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Our Family
Saturday, July 23, 2005

Today, July 23, 2005, we are looking for more and more info for Krista and her schooling. The SV school district has been sooo pathetic.They received our LOI. Now I am waiting for them to respond. It is going to be interesting tho because we have a new superintendent this year and she CLAIMS she is going to "fix" all that is wrong with this school. Oh did I mention, Josh is taking a technology sequence of RIT tech courses? Well this last year, his 3rd class in the series, we found out the teacher was TOTALLY uncertified to teach the course! Now all those students have lost an entire year of college credits because SV is so incompetent! It cannot be made up. The principal's only possible solution was for the kids to go to school on saturdays just to retake the course from yet another UNcertified teacher! We are on our 3rd try to get an accurate report card for Joshua. The first one omitted Spanish for the 4th quarter, the 2nd had his as being absent for 96 days! (He missed 1). Still waiting on the revised one...then we'll see what else they screw up.

Posted by ny5/floweringminds at 7:23 AM EDT
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Topic: homeschooling
Today, we are looking into various resources for homeschooling Krista. She is very much looking forward to it because for one, the harassment at the public school will finally stop for her. We have been in this district for 6 years and it has continually worsened. They claim to have a "zero tolerance" for bullying but we have found with 2 of our 4 children that even the teachers can harass, swear at the children, humiliate them and point blank , bully them. There are no repercussions for teachers calling the children names, publicly humiliated them in front of their peers.. and the best part is, we have even found they have hired UNcertified teachers for college level courses which in turn void the potential for credits! "No child left behind"?? Come on! Who are we kidding!

Posted by ny5/floweringminds at 11:20 AM EDT
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Posted by ny5/floweringminds at 11:11 AM EDT
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Mood:  caffeinated
Hi. My name is Amy. I am married to Brian and we have 4 children.. Nathan, Josh, Krista and Amber. I am just starting this as I am going to be homeschooling krista this year because (1) our local school district is pretty much a joke; (2) NY has made the public schools pretty pathetic and abusive.

Posted by ny5/floweringminds at 11:03 AM EDT
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