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Fatal Freaks........Just a name of consists of me.....(Jessica) {17} Zoe {17}, Johnathan {17}, William {15}, Dexter {16}, And Mike {14}.

We all go to the same school (High School for mind your own damn Business {courteisy of Jai and J}) and our usual hang out consists of going to the Paris Hotel parking lot alcove.....Rolling down the hill....beating up each other....and William, Zoe and I chillin while watching the rest of the guys beating each other up.......

Our personalities differ, and so does our certian musical taste (although the basic is Rock) As Johnathan quoted one time.......... "We all are not the same some are goth, grunge, punk....but were all unique thats what unites us.....united as one.....the new generation" And we hold this true..... see the peoples rants or on the pic above them mmmk?

Well...we'll start of with my personality shall we? According to me I think I'm like the idiot of the group...(although John, and Dexter will run for this title *snicker*) But I honestly don't know.... On to music i guess.....
I'm diverse.......I don't like just *one* kind of music.....i like it all (well only in the rock genre of course...hehe) I guess you can say that I like from Bad Religion to From Autumn to Ashes....The Clash to Skinless...Everything rock is cool with me.........(Except STINKIN FART..and other bands.....) My favs are The Offspring, AFI, Nirvana, and From Autumn to Ashes....Seems broad? Thought so..........

On to Zoe shall we?
Zoe is the other only girl in our group (So its me and her...suprised their not all after us yet!)
Anyways she's the 'Goth' one (although John is semi-goth....we'll get into him later) She WORSHIPS Cradle of Filth....She has blackish hair with red streaks..(Very cool I might add) And shes the person I've known the longest....

John.....He's the Oldest....(although he don't seem like it.....*giggle*) He's the metal head of the group...and the court jester (quoted by William) He likes to Run into walls.....quite amusing i might ass...Add** whoops....Him and I are going out....
This is Funny because of the fact him and i have the same last name (Jones) Alot of people ask me if hes my like.........If hes my ya think id be kissin him! (eww mental picture)
Out of all of goin to say John has the best sneakers out of all of us..Holie worn out Converse.......ahh grand....(Although i wont openly admit it because i have spikes on my con's!) John is very........"Spikie" I dont think the others saw how much spikes this kid can have at one tyme!...He's so....."Sharp" LOL.....well i think i rambled on about John enough dontya think?
Whose next? Ah William....the most enlightend......and sarkastic one of the group......
He's really into Nirvana (no not the state of being.....the band) and other "Grunge" bands....I respect him the most because of how mature he is...and how much he knows at his age. Other 15 yr olds are still stuck on....pokemon....
He is also a GREAT ------ artist.....I envy his to be that creative....
He is also VERY sarkastic....or he dont care (thats the usual response) He has this "nod" thing....sometimes...when something is bothering him....
i know...but he denies it sometymes but.....he choses not to talk....i wont interragate futher...
thats about all i can say........William is indeed great....

Dexter.......the Kitty of the group.......(on behalf that he mews alot....for reasons i dont know) He was adopted into the groop this year (same as Mike....) and hes our little freshman.....hes the loud one and hes great...."I GOTTA TAKE A SHIT!"......And he never at least at school....

Ok......for some reason my site got cut off at this point.....
but im on to mike and his expl. will be diff than before....
and i need to get jennifers again....ergh

Mike the youngest of the group.....
He was adopted by John or William I think....
I'm not clear...but what ever hes cool and im glad hes in the group!!!