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New updates are located at the top of the page

Posted Wednesday, August 15, 2001 -- By Rossb89
Hey, sorry for not updating in awhile! But this site is most likely going to be shut down pretty soon. I have started to work for a new site. I am taking all the good information off this site and providing it for the new one. Visit DBZGT Powerhouse's awesome!! I will probably leave this site up until all its important info is used on the Powerhouse. Then I'll shut it down. Peace out!

Posted Saturday, August 4, 2001 -- By Rossb89
Hey, guys, I just got home from vacation like 30 minutes ago so I thought I'd better update! Okay, listen up! This is big news. Supposedly (according to ANONYMOUS who I chat with on AIM), the two of us are going to be starting a BIG Dragonball Z site. If things work out ok, I will probably use the information I currently have on this site to put on our new page. That's about it! And, oh yeah, I hope you like the new background music I added. It's a DBZ song called "We Are Angels."

Posted Saturday, July 28, 2001 -- By Rossb89
ATTENTION: This is a very important announcement. There will be NO updates until August 4th since I am going on vacation for a week to North Carolina!! I will be leaving tomorrow. Peace out!

Posted Saturday, July 28, 2001 -- By Rossb89
Well, looks like I already changed the banner. My sister helped me create it and I like this one a little better than the old one.

Posted Thursday, July 26, 2001 -- By Rossb89
I hope everyone likes the banner I put up. My sister, Sarah, made it for me so she gets all the credit. :) You may use that banner as an image-link if you are going to link me. But, if you are, please use the Save and Upload method. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT use a direct-link on my banner. That is one of the worst methods of page piracy and, if you do that, it will just prove how lazy and dim-witted you are.

Posted Wednesday, July 25, 2001 -- By Rossb89
This isn't really an update, but I just thought of something unusual I noticed one time while watching DBZ. It was on Episode 61, "Password is Porunga." As you know, American DBZ is supposed to be censored. But, in this episode, an unexpected cuss word came up. Okay Dende, Gohan, and Krillin had just summoned Porunga, the Eternal Dragon on Namek. Gohan and Krillin started making some annoying comments about Namek and then Dende said, "Hey, c'mon guys! Don't pi$$ off the God of Law." That was the first swear word I heard on US DBZ.

Posted Monday July 23, 2001 -- By Rossb89

Please bear with me, everyone! I'm changing the layout here. This is the first day I'm going to be posting news so I guess I'll cover the most recent updates. I've started a new Humor section and I'm working on a section to it called Things DBZ Characters Would Never Say. You should check it out.

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