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The Dawgs Lair

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Marines Got Your Back...

I am a small and precious child, My dads been sent to fight. The only place ill see his face, is in my dreams at nite. He will be gone too many days for my young mind to keep track. I may be sad, But I am proud. My daddy's got your back.

I am a caring mother. My son has gone to war. My mind is filled with worries that I have never known before. Everyday I try to keep my thoughts from turning black. I may be scared, But I am proud, My son has got your back.

I am a strong and lovin' wife, with a husband soon to go. There are many times i'm terrified in way most never know. I bite my lip, and force a smile as I watch my husband pack. My heart may break, But I am proud, My husbands got your back.

I am a Marine, Serving Proudly, Standing Tall. I fight for freedom, yours and mine by answering this call. I do my job while knowing, The thanx it sometimes lacks. Say a prayer that I'll come home, Its me who's got your back.

Beer Quote...

Hallow be thy Drink

Which art in shot Glasses,

Thy will be drunk.

( I will be waisted ),

At home as in the Pub.

Give os this day our Foggy Head.

And forgive us for our spillages,

As we forgive those who spill against us.

And lead us not into Carceration,

But deliver us from hangover.

Fore thine is the Tequila,

the Bodyshots, and the Worm

God's Boxes...

I have in my hands two boxes,

Which God gave me to hold?

He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box,

And all your joys in the gold."

I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,

Both my joys and sorrows I stored,

But though the gold became heavier each day,

The black was as light as before.

With curiosity, I opened the black,

I wanted to find out why,

And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole,

Which my sorrows had fallen out by.

I showed the hole to God, and mused,

"I wonder where my sorrows could be!"

He smiled a gentle smile and said,

"My child, they're all here with me"

I asked God, why He gave me the boxes,

Why the gold and the black with the hole?

"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,

The black is for you to let go."

We should consider all of our friends a blessing.

Send this to a friend today just to let them know you

are thinking of them and that they are a joy in your life.

A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end.

It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends.

But the treasure inside for you to see,

Is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me.

Today I pass the friendship ball to you.

Pass it on to someone who is a friend to you...

The Night Before PayBack...

'Twas the night before Payback and all through the land, The Taliban are running like rabbits in Afghanistan. Osama's been praying, he's down on his knees, He's hoping that Allah will hear all his pleas.

He thought if he killed us that we'd fall and shatter, But all that he's done is just make us madder. We haven't yet forgotten our Marines in Beirut, And we'll kick your ass, with one heavy boot.

And yes we remember the USS Cole, And the lives of our sailors that you bastards stole. You think you can rule us and cause us to fear, You'll soon get the answer if you live to hear.

And we ain't forgotten your buddy Saddam, And he ain't forgotten the sound of our bombs. You think that those mountains are somewhere to hide, They'll go down in history as the place where you died.

Remember Khadhafi and his line of death? He came very close, to his final breath. So come out and prove it, that you are a man, Cause our boys are coming and they have a plan.

They are our Fathers and they are our Sons, And they sure do carry some mighty big Guns. They would have stayed home, with Children and Wives, Till you bastards came here and took all these Lives.

Osama I wrote this especially for you, For air mail delivery by B-52. You soon will be hearing a thud and a whistle, Old Glory is coming, attached to a missile.

I won't be sorry to see your cowardly ass go, It's Red, White, and Blue that's running this show!

Bubba & Junior...

Two good ol' boys, Bubba and Junior get promoted from Privates to Sergeants. Not long after, they're out for a walk and Bubba says, "Hey, Junior - there's the NCO Club. Let's you and me stop in and have us a drank."

"But we's privates," protests Junior. "NO, we's sergeants now," says Bubba, pulling him inside "Now, Junior, I'm gonna sit down and have me a drank." "But, we's privates," says Junior. "You blind, boy!" says Bubba, pointing at his stripes. "We's Sergeants now!"

So they order their drinks and pretty soon a hooker comes up to Bubba. "You're cute," she says, "and I'd like to take you someplace and make you feel good -- but I've got a bad case of gonorrhea."

Bubba pulls his friend to the side and whispers, "Junior, go look in the dictionary and see what that gonorrhea means. If it's good, give me the okay sign."

Junior goes to look it up, comes back, and gives Bubba the big okay sign. Three weeks later Bubba is laid up in the infirmary with a terrible case of gonorrhea. "Junior," he says, "What you give me the okay for?!"

"Well Bubba, in the dictionary, it says gonorrhea only affects the privates." Then he pointed to his stripes and says, "But we's Sergeants now!

To be Con't
