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Dedicated to my more than awesome friends, bitch. !.

Blair: Wow...we've been friends forever, literally. I don't know what the hell I'd be doing if I never knew you...holy shit....and now, you're all married, congrats. Don't impregnate her too soon though. ;D. Lmao. Great times, bitch.
Brett:'re cool, not as cool as Blair, but cool nonetheless. Hah. xP.
Kelly: Holy shit Kel, fucking awesome times. I would have never thought that when we had to trade numbers and shit that day that we'd be this fucking close. Even though we disagree a lot and shit, you know a lot more about me than most people. But, lets face the fact: Without a Paddle sucked. Lmao. Whippersnappers for life, bitch.
Cari: We've been through a lot, and we seriously fucking pawn. t0othi3rsh4rkp0rn+more. Emancipation Proclamation. You are seriously one of my closest friends, and one of the ones that knows the most about me, even if we only know each other online and shit. I know I can always talk to you, and about everything. And, believe me, Hannibal will die. Dominic Tocci style.
Harmony: are the first person I met and got to know on JaC...and although we weren't -very- close before, we are getting there now and shit. Us three are the best. Damn straight.
Mike: I just recently met you, but you are seriously fucking awesome. Cool conversations, especially that one night and shit. Blah...nice handwriting, bitch.
Stifler: Holy shit, bitch. We are seriously the two most on-the-moment people sometime. Like...Vegas and shit. Ha. I still say you change lovers faster than underwear now. Remember the pie. !.
Lucrezia: Damn, it's been a while, bitch...must suck living with over eighty pets in some country...but, yeah, you love it. We -are- opposites afterall. Move back here, damnit. xx.
Robin: Holyfuckshit...Robin...been great living over each others houses, we always have the best fucking times. Never forget Mr. Tamborine Man, bitch. ;D.
Kathleen: Computer college is for nerds, damn straight. !. And I fucking know what you did last summer.
Adam: Long must come to the city with Stifler and I sometime, like we used to do every fucking weekend. Weird ass times together. All I can say about them. o_o.
Jackie: Wow..holy shit...if we never met, in that shithole of a class, I would have never gotten into DDR. Oo;. And of course, we are fucking awesome at it. Blah...we have to hang out more like we used to.
Caitlin: Awesome times hanging out together and with Jeanne. I still can't believe I didn't get that perfect attendance award. Lmmfao.
Jeanne: I'm so glad we're have way too much dirt on me for us to be enemies. Hah. You are seriously fucking hysterical. Remember Romeo and Juliet, bitch. "Romeo, yo, Romeo, bitch...where the fuck you at, hoe?".
Jessica: Hey, Taboo-ica. !. Wow...I remember when we hardly talked and shit, and now we talk a's weird how things turn out. Kudos for teaching me layouts.
Lisa: Yes, it is officially proven. I -am- the Antilisa. Call me sometime when you are in town and shit...we can hang out forever like old times. o_o.
Nick: Stop fantasizing on your damn Irish aire. !!. Lmmfao.
Joey: Because of you I sleep with my door locked. You come in and paint my room pink/dye my hair blonde, you die. Haha. Bitch.

Yeah...I know I left a lot of people out...ask if you want one. Otherwise, fucking deal with it.