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_a quick one while he's away
_Turn up the radio. Turn up the tape machine.
Look into the sunset up ahead.
Roll the windows down for a better taste of the cold desert wind.
Ah yes. This is what it's all about.
Total control now.
Tooling along the main drag on a Saturday night in Las Vegas,
two good old boys in a fireapple-red convertible...
stoned, ripped, twisted...Good People.

+ Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas = Hunter S. Thompson +


time and date: 1:48 AM on 11-15-03
listening to: nothing
did earlier: 'texas chainsaw massacre'
doing later: sleeep
wanting: to take out my contacts
i like you: the guy at taco bell
appreciate: people who are nice
quotATION of the day: "people, i will not be afraid
to turn my back to you."
updated: just about everything.

.|navigation system|.

_three rounds, no gloves_
\\habla con mi
\\ecrivez une letter à moi
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