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The Death Zone Blog

Wednesday, 7 January 2004

Well... I haven't written in this thing in a while. Though, this will only be what? the 3rd time? Pfft... yeah I really keep up with things, haha. Yeah. So. Anyways... i'm happy. Yep... me... Kay... happy. Indeed. And I have one very important person to thank for that... my boyfriend. :D He even told me I make him happy... that right there made my day. lol. Yeah, anyways... I'm a happy lil duck... and... thas about all I can think about right now. Soo... till next "blog". lol.

Posted by ny5/darktears87 at 10:47 AM EST
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Tuesday, 9 December 2003

Just another grey day
I sit here and listen to music... the same songs over and over again. You'd think I'd get tired of it after a while, I don't. Anyways... unlike the rest of these people on this blog thingy... I don't go to school... I'll be geting homeschooling soon. I'm away from all of the stress of public schools at last. Although... i'm kind of going crazy being here in the house so much. My parents expect me to clean the house every single day... all rooms except their bedroom. I have to take care of the animals... all 6 of them. >.< God I can't take it... I know, I know... it could be worse. But I don't get a thank you... just $10 here or $20 there... which they end up "borrowing" back anyways. Big freakin deal. I'm 16... I have only about 2 years left until I can get out of here.. this jail cell they call my home. *sigh* All I can do for now is live my freedom in the music that I live in. Music in my room, music on the TV, music on my computer... it's everywhere with me... and when I can't listen to it... it's in my head. The only solitude that keeps me somewhat sane these days. Day after day it's the same freakin thing... I'm one who loves change, every day I wish was different, but no... for me, every day is grey, just like the on before it and it reflects what the next day will bring... more grey. To me... it's always cloudy in my head, the skies are always dark, and the world is black... one day it'll all brighten up, I hope. I have my friends, what few I have... and I'll be there for them always... what a life. The comfort and laughter of my friends and the words and meanigs and heavyness of my music... well, it's way better than nothing. I should be thankful for what I have... because it could be worse.

Posted by ny5/darktears87 at 2:33 PM EST
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Monday, 8 December 2003

First one
My first entry... dunno wut to say. Just seconds before writing this I watched the video for Good Charlotte - "Hold On"... they aren't my fave band... but the song and the vid gets me every time. I have my reasons... and only the people close to me have I told. So I won't post it here. Anyways... after crying my eyes out... I think I'll hit some more chat and then sleep. Tomorrow's another grey day and I gotta sumhow get thru it... my friends don't want me to end my life, so I try to sturggle thru each day... just for them. I know what it's like to have a freind commit suicide... some of them have already gone thru it... I don't want them to go thru it with me... I'm not worth being sad over. Later dayz.

Posted by ny5/darktears87 at 2:31 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 8 December 2003 2:36 AM EST
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