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Crista's Hope

Chapter 11

Crista ran on her bus after the show, she had felt good about her performance and even stayed and watched Dream Street for the first time in while. She flopped down on the couch and fell asleep. The next thing Crista knew was waking up. It was 8 AM and the bus wasn't moving and her driver was gone. Crista got up and got dressed. She stepped out and here she was in the parking lot in front of a big white hotel next to the highway. She looked up at it and it definitly looked expensive. She saw Dream Street's bus in front of hers and another tour bus on the other side of the parking lot. "Geesh what is this the pop star convention," she said yawning. Of course having no clue where everyone was she went to Dream Street's bus which was locked so she knocked, no answer. She walked through the parking lot into the lobby. She looked around. "Yes, very expensive," she said to herself. "Hey Crista," she heard someone call. She turned around and saw Frankie. "Oh hey where is everyone?" she asked rubbing her eyes a little sleepy. "They're in the restaurant ordering breakfast, we've been waiting for you for like a half hour," he said as they walked towards a pair of closed doors on the side with a sign that said "The St.Charles Inn Cafe". Frankie opened the door and let Crista in to a big restaurant with lots of business people having their morning coffee. Frankie walked her over to a big table where the guys were. "SHES HERE! LETS EAT!" Matt screamed grabbing a menu. Crista sat in the empty chair next to Chris and Greg. She groaned in a tired way. "Hey baby," Chris said kissing her cheek. "What? Oh hi," she said turning to Chris. "You seem a little tired," he said laughing still with his hand around her waist. "Hey did you guys see who's tour bus was by ours out in the parking lot?" Crista asked. "Nope, it was there when we got here," Jesse said shrugging. "Wait, what time did we get here?" she asked. "4 am," Greg said. "What were you doing awake at 4 am?" Crista asked in shock of how they werent tired after an exhausting performance, they performed longer than she had! "Playing video games," Matt said casually. "Um alrighty then," Crista said with a weird expression. "Well I'm not hungry, I think I'm gonna go look around for something to do," Crista said about to get up. "Wait, it won't take me long to eat I'll come with you," Chris said. "No it's alright take your time. If you need me I'll either be by the pool or sleeping in the bus," Crista said. "Oh wait Noah gave me this, it's your room key," Frankie said throwing it to her. She made a sharp turn she caught it and walked out.

"Room 125! This hotel's huge, their elevators better work," she said to herself. She went up to the counter to ask if they had taken her luggage up already when she saw a girl with blonde hair standing with an older looking guy. While she waited for the woman behind the counter to get off the phone she over heard them talking. "I can't believe the bus broke down!" she said with an anger filled voice. "We'll never make that auditon," the older man said getitng on his cell. The girl huffed and leaned agaisnt the counter. "Hi," Crista said smiling approaching the girl she stood up straight and smiled at crista. "Oh hi," she said. "Sorry not to eavesdrop but I couldn't help but over hear, my name's Crista by the way," she said extending a hand. "I'm Kari," she said shaking Crista's hand. "I own, well, ride in one of the buses next to yours," Crista said. "Oh really? I was wondering whos they were. I was hoping it was some really big celeb like Jennifer Lopez or something," Kari said laughing. "Haha no just me, and of course the band I'm on the road with Dream Street. They own the bus parked in front of mine," she said. "Hey I think I heard of them, aren't they like a boyband?" Kari asked. "Yea something like that," Crista said. "So you're a singer?" kari asked. "Well I perfer the term musician cuz I play instruments, but yeah basically," Crista said chuckling. "Yeah i am too, I'm signed and stuff but my agent can't find anywhere for me to come through, plus with our old beat up bus we barely make any auditions," Kari explaind. "That must suck, well hey I was gonna go look around. Do you wanna come you look like you can use a break," Crista said eyeing her agent yelling into his cell phone. "NO I do not think its time for a crossover album! Tell Roselina or whatever her name is to go back to Mexico and find another agent, I cant handle a crossover right now," he screamed at the person on the other end. "Yeah I think I need a break too," Kari said as her and Crista started walking.

"Hey wait right here I gotta tell the guys," Crista said running into the restaurant. "Chris, scratch any plans you made with me, I'm busy," Crista said running up next to him at the table. "But I thought we could do something today!" Chris said standing in protest. "I found a girl to hang with, c'mon you have the boys all the time I havn't had a girl talk in months I can't talk to you about EVERYTHING," Crista stated. "Aww plleeasse!" Chris begged putting this arms around her waist pulling her in close. "Chris this won't you get you anywhere,"Crista said. "Will this?" he asked kissing Crista. "Ugh c'mon people I'm eating over here!" Jesse yelled but they ignored him. Chris pulled back. Crista had a dreamy look on her face. "Well?" Chris asked. "Nope!" Crista said snapping out of her pretend look. "Aw you faked!" Chris said pretending to be hurt, Crista just laguhed. "Babe your adorable and a great kisser but I need to hang out with a female once in awhile," she said pinching his cheeks playfully. "Oh fine," he said sitting with a thump. "Thanks bye," she said kissing his cheek and running out. "She's got you straight up whipped man," Greg said trying not to laugh. "Oh come on, I have total control on this relationship," Chris said acting smooth. "And you really proved yourself just now," Matt said laughing. Meanwhile Crista ran out where Kari was still waiting.

"Sorry it took a while of convincing," Crista said. "No prob...what should we do?" Kari asked. "I've always wanted to see how the guys keep there bus, would you mind helping me snoop?" Crista asked. "You're asking me to get on a boyband tour bus and look through there things? OF COURSE," Kari said as they both laughed. As they were walking out they saw Noah walking in. Crista turned and walked up next to him. "Noah! Just the person I wanted to see, big favor. Keys to the guys bus?" she asked throwing her arm around him. "And what for," he asked dangling them above her head. She jumped but couldn't reach them. "Why did you have to be so tall!" Crista said in a frustrated tone as Noah laughed. "Lemme guess, you wanna spy in on what goes on in their bus right?" Noah asked. "Yeah! it's not a crime I'd let them see my bus!" Crista said. "Oh but Chris already has," Noah said with a sly smile as Crista blushed. "Who cares, PLEASE!" she begged. "Oh fine, but go near my stuff and die," he said dropping the keys in her hands. "Thanks Noah," she said as her and Kari walked out the door to the bus. Crista unlocked it and they walked inside. They instantly started looking through the guys stuff, naturally Crista went to Chris' stuff. She opened his bunk curtain and looked at the shelf above his bed part. On it was a picture in a frame. Crista grabbed it and brought it into the light. It was the picture Mrs. Trousdale took of them at Dream Street's first show of the tour when Chris asked her out, she sighed thinking of how sweet he was. How many boyfriends keep a picture of him and his girlfriend together by his bed while he's on tour with her! She sighed when there was a noise outside. "Uhh I think they're here," Kari said nervously. "Uh oh," Crista said sitting the picture back down. She grabbed Kari's arm and they ran out of the bus seeing the guys. "Uhh hi," Crista said. "What were you doing in the bus?" Greg asked. "Nothing...getting something," Crista said. "By the way this is Kari, Kari this is Matt, Chris, Frankie, Greg, and Jesse," she said. They all said hello to each other. "Gotta go," Crista said as they ran away from the guys.

"wow...they're all soo..." Kari tried to say. "Hot?" Crista said unlocking the door to her bus and smiling back at her. "How do you contain yourself?" she asked laughing as they walked inside and sat down. "I got a man," Crista said proudly. "Oh I knew it. No girl can go on a tour with 5 guys and not be dating one of them" Kari said. "How'd you guess?" Crista said smiling. "So which one?" she asked. "Chris," Crista said blushing. "Hey wasn't he the hottie in the sunglasses?" Kari asked with a sly smile. "Yep! But we've been dating WAY before the tour, it's a long story," Crista said shrugging. "I've got time," Kari said. "Okay to make a long story short I ran away and I was living on the streets, I got jumped by some gang bangers downtown and Chris' mom saw me laying in the street and took me in, thats where I met Chris. His mom gave me a home and of course at the time I didn't know he was famous or anything, but Chris heard me sing on accident and was amazed, I started recording when he went on tour and some things happened. He thought I was cheating, I thought he was cheating, but neither of us were, so I moved to colorado without warning...he followed me and that brings us here," Crista said. "Oh my God that's the sweetest story I've ever heard! He followed you all the way out there?" she asked. "Yeah...even sweeter he was scared I was mad at him so he sent me gifts for a week before we met up," Crista said smiling, she hadn't really looked back on it that way, it was causing her to blush furiously and she couldn't keep back a smile. "Aww that's so adorable! Girl you got yourself a good man. KEEP HIM!" Kari said laughing. "He must be head over heels for you," she added. "I guess," Crista said shrugging still smiling from ear to ear. "Are the others like that?" she asked. "I dunno, they're all great guys...anyone in particular," Crista said eyeing her. "Welll," Kari trailed off. "Jesse is pretty cute," she said. Crista began laughing. "Haha jesse? That little twirp. Haha okay I'm sorry, Jesse's really cool. Hes like the second annoying little brother I never had," Crista said holding in laughter. "Hmm," Kari thought.

"Are you thirsty?" Crista asked getting up, she flipped on the radio and No Doubt's "Hey Baby" was on. "Oh this is my song!" Crista screeched turning it up and dancing around the bus as she got them 2 drinks, she heard someone singing along and it surely wasn't Gwen Stefani. "Is that you?" Crista said spinning around and the singing stopped. "Yeah" she said. "You sounded good!" she said. Crista was half way around when she turned to Kari again. "Hey! You can come tour with us! And stay on my bus, I'm sure it can work!" she said. "Really!" Kari siad standing up. "Sure, just let me talk to Noah and your agent. Settled in no time. We're staying in this hotel for 2 days we can get paperwork signed before we leave!" she said. "Oh my God thank you!" Kari said over excited. "No prob, now lets go find Noah" she said as they ran off the bus. Just as Crista got out the door an arm wrapped around her stomatch and stopped her. "Hey where are you going?" she heard Chris say into her ear. "Not now chris I'm busy," she said pushing him off as her and Kari ran into the hotel. They found Noah in the lobby. "Ahh Noah!" Crista said running up to him. "Wow are you that happy to see me," he said smiling. "You were wondering about a new opening act right?" Crista said. "Uh yeah sure why?" he said. "Here she is," Crista said stepping aside to somewhat "reveal" Kari. "Can she sing?" Noah asked. "Yep and her agents here, you can sign the papers before we leave and she can ride on my bus," Crista said. Coah smiled. "That's why I like you Crista, always planning ahead," he said proudly putting his arm around her. "Yeah I know, so can she?" Crista asked. "I suppose so," Noah said, they both screamed and Noah was practically blown back.

Meanwhile with the guys, Chris angerly staggered on the bus to the guys playing video games again. "Yo Chris whats up?" Greg asked sitting next to him. "Is it a crime that I wanna hold my girlfriend!" he said letting out a sudden emotional outburst. Everyone stopped to look at him, they all shrugged and went on with their business. "Whoa dude," Greg said. "Crista, I dunno she's been ignoring me all day! I just wanna be with her all the time," Chris said. "Dude that's what happens when you get with an independent girl. Believe me, I know how much Crista likes you, she was just busy, you gotta catch her when she's alone," Greg said. "And if she resists?" Chris asked. "Just tell her you wanna spend time with her," Greg said shrugging and getting up. Suddenly there was a knock on the door of the bus. "Hey guys, Kari is gonna go on tour with us!" Crista said running onto the bus. "Great," Chris said under his breath. "Isn't that great Chris?" she said walking over to him. "Yeah whatever," he said walking to the back room and shutting the door. Crista shrugged and went on talking with the others.


That night, Crista couldn't sleep, she couldn't get over what was bugging Chris. She got out of bed and threw on a sweater and went to the room Jesse and Chris were sharing. She knocked lightly and as it turns out Chris answered wide awake himself. Crista felt herself melt inside. He looked so natural but his face appeared saddened. "Chris I wanna talk to you," she said. She grabbed his arm gently and led him down the hall to her room and they went inside. She turned on a dim light and she sat at the table and gradually expected him to sit across from her, he took a seat and sat quietly. "Chris, what was up with you earlier. I hate it when something's wrong with you, especially if I think I caused it," she said. Chris sighed. "Look with this tour I havn't been around you lately. And now with Kari here you're gonna hang out with her all the time. Crista I just wanna be able to show you affection...I mean," Chris put his head down feeling embarassed about what he was saying. "You know how I feel about you," he said quietly not looking at her. "Chris, I love you. And I'm sorry but I've just been busy I guess," she said shrugging, she could see in his face he still felt bad. She stood up and walked around the table and took his hand. She pulled on it as to motion for him to stand. When he did she wrapped her arms around his stomatch and squeezed him tightly as he placed his hands around her. "This is your time so show me affection," Crista said dramatically putting her arms out. Chris laughed and then gave a sweet tender kiss.

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