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~*Crista's Hope*~

Chapter 8

Chris sat on the couch patiently waiting for Erin. She came out with a happy grin and sat next to Chris. "So what happened," she asked seeming concerned. "Well I was in the living room and I walked into the kitchen. Next thing I know shes kissing some guy. I just didn't get it, I figured she'd found someone else while I was gone," he shrugged with this head down staring at his feet talking in a low voice. "I'm so sorry Chris," she said pretending like she cared. "I don't think you need her," she said. "What do you mean?" he asked looking up in her eyes. "I mean I don't think you were meant to be. You need someone more understanding, independent," she said purposly naming her own traits. "Like who?" he asked. "Ohhh maybe..." she said she leaning in to kiss and he resisted. "What are you doing?" he asked puzzled. "Uh kissing you," erin said stating the obvious. "Erin..." he trailed as she went into kiss him agian. This time her lips landed on his. He was shocked at first but found away to pull back. "Erin, I can't do this. Crista may of hurt me but I know she still loves me. And if you just let me in to do that then I gotta leave," he said getting up and getting his coat. He checked his ID and saw his house number. "Did Crista call?" he asked as his anger rose. "Yeah she did," Rrin said with her own tone of madness. Chris put on his coat and ran out the door. When he got there he noticed he had been at Erin's longer than he thought. The lights were off and everyone was sleeping. He thought he'd talk to Crista tomorrow and went to bed.


Chris woke up the next morning and knocked on Crista's door. After about the 3rd knock he ran downstairs. "Mom did Crista by chance go anywhere?" he asked. She took a deep breath and looked at him. Her expression was unfamilar to chris. "Yes," she said simply. "Oh...when's she coming back, I need to talk to her," he asked. "Well, probably never," she said sighing again. Chris stood there speechless. "Wh-...what do you mean?" he finally asked. "Crista's dad found out about Crista living here and how she was away from her mom. He saw an article about her and called here. Crista's down in Colorado with her father and will remain there as long as she likes, she's still gonna tour of course but her producers moved down there and she's going to tour with another band." she said. chris didnt knoe what to say. It was so sudden and he wanted to die knowing that she left before she settled things with him. "Oh," was all he managed to choke out before walking up to his room.


Crista sat in the airport gripping the charm necklace Chris had given her that was now around her neck. She was excited to see her dad again but still felt so guilty about chris. "Hey hey!" she heard. She looked up and saw her dad smiling down at her. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck embracing him tightly. "I missed you," she said on the verge of tears. "I missed you too," he said emotionally as well. She pulled back and her dad looked down at her necklace. "Oo where did you get this...a boy," he smiled. "Yeah something like that," she said with a half grin. "Well let's get you to your new home." he said. They drove into a suburb area and came to a nice house made of wood painted off white with a dark brown trim and a huge tree in the front yard. She got inside and he showed her around and her room. She went in and started un packing her nick nack things until she came to a picture in a frame and sighed. It was her the rest of the guys and the girls at Dream Street's first show of the tour. And there on the side was her and Chris together like they were joined at the hip. "Hey crista come here," her dad yelled breaking her out of her trance. "Coming," she yelled back as she set the picture up on her dresser, glanced at it once more and walked out of her room.

to be continued

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