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Skip & Jerry Mudge
6605 Mallard Park Dr
Charlotte, NC 28269
704 509-6603


(Fall 2005 Newsletter)

We asked our readers "How has your faith changed since your child died?" We Wanted to know where you are in your relationship to God, are you closer or still having problems with Him?  I know myself that I (Jerry) was very angry at Him for  awhile for taking my only sons. Why, my sons instead of someone who didn't even care about their kids? And here I was serving Him faithfully, why did He not protect my sons who were Christians?  We asked, "Please let us hear from you, wherever you are in your relationship to Him. It might help others in grief to know they are not alone in their feelings." These are some of the replies we received. 


Alice Isabell
Mother of Randy Hecox: 1-7-69 to 7-23-99

Well I believed in God and knew there had to be one although I was not raised in a church home. I was baptized a week after my children were. God gave us a miracle when my daughter’s 6 month twins were born and he saved them both for us. Well the day I found my son Randy gone from us forever in this world I knew there was a God you all may think I am nuts here. But I know what I saw and felt and heard. I heard God's voice and I also felt Randy’s soul leave his body when I found him. God has given me many signs from Randy to keep me going for the day we are with our son again in heaven. Randy went there to make us the home we all will have when we get there. Keep up your good work both of you. Thank you for all your help over the years.

Ali mom 2 Randy in Missouri My Little Drummer Boy

My tears have made my rainbow..


Cynthia Pierce
Mother of Shelly: 2-25-67 to 6-14-86

It has been 18 years since we lost our only child Shelly and I miss her so much, yes I am still angry, I don't understand. I will never get to be a grandmother and I have no family just my husband, because I was a only child, Mom was a only child and Grandma was a only child, so I am left here alone. When Shelly died our preacher preached the funeral and we was both active in the church, my husband was on all the committees, and I taught Sunday School. Well after the funeral, my preacher didn't even come to the house and no one from the church. So I quit Church for 6 years and then I started going to Glencliff Methodist Church with my Mom and Dad, but it was hard. Me and Tony are still attending Glencliff Methodist but I cannot get back into during anything in the church and it has been 18 years. I am like you I just don't understand, I had so much to give Shelly and now I have nothing. It is hard not to lose your religion when something like this happens. But I know when we all get to heaven, we will be standing in line to ask a lot of questions. Just wanted you to know how I felt after 18 years. Love to you my friend.


Julane Grant
Mother of Darren Grant: 1-23-68 to 8-31-90

My faith is a powerful belief that I have had since Sunday School as a child.  My faith has been challenged of late and caused me to define it more clearly due to the politics of the times.  I am a Christian and a liberal because I believe that Jesus would want us to do like He did and take care of those who need our help and certainly not to kill innocent people in His name. 

With that said, I, like every one of us, have questioned, maybe not our faith in God, but have certainly asked questions.  Like Ricky Ricardo might have said, "God has some 'splainin to do, Lucy."

I wonder all of the time why God takes children, why thousands of children starve to death each day or die from disease.  I try to answer these questions, maybe we all do.  I truly believe that God doesn't cause our children to die or even let them die, but rather that He rescues them from their suffering to take them in His arms. 

But then, I think deeper and wonder then, why do we bother to pray that our kids will be safe, or that kids will get well or recover?  But, I also KNOW that prayers are answered sometimes.  So, then I conclude, and I think we must, that God knows what is best for us and maybe interprets our prayers in a better way and we just can't see it. 

I never got angry with God for taking my only child, Darren, but I sure did question.  It will be 15 years this August and I hardly ever question anymore, now I say, Thank you, Dear Lord, for blessing me with those 22 marvelous years and 15 more years of memories since then. I will add here, though, that, it doesn't really help grieving parents to be told that their child is in a better place.  We believe it but we would still rather have our child here with us unless their suffering is just too great.  If everyone literally believed that our kids would be in a better place in heaven, then we (if we were completely unselfish) would want our children to die.  I guess that is why God is greater than we could ever be because He did just that when He sent Jesus to save us. 

In the end, like I said in my book, we have to believe in God because to survive this, we need to know that we will see our child again in heaven.  And then, and I am sure, not before, we will know the answers and God's plan and it will all seem right. That's it in a nutshell but often I like to spend hours discussing the possibilities of God's master plan. 

God bless us, everyone.  Julane Grant
Hugs, Help and Hope for grieving parents


Rena Griffin
Mother of Brian: 9-24-78 to 1-22-99

I lost my youngest son Brian 6 years ago to a gunshot wound.  We still do not know the circumstances surrounding the incident which is the hardest part.  It is listed as a suicide, but there are so many unanswered questions, too many inconsistencies, it could be accidental or even murder.

I have always put my trust in the Lord that He knew best for my life.  Brian is with Him, for which I am glad.  Is it always easy?  Of course not.  Being without my son is so difficult, especially when his son, Taylor, has to grow up without his daddy.  He was two when he passed, and I know he is not growing up in the best of environments (of which I am trying to fight his mother).  I know God didn't take my son from me, but allowed him to be taken.  There is a verse where we can comfort those by the comfort we have received, and I do that time after time.  When someone has lost a child, there is nothing like someone putting their arms around you and saying, "I know exactly how you feel, I have lost a child myself."
Those who have never felt the same pain, just don't understand, totally.  They can sympathize, they can't empathize.

Every day my heart aches for my son, but I know God understands because he lost his Son as well.  He knows, all too well how I feel.  How can I be mad at him?  He didn't pull the trigger!  He didn't delay calling for help that could have saved my son's life!

I lean on my Lord to help me get through each day.  Some days are good, some days aren't. Some days I lean on my own understanding, not on who I should.  But I know who is the author and finisher of my faith.  And I know that one day I will see my son again, face to face.


Dionne Coleman
Mother of Connor: Stillborn 3-16-2003

My name is Dionne, my son Conner was stillborn at 32 weeks...this is my "religious" experience...I wrote this all down about a year after I lost him.

I was raised in a Lutheran Church. We were not a "religious" parents sent us to Sunday school and they went to Church on a rare occasion. I was confirmed at 13, but shortly after that my parents allowed me to make my own decisions about Church. I chose to no longer attend. 

I have gone my entire adult life wanting to believe in "something" and really thinking that there is "something" out there, some higher being, but my belief was not in God. 

I've had a rough life to say the least and figured, no one could possibly be up there, helping me out. I was obviously being over looked.  Anyway.... ...THEN, the biggest and grossest tragedy of all. My son died. My precious little man. Didn't even stand a chance. Wasn't even given the opportunity to see his Mommy. Sadness, anger, RAGE! WHO would do this?????? 

What GOD of this world, this LIFE, would take my child away from me???? I hated HIM with every ounce of HATE in my body...truly. That or HE doesn't exist at all. SOMEONE was to blame...why not lay it on the all Powerful! Doesn't He love?? Why so much suffering??????? 

I went a year...crawling out of bed every morning and sinking into the cold and lonely darkness every night. I started to welcome the darkness. My own private hole.  Alone.  I could go like this...."TAKE ME! TAKE ME TO MY SON! PLEASE! I have had time with my girls, I had NO time with my baby! JUST TAKE ME TO HIM! I am BEGGING YOU! If YOU exist...SHOW ME! SHOW ME MY SON!!" 

I fell into such a deep sadness, such desperation...I cried (sobbed) myself to sleep on a Sunday night 4 weeks ago,  "I am not afraid to die. If I can find him, I am not afraid to die. I cannot go on like this!"   The next morning feeling utterly lost and alone, thoughts of suicide? I don't know for sure, but definitely done...I sobbed, I cried out as I lay my head into my hands... 

I prayed with all my heart. I prayed to Jesus. With every bit of sincerity in my heart.  "Dear Jesus, please, please come into my heart. I am so lost and so alone. If you indeed exist, please help me find a way to your light. No miracles, no parting of the skies, no vision of my son...just lead me to you. I am letting go, I am handing my life over to you. I need you in my life."   Nothing...I didn't feel any different. But, I let it go. I dried my eyes and went on with my day. 

That evening, my girls and I went out for a walk. They wanted to stop at a park and I hesitated, really not in the mood and just wanting to walk in silence and go home. But, for some reason I headed in the direction of the park and told them "10 minutes, then we are going home." I leaned up against a slide and looked up at the sky, it was a beautiful evening, sun just going down...and suddenly a man was approaching me. He had a clipboard in his hand, was dressed in simply a pair of jeans, T-shirt and a baseball cap. He introduced himself as Pastor Forrest, "Todd." My first thought was, "Oh, great." Cause that's how I always feel when religious people come knockin' at my door or approach me preaching there goofy stuff...but, whatever, I figured. "Hi," I said, "Dionne." We shook hands. 
He said he was looking for insight to the community, being as he and his wife had just moved here and were going to be running the Church of the Nazarene across the street from the school. He wanted to know what my thoughts were on the Church, my beliefs, what I would be looking for in a Church? 

Well, as you can imagine, I gave it to him with both barrels. I told him that I don't believe, I told him that I had lost a child (not gender or age), just that I had lost a child. We spoke on this for a while, him trying to explain his God and this world...Heaven...blah-blah...I was listening, but not "believing" him.  And then, as if the skies DID part, he told me the story of a woman who had come to him just last year. She had lost a baby, a son, he was stillborn, and she wanted to know if he had gone to Heaven? If he was safe? If he was with Jesus? He didn't know that I lost a baby, a son, to stillbirth. I had only told him that I had lost a child.    I started to cry...I then told him about my little man. I also told him I had prayed to Jesus that very morning, asking him into my heart. Asking him to come into my life, to show me the way. And there he was. The young Pastor seeking congregation and I, His word. He said that Jesus works in ways he could never even begin to explain, but that perhaps, he sent out one of His Shepherds, to bring home a lost lamb. 

I continued to cry...he prayed right there in the park for me. Thanking Jesus for putting us in each other's path. How could I not be awaken to this "sign?" To this miracle? Coincidence? No way....He lives. In me, through me...I will not be ashamed to share His word, His power, His LOVE, with everyone and anyone who will listen to me. 

Jesus said, "I am telling you the truth! I am the truth and the life and anyone who believes in me shall not perish, but have everlasting LIFE." 
And I can I not? He told me the truth, He gave me an answer? Conner is with him, he is safe. I need not worry anymore. He took my sadness and my doubt and turned it to sheer love and wonderment in Him.  I am telling you the truth. 


Pat Goebel
Mother of Stephen: 1-29-71 to 10-29-01

In response to your question: Where is your faith since your child died? Here is my answer.  I have never blamed God for my Stephen's death. Stephen was brutally murdered; I still think of how he suffered and died, almost constantly. However, I know the humans have free will. Sometimes I wish God would not give us free will, as so many pervert it. I also realize that the same free will should cause us to be responsible people. Through it all, I have not blamed God because God did not take my son, my beloved firstborn. A sick, violent human, perverting his free will murdered my child. What God has done is to mercifully take my child home quickly; He also continues to walk through this fire with us, Stephen's family.  Be angry with God? I would be misplacing my anger if so. Therefore, I will tell you that my faith is stronger than ever as I have learned to lean completely on our Heavenly Father who loves us, who took my child quickly out of a situation where his physical body was stabbed 76 times, and who carries us every day, imploring us to pray without ceasing, which I find is a saving grace. Thanks for the opportunity to share this. 

Pat~Steve's Mom

I'm sending you a poem I wrote just after our precious Madeline passed away.  We're fast approaching what would be her 4th birthday this July 22nd.  I'm sending you this poem in memory of our Maddie.  Lynne Cardwell (grandmother of Maddie) Aka "Nana"

~Wake Up, Nana~

Wake up, Nana, it’s 5:45; time to rise and shine.
Wake up, Nana, get out of bed; we have so little time.

Wake up, Nana, I need some milk; I need my breakfast, too;
Maybe a pancake or scrambled egg; make enough for me and you.

Wake up, Nana, put on some music, I want to sing and dance.
Play my video of Barney or Sesame Street; just watch me as I prance!

Wake up, Nana, let’s go to the store; buy lots of "num-num" for me.
I’ll ride in the buggy, give lots of smiles, and wave at everyone I see.

Wake up, Nana, let’s go to the park; to play on the swing and slide.
Let’s pick a flower and watch the birds, as through the air they glide.

Wake up, Nana, there’s so much to do; so much in God’s world to see.
Come on, Nana, time is short; there’s another place I must be.

Wake up, Nana, don’t grieve too long; Jesus will see you through.
Think of all the good times we had; good times for me and you.

Wake up, Nana, don’t waste a day; life is too precious and sweet.
Keep a smile on your lips and a song in your heart;  ‘till on that golden shore we meet.

Thank you, Maddie, for the wonderful lessons you taught while you were here.  I’ll forever keep them in my heart; and keep you there, too, Maddie dear.


God's Pure Love As I gazed at the sky watching the sun begin to rise
I could see God's beauty unfold right before my eyes
The darkness now fading fast as the daylight begins to shine
The beauty of this morning is like a picture that he designed
The solitude I sensed was so peaceful and complete
It seemed like pure ecstasy and nothing could compete
The birds once dormant now sing on this new morn
As life begins anew again and other lives are born
The early morning dew I can see upon the grass
Is like a sweet nectar as the sun now dries it fast
The serenity that I feel is vibrant and surreal
It lets us know God's love and that is for real
The soft blue sky above never seems to end
Like a picture postcard that you would surely send
Upon this beautiful morning I felt God reach out to me
He told me that this beauty was meant for all to see
His love so pure and holy where everything is right
Your soul will not vanish but live in God's pure light
As I gazed into the sky so distant and high above
I felt true bliss within as I bathed in God's pure love

Author: Robert Walters Sr.

Robert Walters Sr.
Dad of Robbie8-16-1973 to 12-14 2002

I found my son and cried!
I wish it was I who had died!


Chris Finklein
Mother of Dianne: 9-20-74 to 1-09-01

Before I lost my daughter I never thought about dying.  Now I look forward to it!  I've always had a strong belief in God; my religion has been a cornerstone of my existence from my earliest years. Yes, I did question God's rationale when we lost Di but since I knew how much her faith and her love of God meant to her, how could I dishonor her marvelous life trading my disbelief for disgust or anger with God for taking her home?   I had umpteen questions WHY, but it was not for me to wonder.  Di served her life with gentle and loving dedication to her fellow man in the most simple and yet complex of ways.  She loved completely & unconditionally.  She defined goodness and beauty where it counted most! 

I grew up believing heaven was seeing God or being in His presence forever.  I tasted a sample of heaven when Di was with us here on earth.  To say otherwise is to doubt the existence of God! To think I carried my sweet Di under my heart for nine months and guided her growing up is almost mystical at times. To acknowledge that I was her mom is my greatest claim to fame. 

I've never once experienced any anger because of losing Di; oh yes, anguished loss and profound sadness every bit as pungent today as the day we lost her, 54 months ago tomorrow. Di once told me she felt extraordinarily special when she talked with God, when she prayed.  We were chatting one afternoon about spending money, bills, imagining what it would be like to win the lottery and never having to worry about money again.  I chided her because Di never had money.  Oh, there were a few quarters and some stray dollar bills in her pockets now and then but never enough.  I asked her on this lazy autumn afternoon if she considered herself a saver or a spender.  We laughed because we both acknowledged I was a spender hands down.  Di grew quiet for a moment and then replied with the utmost of sincerity, "Mom, I actually think I am a SAVOR!"  She was in every sense of the word.

Di lived every moment of her 26 years to the fullest.  Her belief in God and her love of life exemplified what I imagine heaven must be like.   My faith deepened dramatically January 9, 2001!  I didn't realize how much at the time but as these months have ached away, I've come to know Di was my taste of the Extraordinary!  God granted me my little girl wish to see Him the first moment Di was born and even still now.  I love her today more than yesterday and I'll love her even more tomorrow! She sealed my belief in my faith and my love of God.  I am blessed beyond measure!  Truly, I cannot wait to see my darling daughter again.  She has erased any and all fears of dying.  I believe my love of God and my love of Di melded together and will come full circle when it's my turn to die! I welcome it with open arms!


In Loving memory of My Son
Germaine Tramondo' Barnhardt
2-14-74- 10-9-98

What a strange thing sometimes it strong, sometimes weak, but most of all it is still there. Just as the pain of losing your child. Before the death of Germaine seven years ago, I thought I had found The Lord. I had accepted Christ as my personal Savior and decided for God I Live, and for God I will die. Well Satan had other plans. I had recently remarried my ex husband, packed my wears and tears and moved to "Almost Heaven West Virginia", one year after my marriage my husband's health started fail. He was having diabetic ulcers, had to have his toe removed, but I just kept trusting God, and rebuking Satan. When the devil could not get me directly he came in the back door and played a part in the death of my son. Now I know that God has that final say as to who lives and who dies, and our days and time is numbered, but when bad things happen to good people it makes you wonder.

The day my son was murdered was the darkest day of my life. I had just celebrated my 50th birthday two days before and was looking forward to seeing my children the weekend.

On Friday I got the call that no parent should have to receive that my son had been killed the night before. I did the initial thing any parent would do and that is question God, then I became angry. After the shock and the long four-hour ride to North Carolina from West Virginia, God spoke to me and assured me He would be there for me every step of the way through this horrible journey called grief. I had to search my soul to keep the faith.

On the day I was to pick out my son's casket God spoke to me again. When I asked why my only son, He simply whispered " I gave my Son for you". I can’t begin to tell you how those words carried me through. Now I know that God prepares us for what is to come in the future and that we see the right now when He sees way down the road. He puts us where he wants us, when he wants us there for as long as he wants us there. I know now that my move from North Carolina to WV was preparation for me to face losing my son. So I tucked in my Faith just like Job and continue to say "For God I live, and For God I die. He will put no more on us than we can bear. "He gave His son for me; now I give my son back to Thee.

(To this day no one has been charged with my son's death.)


Joan Dotson
Mother of Steve: 10-20-69 to 6-07-91 

The day before Steve died, I was feeling so blessed that all our children were independent and our youngest son was just finishing his first year of college. I guess I was at the point of feeling so self sufficient and content with my life, then my whole world turned upsidedown.  I did question WHY? Many times in the next three years. And each time I said that word, God would speak to my heart and say "You do not have to know why, but JUST TRUST ME".  It took me three long years to finally quit bringing Steve back down here in my memories and to let him stay in heaven.  It was not until then that I felt Joy when I thought about Steve and not pain.  My faith grew so much stronger and God became real to me because I had come face to face with HIM the night Steve died (even though I couldn't see Him). I think it makes our faith so much stronger because we Experience for the first time what we have heard and been taught all our Christian life and HE does what he promises HE will do in HIS word.  I experienced that " PEACE THAT PASSETH ALL UNDERSTANDING."  You are never the same again in any area of your life, especially in your walk with God.


Rhonda Henshaw
Mother of David: 02/05/84 to 06/21/02

I don't exactly know how my faith has changed since my son was murdered.  I still believe in God.  I do not believe that God took my son, I believe a human on earth murdered him.  I believe my son is in heaven and I will see him again some day.  I sometimes wondered if I had been better, not done something, went to church more, prayed more; would things be any different, but I decided that would not have changed the person that killed my son.  It may have kept my son from being where he was that night, but my son David did not do anything wrong.  He rode with a boy that did not want to ride by himself.  He was actually being nice and it cost him his life, so you just never know. 

I was angry at God and I didn't and still do not understand why it had to happen, but I think God puts us on this earth and lets us make choices.  When bad people, make bad choices, sometimes innocent people get hurt.  I think God could have saved my son, but I guess he could save everyone.  I don't think anyone knows why some people get a miracle and others don't.  I don't think any of us will ever understand his plan until we get to heaven, and even then I'm not sure we will care anymore.   And ever once in awhile, I try to tell myself, maybe God was doing what was best for my son and letting him in heaven early, so he did not have to live in such a cruel world.  Maybe I'm just being selfish by wanting to keep him here on earth with me.  I find my selfishness very reasonable and I think God understands.

I just pray I will continue to have faith God will help me and I will share my problems with him and let him take some of the burden and give me comfort in as many ways as he possibly can.  If he will keep my baby safe and happy until I can see him that is what is most important to me.  I just want David not to be worried about me, but I also want him to know how much I love and miss him.  Sometimes I worry if I tell God how bad I feel, David will know and then he won't be able to enjoy heaven.  I want heaven to be better than anything any of us could ever imagine and I believe it I hope God tells David I am happy and doing great, but yet lets him know I would do anything to be with him and lets him know how very much I love and miss him and how much I want to be with him.
I guess, you can say I'm confused, hurt, lonely, depressed, heartbroken and sometimes miserable.  I am also thankful for my family, dog, friends, days full of sunshine, pretty flowers, my memories of David, and all the people who have tried to help me through this and for the good things I have learned.  I have met some very wise people.  Bottom line is I need God more now than I think I ever had and I pray he is carrying me now and I am not walking this difficult road all alone. 

I very strongly believe God is with me and if I will allow him, he will try to help me as best he can through this.  I feel I have learned a lot about life and I have met a lot of wonderful people I would not have met if my son had not died.  I do not feel like God took him for me to learn this, I feel this is the best comfort God has to offer me in my time of sorrow.

I believe God is good and loving and wants the best for everyone.  I don't think he is evil or wanted to make me or anyone else in this world suffer.

I don't go to church as much as I use to.  When I go to church, I cry & cry & cry.  I just can't control my emotions, so I find it best not to go.  I think God wants to teach me something and maybe I just won't let him...but I'm not sure.  I have also met some people in church that weren't very good Christians, so I feel I can have a great relationship with God, one on one.  I will try to lead the best life I can, enjoy the nature God has blessed us with and keep saying my prayers and asking him to keep my son completely happy until I'm able to be with him again.


Doris Hooker
Andrew ….Our Miracle, Our Angel

I personally still believe that God answers prayers and I believe also in miracles.  I just believe that the answer we get might not be the answer we want. 

I have stopped going to church - I feel guilty to sit in church when I feel so bad toward life.  I am very angry! At everything! Of course I don’t understand why a young boy at the age of 4 would be taken away from a family who gave their whole life for him and that their are little children who goes day by day without love and someone to care about them.

I am also jealous - which kills my insides. My sisters and brother are now starting their families and have their "perfect" families... When mine will never be fulfilled again.  I can’t stand the smiles and all the happiness when all I feel is sadness.

I do live for my daughter Megan who is now 10 and my husband of 13 yrs! I am very happy with them but our life is just NOT complete. 
I do thank God for the 4 wonderful years I had with Andrew.  He could of passed away at birth or many times throughout the years! I know Andrew is with Jesus and Andrew is happy... I just hope one day I can be happy too!


Diane Craddock
Mother of JJ Wade (9/22/72-1/26/04)
Michele Wade (12/31/76-5/20/04)

Angels Love Notes

My two sweet precious angels,
In no time you were grown,
After you became adults,
Six "small" angels joined our home.

Our pure love for each other,
Gave many smiles and some tears.
Any cloud always had a silver lining,
During your brief earthly years.

When our Father decided,
It was time for you to go,
Only He could provide peace and comfort,
While your children and I mourn you so.

Sweet memories that we shared,
Are lovingly cherished every day.
Angels love notes are sent to you,
Each night when we kneel and pray.

You are warm rays of sunshine,
In the many lives that you kissed.
Now, our days are an uphill climb,
Your smiling faces are greatly missed.

Written by Diane Craddock

Author's Comments:

"I wrote this poem in memory of my only son, JJ, that died suddenly at the age of 31 on January 26, 2004 leaving me with two heartbroken young boys to raise. Also, in memory of my only daughter, Michele, who at the age of 27 was killed instantly in a car crash when a woman crossed the centerline. She left behind three sons and one daughter, her youngest son--3yrs was hurt in accident and I am raising him also. Writing the poems helps me work through some of my grief."


Cindy Jo Greever
Mother of Michelle: 8-24-84 to 11-5-93

In a nutshell my faith got me through my intense grief when our Michelle parted.  My faith was strong before our daughter parted and I continued to partake with my usual church activities and friends. Over the years however, though my faith is still just as strong, I have found comfort in "not doing" what some "other Christians" portray as the way to be a Believer.

I can refrain from church and Bible study having learned a lot when I attended, sort of like attending college and then moving on to "apply" those teachings and lessons.

I am God's child and saved and don't need to belong to or have any particular religion to be a Christian and await Paradise and a life of perfect peace and beauty when my "time" comes.

I continue to have MANY questions, the WHYS never ever go away!
I know that the CREATOR is in control and makes no mistakes. He says in this life we will suffer and have pain and this life wasn't meant to be perfect.

I have faith and trust and confidence in knowing I will be free one day and this life of lessons will be over. There are NO guarantees in this life, we are all sinners and God is the Final Judge!

The Creator who made ALL THAT WAS MADE is DIVINE!!

Thanks for letting me share,
CindyJo, Mother to Michelle Marie 1984~1993


Rick Toms
Father of Bill Toms, Jr.: 6-6-63 to 4-7-02

To be honest, my faith has become much stronger, and I have a sense of Peace. I also look forward to being with my son Bill, Mom and Dad and other loved ones who have gone home to be with the Lord. I don’t believe my son would want me to remain stuck in my grief.

I feel much closer to Him for giving me the Grace to accept the things I cannot change. I don’t believe that my Lord would want me to remain stuck in Grief and Sorrow.


Susan Perez
Mother of Joshua (1/26/94-11/30/02) and Jennifer (10/10/95-12/01/02)

My two children Joshua who was 8 and Jennifer who was 7 were killed in a train accident along with my father on November 30, 2002.  As many parents that have been through it know it was the most horrific day of my life. My walk with Christ was strong before the accident, thankfully.  I was a single mom raising two children.  So I learned to allow God to be the center of our home, which took a lot of pressure off of me as a single mother. 

When I received the phone call about the accident I was in Massachusetts visiting my grandfather who had just been diagnosed with cancer and was not expected to live much longer. As those terrifying moments happened I can truly tell you I felt God's arms wrap around me in a way I have never felt before. My son and my father were killed instantly and my daughter was life flighted to a hospital in Houston.  I was unable to get a flight out until the next morning. I called several friends who went to the hospital to be with Jennifer and my ex-husband. 

God's presence was evident to me from the very beginning. After the initial shock of hearing the news I immediately went into prayer and I did not stop the entire time. I of course prayed for healing for Jennifer because I did not believe that He would take them both and even though it was bad God was big enough to work a miracle.  On the plane ride to Houston I remember praying for Jennifer and becoming completely broken. I knew in my heart that she would not be coming home with me and that she would join her brother and grandfather in heaven.  My prayer then became "Your will not mine"  I am not big enough to handle this on my own You are going to have to carry me but if this is Your will God then hold me.  It was a moment of complete surrender to His will. Jennifer did not come home with me and God did not heal her the way I wanted Him to but He did heal her broken little body as He took her hand and lead her to paradise. 

It has not been an easy journey for me.  It has been nearly 3 years and I miss my children daily and long to hold them and hear their laugh.  The healing has been gradual but I find comfort and peace in knowing that I am not alone.  God is beside me every step of the way. I experienced God in a very intimate and real way that day and I pray that I never forget how it felt to have His mighty and Holy arms wrap around me as my Daddy God comforted me. 

I have since started a support group in my hometown of College Station and am in the process of starting a ministry, Haven of Hope, to reach out to parents and children that have lost children and parents. I have found great comfort and healing comes from reaching out to others. 

I chose the name Haven of Hope for my ministry because my true hope rests in the assurance that I will see my children and my dad in heaven and I will never have to say goodbye to them again. 







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