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The Grand Republican

Alexander Hamilton from a minature by Archibald Robertson

Baron von Steuben by Alonzo Chappel

Battle of Long Island engraving of a painting by Alonzo Chappel

Benjamin Franklin engraving of Duplessis work

Boston Massacre, Engraving by Paul Revere

British Stamp Act cartoon

California Job Case: Bicentennial Display, Construction by Leon Ajemian

Daniel Morgan from a John Trumbull portrait engraved by J.F.E. Prud'homme

Declaration of Independence, Engraving from John Trumbull work

Demand for Ft. Ticonderoga from a painting by Alonzo Chappel

Engagement at North Bridge in Concord, Amos Doolittle engraving of work by Ralph Earle

Frances Marion, "The Swamp Fox," by Alonzo Chappel

George Rogers Clark from engraving of J.W. Jarvis portrait

Horatio Gates after painting by Gilbert Stuart

John Adams from a portrait by Gilbert Stuart

John Hancock from a portrait by John Singleton Copley

John Paul Jones from engraving of Alonzo Chappel painting

King George III from a portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence

Marquis de Lafayette portrait by Alonzo Chappel

Molly Pitcher

Nathanael Greene from a portrait by John Trumbull

Nathan Hale by Darley

Patrick Henry after a portrait by J.B. Longacre

Philip Schuyler from John Trumbull painting

Phyilis Wheatley from a Work by Scipio Moorhead

Samuel Adams from a portrait by John Singleton Copley

Saratoga, engraving after John Trumbull work

The Battle of Lexington and Concord by Ralph Earle

Washington after a portrait by Rembrandt Peale

Washington after a portrait by Charles Wilson Peale

Washington Crossing the Delaware from engraving of Emanuel Leutze work

Washington's Farewell to his Officers by Howard Pyle

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