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Katharine's Review of the Miami Youth Fair 3-16-01

My name is Katharine and I live in Orlando, Florida. Here is my story of how I met Dream Street at the Miami-Dade Fair.

It took six hours to get down to Miami from up here, despite all the times we got lost. When we arrived at the fair we headed straight to the mall arena. I got there at about 6:15 and the show was scheduled to start at 7:00 so I decided to wait outside. I realized that I had forgotten my camera, so my dad went back to the car to get it. Right after he left these two guys came up to me and introduced themselves as Brian and Louie, the two guys who put the band together. They asked, "Are you here to see Dream Street?" I'm like, "Yeah." "Are you a fan?" they asked. "Yeah, since October," I replied. "Do you wanna go back and meet them?" Louie asked me. "Yeah!!!" I squealed quietly. Louie walked me back to the trailer they were using as their dressing room and opened the door. He told the guys that I was the first fan in line.

As I walked in, Jesse was putting on his make-up, Chris was gelling his hair or something like that, his hands were kind of sticky though, Matt had just come out of the bathroom, and Greg and Frankie were in the back room. I introduced myself and shook they're hands. Chris said to me "My hands are kinda sticky cause you know, gel." People started to ask me where I was from, "Orlando," I replied. Then Chris came up to me and said, "I'm from New Port Richey. I lived there for six years, you probably never heard of it." "Yeah, I've heard of it," I answered. He was surprised since its such a small city. Then Claudia called us over to take a picture with her digital camera. I stood to Chris' right and he put his arm around me, I did the same. Greg stood on the other side of me, he put his arm around me also, so I put my arm around him too. Frankie stood next to him, and Matt next to Frankie. Jesse came up behind Frankie and Matt and stood on his toes. I rested my head on Chris' arm since I am too short to reach his shoulder. Claudia took two pictures, the first one was bad because someone had they're eyes closed or something, I can't remember. The second one was perfect. She told me that she would email it to me so I gave her my email, it was different then, and she gave me the web address where I can see some other pictures that she took. As she was writing down the information, Greg comes up and goes, "Are these sunglasses ok?" "They're fine!" I answered. He smiled at me. They were rectangular and tinted dark grey. I was offered a bag of chips. I took the BBQ kind. And no, I don't still have the bag! I told Claudia that she did really great choreography. Chris was wearing a see-thru black sleeveless shirt, Jesse was wearing a shiny metallic blue shirt, Greg was wearing a green muscle shirt with a black button down DS shirt over it. Matt had on a navy blue shirt and khaki shorts. Frankie was wearing a black striped shirt. I noticed they were taller than what the internet said. Jesse was about 5'3" or 5'4", and Matt was about 5'2" or 5'3". I am only 4'11 1/2", but 5'0" with shoes on. Chris. Greg, and Frankie are all tall compared to me. They are all very nice. Chris was the sweetest to me. I thanked them and then Louie took me back to the front of the line, which had started to form.

At 6:30 the security guards let us into the seating area. I got a front row center seat. I had made friends with the girl who sat next to me. Her name is Tawny, she's cool. Five minutes later, my dad arrived with my camera. I asked him to buy me a shirt or a magazine, whichever was cheaper at the stand that they had set up. To my surprise he bought me a both, plus a glow stick.

At 7:00 exactly, the show started and they guys jumped out and sang Let's Get Funky Tonight. The dance moves were really tight and together. Next they sang Sugar Rush. It sounded so good! Feel the Rain came next. I liked how they put the Beatles song Rain into the lyrics, it was cool. One of my favorite songs, I Say Yeah followed. It was really awesome, Greg was wearing the same sunglasses as before too! Jesse sang Gotta Get the Girl next, he has such a good voice. During They Don't Understand, Chris accidentally knocked his headset off! Next came This Time, it was so beautiful! Chris sang his solo song next, Someone To Hold Me Tonight. I love that song, its my favorite. Chris has a beautiful voice, they all do! Greg sang Jennifer Goodbye next. He asked this girl what her name was and she said Natalie. Then Greg goes, "Oh, well I was hoping your name was Jennifer. Wait, is anybody here named Jennifer?" nobody said anything so Greg just went on with the song. He changed the lyrics to say Natalie Goodbye. It was cool. During the whole concert I could swear that Chris was glancing over at where I was sitting! Next came the upbeat Hooked On You, Matt's solo. That is a cool song, I've only heard it once though. I like the rap parts. Dream On, Frankie's song was next. It is beautiful and it has a good message, "Keep on pursuing your dreams." The guys then left the stage and Louie came out to get us to try and get us to convince the guys to come back on-stage. They sang they're new single, "It Happens Every Time." I like that song. It was performed really well.

After the show they set up an autograph table and signed autographs. I got to talk to each of them for a second. I was going to get a picture with Chris but I didn't wanna ask for an autograph, a hug, and a picture. I actually forgot so I got a hug. Chris gives really good hugs. I was so glad that I got the chance to meet them. I might not get another. At the autograph table Greg winked at me when he was handing me my autograph. He also pointed at me during one of the songs and waved at me during one of the in-between parts. Chris too pointed at me from on-stage.

SET LIST I'm not sure if this is right but I did the best I could at remembering.

  1. Let's Get Funky Tonight
  2. Sugar Rush
  3. Feel the Rain
  4. I Say Yeah
  5. Gotta Get the Girl
  6. They Don't Understand
  7. This Time
  8. Someone To Hold Me Tonight
  9. Jennifer Goodbye
  10. Hooked On You
  11. Dream On
  12. It Happens Every Time

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