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my room, littel hall, the pit, room three, freshman year, 2001

- a side the ceiling another side -


my room, hays hall, third floor, room 306B, sophmore year


september 13th, 2003

andrea's 19th birthday bash

left--> andrea holding the cock-shot ! right--> a birthday duet: andrea and sean

left--> katie, jamie and andrea right--> los ellos de la fiesta

left--> megan, katie, sean, sara, and pablo right--> john showing his affection

caught off guard, danté and andrea


august 28th, 2003

wings are all so finger lickin', come take a picture with the tyson chicken !
taken in front of mills dining hall, oneonta, ny


august 18th, 2003

new update ! - pikxz hav been added ! now im tired


august 11th, 2003

my kuzin, ian, in KIT
taking ur calls, faxing ur requests
see wut he's up to klik here


august 10th, 2003 - 6:30am

today, i am but the two oh
i guess now the youth is starting to fade,
the prune juice to become part of my food list
and i can only look back on the days that i was once a teenager
- yet one more year done, still with so much to do - so much to think about
while standing on cue


august 3rd, 9:30am

today has been a very depressing day - today my dog "duke" passed away -
he was 11 years old - he bought so much love to all of our hearts - please pray for him -
thats all i ask - thankxz


august 1st, 1:11am

werd ! august rocks !


june 10th, 6:21am

soon to run from studio 127B in Fall '03


june 10th, 5:44am

now you too can sPaNk tHe mOnKeY, literally ! sPaNk iT !
or jus watch a Flash movie called MaDnEsS. . . your choice =)


May 31st, 2003

Song Of The Saturday: "I'm a message" by Idlewild from the album, Hope Is Important


May 14th, 2003

sigh . the end of another college year with much memories to last - the things that somehow made us laugh
- the things we set aside - in time we might - so try to find - another ride than $5.75



March 20th, 2003

well today - seems like jus another school day -
and apparently we are now at war -


98:76am - unknown - 2---

all i got to say is - damn . nice blender ! yes kids, this is college - or so they say. . .


3:17pm - thursday september 12th - 2002

jus jammin' !

from left: Rob on rhythm guitar, Jaé on makeshift drums, and Alex on lead guitar
halloween 2003 ! more pikxz coming soon !


"GQ: jaime and brendan"


"GQ con't" and "shaq is here for you"

bottom right: but crista told us that she just wanted the ball...


"hallway bowling: the 1am session"

left: rob taking a turn as jaime and katie watch on » middle: jaime, andrea, sara, and a makeshift thermos pin
right: watch katie's form as she receives a strike


"the many faces of alex abbott"

alex as eminem and daler mendhi


"drum it up"

brendan, jaime, and rob taking out sum stress and jamming out sum beats


"brendan's 21st birthday"

left: a surprised brendan » right: a bday pic from left:
sara, jaime, megan, katie, andrea, me, katie, crista, and brendan


an ol' pic from freshman spring semester -

zak buried in the volleyball court behind littell hall


MoRe CoMiNg SoOn !
such as "ian: the alkiholic", "toys r us: the pickup crew 2002" and "joe: in combat"
The upcoming kLiPz page will contain home skits and hilarious moments such as
"zen: a sword and a serving spoon." - chek bak when ur free - thankxz =P
all pictures taken for/by j cabralda - ©2003 waterwave prints