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The Dog I left behind in Texas

Park Slope, Brooklyn
This is a view of Prospect Park. This Park is 2 blocks from my place. I run around the parameter, which is a 4 mile loop. There are trails, BBQ pits, softball fields, a zoo, and lots of green grass. The other picture is my favorite monument in NYC. It is right outside of Prospect Park.

My Humble Apartment

My Room
Thats right...9X9 feet of Heaven..this is the view from the doorway. This is what is under my queen sized loft bed

This is the view of the top... you can see why I dont worry about falling off with that protective barrier, keeping me from falling to a quick death. That TV you see there has 400 channels. Living the big time, baby!

The Rest of the Palace
This is the hallway leading back to my room.You can see my two roommates 'rooms' to the right. They SIMPLY LOVE when I come home at four and bang around...

This is our 'shared space'. I dont hang out here (or in my room) much. MY roommates are cool, easy to live with. And the larger girl irons and sews my clothes and I pay her in chocolate.

The Outside
This is what I see when I walk out of my door. On the weekends there is a huge flea market at the school.

Look to the right, Look to the Left. These streets are packed during the weekend and after 5, at this time I was unemployed so this was during the day.

Here is a view of my door. It is the black door, between the pizza place (which by the by, isn't that good) and the cafe.

Ah, come on, I think they are cute!

Thanks for coming on the tour with me...