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......Welcome to the realm archive. Facinating tales of splendor, intrigue and mystery are unveiled beyond these links. It is my hope that you enjoy reading through the adventures as much as I enjoyed writing them. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to appreciate humor in this form.

......The Weblog Adventuresque series began as engaging voting game on my Xanga Blog, Klinnowar, that still continues to this day with daring characters and all new plot twists. This site contains the vast history from the bold beginning through the most recent twists. The story continues proudly into the next year, with "fans" voting for the most desireable option in a slew of outlandish options. I welcome your votes, comments, and best of all, you laughter in this ever unfolding story. You are my honored guest. Please come back visit me often.

....:::Adventures / Artwork:::....

Email the Story Mastermind
All images/story content unless otherwise specified are Nathan Ciraulo 2005