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Frodo Baggin's Homepage

Frodo Baggins's Homepage
A site by Linda Di Bernardo

My name is Frodo Baggins, and I am a Hobbit. I grew up in Buckland with my mother and father. But, after my father, Drogo Baggins and my mother, Primula Brandybuck, died in a boating accident on the River Brandywine, I went to live with my uncle, Bilbo Baggins, in Hobbiton. I love Bilbo. He had the most magnificent hobbit-hole in Hobbiton called Bag-End.
On September 22, 3001 of the Third Age, we celebrated Bilbo's 111th birthday. It also happened to be my 33rd birthday. It was on this day, after the great party, that Bilbo left the Shire. He also left something with me that was very dear to him; A ring he had won on one of his great adventures so many years ago.

The Enemy

My Friends

My Adventures

Links and Bibliography

Like I said, I am a Hobbit. Elves call us the Periannath. Men, call us Halflings or the Little People. Likewise, Hobbits call Men the Big People.

Hobbits are known for three things. Their short stature (even the tallest Hobbit rarely passes four feet high), our large hairy feet (as you can see in that lovely picture of me, to your right), and our love for mushrooms. Mmmmm....