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Tawny's Review of the Signing at Sawgrass Mills in Sunrise, FL 8-17-01

Well yesterday was AWESOME!! (im kinda sure this is all correct & in the right order,hopefully nothing is missing, Danielle, Katharine, Leslie, Lia, Heather or Nicole tell me if anything I did or we did is missing lol) 1st off, Me & Danielle got there at around 10am or so expecting people to be there but there was only around 10 people, 6 which we were meeting up with there. Our group was the only ones there till about 2:30 then some people started coming. We had to find ways to entertain ourselves for 8hrs until DS would finally show up. We all talked to basically everyone who walked by & scared them all away lol. Most people were wondering what the hell we were doing sitting there but duh we were waiting for DS!!!! :) We were singing DS songs & during our 'sugar rush' accapella the security mean lady made us stop or she'd kick us out,she was just jealous lol. Then we took turns walking around once our butts started to hurt from the floor. We were talking to one of the security dudes for a long time. He said Chris looked gay in a pic on the poster Michelle made for him to get us mad,just playing around though, so Michelle was asking every1 who walked by if Chris looked gay in the pic lol. Then he said it was because of his earing so then every guy that walked by with an earing she would say is he gay too? & yelled hey he thinks ur gay!! lol we had fun scaring ppl :) Then I went into spencers with Danielle to get the poster & there was 3 left so we got ours & saw Leslie & Heather in there talking to the lady who works at spencers trying to get the poster w/DS on it that said 25% off gold earings lol but she said Heather could come back & get it when the sale was over. Then we headed back to sit down & wait. They had put up a railing out to the door to keep a line for when more people came. No1 was inline really,they sat in groups. After they set up the table we went in & sat on the chairs cuz we knew DS butts would be in them soon lol. We went back outside to write a little note from all of our group since we were the only ones there for like 5hrs. We all signed our names & I put 'Tawny Ballinger' (I love u Matt) We were gonna write them a message on the table but we didnt wanna get caught. We stuck in on 1 of the chairs & pushed it in I'm proud to say our group was the loudest & most noticed lol. I had Lia write I © MATT on my left arm & I © Spankie on my other arm. It took them 4 times to get it right lol. Then around 4 or so Brian & Louie walked out so we started talking to them asking when the guys were gonna be there & where they were at. He said they'd be a little late because of traffic & they were eating out with their parents. They told us claudia was shopping in the mall & she would be there shortly. Then they were talking to the other ppl there for a few mintutes & when they were walking back up we played you're taking me over on Danielles voice recorder cuz i brought it on tape & we started singing it. They thought i taped it at the fair but i said no its not from there. Then they went inside specs to look around & when Heather & Leslie got back we told them so we could go in there & talk to them. So we went inside the group came with us,including Lia,her 2 friends & Nicole. We were asking questions about healthsouth & DS coming back to FL again...bla bla lol Then we went back outside to our spot to wait for DS. Not to long after Claudia came over from shopping & we talked to her too. She remembered some of us from the fair & I gave her some roses that I bought for the guys because I had a lot, she said aww thanks & took a pic of our group & some other fans for her site. Lia Michelle & her friend were the only ones who made posters lol but they had 3 so it was fine. Then after she went inside we were still waiting for the guys to finally arive at the mall. I asked Brian & Louie if we could take pics with the guys & they said sure kiss them on the lips if u want lol. After soooooo long they finally showed up, fans were screming & saying omg as they saw the guys heads walk by to go sit down. After a few mintues they let us into specs & we were a few feet away from DS! I kept looking at them all & they'd look back & smile for the camera. Matt looked at me a few times, smilied & waved so I yelled I LOVE U MATT! & he yelled back I LOVE YOU TOO! lol it was so sweet :) Then I was basically standing in the same spot infront of them for like 10min,i let the other ppl go around me so i could take close pics lol & I was just looking at the guys admiring their hotness. Then finally I went to Chris & gave him the pic of me with him so he could sign it, he did & put xoxo. I said I guess u don't remember me do u? & he said of course I do! I remember u & her (he pointed to either Katharine or Heather I think) Then I looked over at Danielle & she had given Matt the snake & he hugged her so I said 'Its from me too!!' & he said aww ok come here, so I did & he hugged me too :) Then I got the fish for Chris & said 'Heres Chris the fish!' & he laughed & hugged me. Then I took a pic with him. I kinda skipped Greg & went back to Matt & gave him some roses, in which I got another hug & awwww thanks for lol. I asked for a pic with him & he said sure & stood up so Danielle could take it. Then I handed him the CD inside cover fold out pic for him to sign & I said oops I missed Greg & Chris on here so he said its alright & told Greg to sign it & pass it to Chris. So he did & they gave it back to Matt. Then I asked Greg for a pic & he said sure too & stood up so we could take it. Then Matt passed it to Jesse & he signed it. I asked Jesse for a pic & he said yes so he stood up & I got a pic with him. Then there was 2 of the CD pics there & i said umm which is mine? Jesse said 'i have no idea' & Matt said, 'umm it's that one!' lol So I took it & gave it to Frankie to sign. I asked Spankie for a pic & he also said sure & stood up. (Me & Danielle got them their stuff together but she gave Jesse Frankie & Greg their stuff w/o me cuz I was talking to Matt & Chris) After all that we went back inline for a 2nd time. We were standing at the window outside inline & when Matt stood up I noticed his boxers showing so we said omg Matts boxers!! Then we took pics of them through the window & ones of the other guys butts too lol. We also noticed Jesse wearing shorts hehe. Then Claudia told us all to take a pic of the guys through the window so she could take a pic of us doing it so we did & it took like 5 shots but we got it right lol. Then we called her over to the window to tell her to look under Frankie cuz there should be a note under him so she looked & said he must have put it in his bag. (I think the lady that was sitting there might have taken it though but I hope not!) Then the line started to move up so we were still looking at them through the window but at a different angle. I kept looking at Matt & everytime he'd look over he saw me staring at him so he waved lol. Then the line moved up more & more....finally we were back inside. All of our feet were about dead so we thought we'd fall over but we made sure we didnt! When we were pretty close to DS for the 2nd time inline again I yelled Matt I LOVE U! & he said I LOVE U TOO! lol I was soooooo happy he said it back both times!! So again I stayed in the same spot as before & was just staring at them while I gave Danielle my camera to take pics. I called their names so they'd look up. Then Danielle went b4 me inline & I took a pic of her & Chris together, she waited for me to hand Chris the rose & I got another big hug & awww thank u for that & he looked over at the camera for a pic. I said I already took 1 with u before & he said, 'it's ok,we can take another 1!' so Danielle took it for us. I went to Greg next to him & handed him a rose, he said aww thanks & hugged me. After that I was back at Matt hehe & handed him another rose :) & gave me a hug & said aww thanks again cuz I had given him roses already the 1st time inline. Then I said Matt u have nice boxers,we saw them when we were inline again through the window & he said what? & I said they were showing when u stood up & he said 'I guess I have to pull up my panties' lol & I said pull up ur pants! Then Greg said what happened? & I said his boxers were showing & we took pics of them & he started laughing. Then I was standing between Jesse & Matt infront of the table & I said Matt u have nice mucsles,can u flex for me so I can take a pic? & he said aww I don't like to flex lol & I said well u have nice arm muscles!! & he laughed & said thanks. Then I went to give Jesse a rose but the security guy noticed me there for so long & said I had to move & I said well I didnt give Jesse & Frankie their roses yet! He said well give it to them & go so he wouldnt let me hug them again. I gave them both their roses & they said aww thanks. So I went out of line over to the side by them, I was still like 2-3 feet away. Lia was video taping so i was calling the guys names to look over at her camera. I think all of them looked, Frankie waved & said hi. Then I yelled Matt say hi! & he said hi, then I said say HI TAWNY! So he yelled HI TAWNY! Then I said Hi Matt! & he yelled hi Matt! lol it was so cute the way he did it :) Jesse & Frankie started laughing when he said hi Matt lol. Then we continued staring at the guys while Lia video taped, I said I love Matt & Matt's hott like 10 times in her camera lol. Then they all stood up & were talking to people taking pics with the end of the line & Matt sat at the end of the table & they almost pushed him off & he turned around like hey! lol I said how rude don't make him fall! but not loud enough for them to hear. Then I said Matt can I have ur pen? & he said sure, walked over to me & the manager said hey i bought those so Matt said oops ok ask her 1st lol so I said can I have Matts pen? & she said sure but he has to sign something for me so he'll give it to u before he leaves. Then Claudia said who wants Chris's water?? & every1 said meeeee & she threw it but it landed on the floor & i got it. :) Then I saw Jesse put his pen in his pocket & said Jesse! & he turned & looked over & I said can I have ur pen? & he said sure & tossed it to me. Then they were about to leave so I was like aww man I guess I wont get Matts pen. So they walked around out the back door while fans followed but I dunno if they went out too. Me, Katharine, Danielle, Leslie & Heather were about dead so we sat & layed on the floor in the back of specs so Heathers sister took a pic of us with Katharines camera. Then Leslie & Heather left but we continued sitting there talking to eachother. Then the manager walked in through the back door & said right before Matt got in the van he said oh give her the pen for me! so she brought it to me, I thought that was sweet of him :) Then 1 of the ladys that works there had 2 water bottles with her when she was walking by & I said are those from Dream Street? & she said yea u want them? & she gave 1 each to Danielle & Katharine cuz I had 3 things from them already. Then she said I think their coming back inside here soon & we said omg r u serious? & she said let me check shhhhh so we were freaking cuz I had no film left & Katharines dad had her other roll, but she came back & said nevermind they left. We were like aww man!!! & then Brian walked out into specs so we asked him to take a pic w/us & he said im no1 special dont waste ur film & I said ya but ur kool! lol so he took 1 with us. Danielles mom called us on the cell & she came in specs to get us. We talked for a few more minutes until her mom said we had to go. We all walked out & I hugged Katharine goodbye we were off. I think thats it,some stuff might be missing but its long enough already lol.

Oopsy, I forgot something lol.
I made Chris take off his glasses so we could get a pic of him w/o them lol he made the cutest face & did some weird thing & took them off. I dont think he really wanted to though lol cuz he looked tired.
