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What people want and what they need are two entirely different things.
I want to do this webpage...which means that I feel there is some sort of need for it. No, not really. There is 0% need for this page. It does not increase your canon of human knowledge, nor does it bring enlightenment to your mind on the great problems of the universe. I simply have the time.
There's my reason. On occastions I'm bored enough to work on this page and sometimes you're bored enough to actually read it. In the end, I don't care how you got here or what you do with this site - so let's just realize that we're all bored sometimes and do stuff like design amateur web-pages.

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Mainly because I can't think of anywhere else to put these, I'm placing a list of my favorite links below. It will change as I find new things on the internet that amuse me...
So here is a current list of web sites that I like:

True Confessions of a Porn Store Clerk.

Jason's Blog
*note* I don't actually know this person. Meredith and I decided that if either of us were late 20 somethings in NYC (instead of mid 20 somethings in Ohio), we would be him.