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&book% @SnailMail

Midterm weeks almost here and that means the math regents =(! I'm gonna be so freakin busy with math studying and track and school work that i won't be able to update for a while. On the brighter side 40 days till i can get my permit! Woohoo everybody clear the roads cause i'm gonna be driving. I gotta get that book thingy. I can wait for softball season as i'm randomly rambling on and on here but oh well. as if anyone's actually reading this and if you are thank you! someone who actually wants to hear me ramble. i'm sooo bored and i gotta study at 3. math sux. i wanna pass this regents just so i can get outta the class even though if i do pass it then i have another year and a half left of math b. stupid state always has to mess with something that's already good. oh well. i've rambled on long enough. ttfn!
Wow it's been a long time since i've been able to work on this site and I still have so much to do. I really do hope I can get this done soon. Well I gotta get crackin...More updates from me soon!

days till i'm Sweet 16!