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Head of the Class Blog
Saturday, 24 April 2004
Desperately Seeking HOTC Tapes!
Your fearless leader, RealChic1999, is on the hunt for episodes of "HOTC."

I taped quite a few from when they aired on "Nick at Nite" last summer (I have a set of copies avail to sell/trade from then), but I have to continue working on this collection. I am missing a few episodes from season 1, and also, I want to get the Season 3 episodes that never aired, along with season 4. The only thing I really want from season 5 is the graduation/series finale. My main concern is not perfection...but I want the quality to be as crisp and clear as it can be...aka, as long as they're watchable.

I know that there are many of you out there willing to sell/trade. So come out from hiding and send me an e-mail!

(My address is on the main page of this site.)

Posted by ny5/headoftheclass at 11:07 PM EDT
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Friday, 23 April 2004
Taking some action...
I know that a lot of you are feeling that HOTC withdrawal (I am one of those people), but instead of sitting around moping about it, I want to take some action. I originally sent e-mails to ABC (for a reunion) and Warner Brothers (for getting the series on tape/DVD), but to no avail. I am not stopping there, though.

I found links to the stations, with actual contact info (phone numbers, addresses, fax numbers). I posted the links on, so if you want to get involved in any way, feel free to do so.

Here is the link right here

Posted by ny5/headoftheclass at 6:10 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 23 April 2004 6:13 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 March 2004
Replies to comments disabled
Unfortunately, one bad apple spoiled the rest of the bunch.

Due to someone's immaturity and misuse of the comments (inane comments, repetitive thoughts, and nonsense, period), I had to disable the "reply" section in the blog. (Said person has also been banned from the message boards.)

If you want to give your comments to this site or anything else, please use the boards. And anyone who abuses the boards will be banned.

Posted by ny5/headoftheclass at 12:49 PM EST
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Wednesday, 25 February 2004
I'm not havin' it...
I have had the "privilege" of being visited by "net trolls" and whatever they're called at this site. It is aggravating to have my box loaded with messages saying "new post to your poll," just to find out that it's some silly little kid putting messages like "such and such has a smelly behine [sic]" and "he's an old man that got fat needs to lose weight" and "he acted like he's mentally retarded" and whatnot. As I say, you can have your opinion, but please express it in an adult and mature manner. If I find anymore of these ridiculous posts, said poster(s) will be blocked and banned.

Posted by ny5/headoftheclass at 3:54 PM EST
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Saturday, 24 January 2004
2000+ and counting...
I am impressed. Keep on supporting the "Head of the Class Site"!

Posted by ny5/headoftheclass at 3:24 PM EST
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Thursday, 15 January 2004
My first post of the new year...
Happy New Year all!

I have a new idea for the HOTC site. Everyone has a lookalike out there, and if you know any celebrities that look like the cast of HOTC, then e-mail me at the address on the site. In the near future, I'll post pictures of the lookalikes on the site.

Have fun searching!

This is just the start to a great new year!

Posted by ny5/headoftheclass at 5:39 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 12 August 2004 12:33 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 8 October 2003
There is finally a "yearbook."
My original concept was to do a "yearbook" style thing with bios of the characters on the show...but instead, I used a TV Guide article from 1988. It works just the same. Check it out!

Posted by ny5/headoftheclass at 4:32 PM EDT
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Sunday, 28 September 2003
It's all good.
I was happy to check back to the "HOTC" site and find that it had 1000 hits. I'm so happy, I could cry...

Also, if one tries to find this site in "Google," it can be found. Talk about publicity!

It doesn't get any better than this.

Posted by ny5/headoftheclass at 3:40 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 12 August 2004 12:34 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 16 September 2003
Two new links...
I just added two new links to the "Head of the Class" site. One is the "Yahoo Site for HOTC," and the other is a "Fanlisting" site for HOTC. Check these out!

Also, I realize that HOTC will be pulled from Nick at Nite any day now, but you guys should still sign the petition. Why? I can still send it out to Nick at Nite to remind them of how shameless they are for pulling such a great show off the air!

Posted by ny5/headoftheclass at 3:56 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 12 August 2004 12:37 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 August 2003
"And the winner is..." Poll Results
Out of 30 votes, Simone is the winner of the ?Favorite Student? poll with 33% of the vote (which is 10 votes). Second place goes to Alan with 16% (5 votes), and a three-way tie for third goes between Eric, Maria, and Jawaharlal with 3 votes a piece (10%). There are new polls listed?so check them out!

Posted by ny5/headoftheclass at 8:21 PM EDT
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