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Michael Dravon PenDragon

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And all before the ripe old age of 22.

I noticed all those websites from our High School days are getting a little outdated... I thought it might be nice to give you an online scrap-book of sorts. A trophy case, if you will, where we can put all the incredibly cool shit you've done so far in your life.

From the newest pics at the bluffs to way the hell back to wheneverthehell, I tried to put a brief representation of all I could think of, the newest addition being the 'Bluffs movie'. Of course, to make the site the huge ass scrap-book it someday will be, we can't have everything be a 4-meg movie file, now can we? (Well, not until we own a server or two, at least).

It really was tough picking out these images... over the years we've built up quite a store- and not so many as I'd like. Well, my old friend, we've got a lot of time yet to make a number more. The only question in my mind is: can we build this thing fast enough to keep up?
You've done a lot of great things in your time so far; watching the rest of this show is going to be one hell of a trip.

It's been a great time so far, and here's to a crapload of years to come!

Happy 22nd,
(you old fart)

Bigger Than You

When they say "You're just a kid, what do you know?", does it occur to them that humans, in general, possess the greatest sum of knowledge they will in their lives at age 16, after which, it starts leaking away?

~Bryan Belrad