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to the Starrett City Girl Scout web Site. We are part of the Greater New York City Girl Scout Counsil and are located in Brooklyn, New York. We Hope you Enjoy our Site.

Girl Scouts Is an International movement that gives girls from all walks of life a chance to develop their potential, make friends, and become a vital part of their community. The mission of the Girl Scout movement is to inspire girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct,patriotism and service so that they may become happy and resourceful citizens. In Girl Scouts, girls discover the fun, friendship,and power of girls together.

Girls Scouting helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision making; and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others.

Girl Scouting is open to all girls ages 5-17. Daisy Girl Scouts are 5-6 years old, Brownie Girl Scouts are 6-8 years old, Junior Girl Scouts are 8-11 years old, Cadet Girl Scouts are 11-14 years old, and Senior Girl Scouts are 14- 17 years old. It is never to late to be a girl Scout. Approximately 99 percent of all adults in Girl Scouts are volunteers

Girl Scouts USA.  

Girl Scout council of 
Greater New York, 10010 
(212) 645-4000 
Fax: 212-645-4599

Brooklyn Service Center
Manhattan Service Center
Queens Service Center

The Girl Scout Promise & Law



Web Site Development by
Lou Schwartz


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