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     Welcome to the Official Flames Site. This will show you all about his past, future and whats happening right now. Also It will show his bio, stats, favorite matches and anything else on this subject. Check out the links about him to the left.


January 5, 2003: Another long period of time has gone away as I had computer problems that interfered with my e-fedding life. Now I am a 1 e-fedder since nobody has left a message on my message board, so I am guessing that nobody wants a good roleplayer in their fed. Well, I have nothing else to say so just look around the site. I hope you like it. Later. -Flames

November 16, 2002: It's been a long time since I have updated the site. I have quit LOW after 2 exiting months there and I have just joined NSW (Check in federations section). I need more feds to join to sponsor the site. Any fed owner who wants a good roleplayer to make their fed look better, you have come to the right place. This site will prove that I am the type of roleplayer that you need for your fed. Also I got a new message board from because I think the old one wasn't attracting people. Later. -Flames

September 7, 2002: Welcome!!! EVERYTHING is updated!!! The message board is here and works this time. Any fed owners that need a good member to roleplay for their fed... you have come to the right place. Just leave your link and I will check out your fed. I might join it, I might not, that depends. Right now, any fed owners who have just checked this whole site now and if you are intrested, go to the link that says "Message Board/Forums" and go to the "Message Board" topic, and leave your link. More updates are coming soon. -Flames

August 28, 2002: Watsup! Flames Here. I have made yet another banner of myself and this is the best one I made in my opinion. Everything that wasn't updated is now updated... I have made a sudden Impact on the FWF and I have just joined LOW. For more info on those feds, just go to the Federations section. Also, The message board is here, If you want me to join your fed, just leave your addy and try to convince me to join your fed. More updates are coming soon. -Flames

August 25, 2002: Welcome!!! I havent updated this site In two months!!! I am filling up everything on the site and the message board will b up shortly. Check out everything, I hope your intrested!!! -Flames