. It's Melissa !! What a silly girl!!

Wink wink baby.

This is my girl Liz :o)

Dawn, Megan, and myself hanging out at Union College.

Mark working hard at Union, or is he hardly working? hahahaha

Mark and his favorite birthday present.

Pictures of Matthew Thomas Hunter

Aww look a lil one. This is Katie Hunters baby Matthew Thomas. What a cutie. I just love babies!!

Katie and Matt sleeping. I think they wear eachother out !! hehe I love you Guys !!

Matt has the best smile in the world.

Look at Matt holding his head up !!

Someones helping me do this, but shhhhhh don't tell !!

Look Mom I do sleep, sometimes !! hehe

Mmmmmmm cereal for the first time.. 6/3/2001

Well that's all the pictures that my Aunt Jacqueline has of me so far, so if you want to see more, go to MY web site Mommy adds new pics all the time. Byeeee for now !! P.S. Aunt Jacqueline was my first Non-relative baby-sitter. She's the bestest baby-sitter :o)

Pictures of Family

Even though Mark is both a relative and a friend, I'm not spoiling him by putting his pictures in both sections.

This is my mom and dad from christmas 2000. How sweet

Mom and I looking pretty for the camera. I thought this was a good picture but then my aunt insisted on setting the next one up.

OK this picture consists of my exceptance letter to Keene State College in hand, my hand on a bible and a tear in my moms eyes. They were making me take an oath that I will behave at college and do my best..

From left to right: Me, Dad and my sister Jody. This was either Christmas 1999 or 2000. I forgot which..opps

From front to back: My niece Samantha, Me and my sister Jody. Dude the Demers Girls gotta get wild sometime..haha

Look at my lil puppy, KayLee

What the hell happened to my lil puppy, KayLee. She grew more than we were told she was going to. Opps

No kitty, that's a bad kitty. hehe This is Snuggles. Her and Steve are good friends !!

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