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Governors Island Brats

Army Family Quarters

Where Did You Live?
Do You Have A Story To Tell?

Quarters 10

Quarters 16
Quarters 19

We lived in Qtrs 19-A and were backed up to the golf course and often heard stray golf balls from a sliced drive hit our garage. Luckily, we were out of range to get windows broken. I would also watch out the kitchenwindow to see if any of my "boyfriends" were out playing golf at aparticular moment, and just happen to need to leave the house to go tothe PX or swimming pool if they were ...

We faced Nolan Park so had no driveway in front - just the brick, cobblestone walkway in which I often got my heels stuck on the way to the base chapel.

My sister Lucy and I lived in the attic during the winter and the basement during the summer (to take advantage of the heat/coolness as available).

by Patsy Hopkins

Quarters 20

This is a picture of the house we lived in. I lived on the third floor in the room where the gable is on the right side of the house with the three windows together. One day I was shaking a dust mop out the window, and the raggy end came off the mop and landed on the head of a Coast Guard commander walking down the sidewalk next to the house. I hit the deck and didn't go out to get it for an hour.

Mark Hunter
(An Army brat during Coast Guard times)

Building 25
Who Lived There
Paula Rose (55-58)
Who Lived Here

Beverly Amtower
Barbara Clinard (49-52, 55-56)
Pat Clinard (49-52, 55-56, 59-61)
Tom Clinard (49-52)
Denise Delapierre
The del Rosario family (53-55)
Leon Dobrowolski (51-55)
The O'Rourke family
Tommy Perry
Geraldine Shedlock (46-52)
Jackie Southworth
Deloris Stapleton
Edward Stominski
Muriel Taggart
Ron Young (51-55)
Ron Zaniewski (34-52)
Building 110

Ron Zaniewski told me about a secret passage way between Bldg 110-H and 110-K. He said I could tell what it was but then he would have to kill me..........Tommy Clinard
(No Photo Available)

Building 111
Who Lived Here

Tommy Carey
The Fitzgerald family
The del Rosario family (52-53)
Jimmy Miller
Johnny West
David Yost

Building 403

Building 404
Building 405

Who Lived There
Susan DeHaas (60-64)
Fort Jay Quadrangle

Who Lived Here
Peter Clegg
Jeff Holmes (52)
Joe Knowlton (58-60)
Bill Shockey
Bill Whelihan (55-57)
Enrique (Henry) del Rosario, Governors Island Brat '52-'55
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