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2002v:shapes="_x0000_s1034" D3FHL.netv:shapes="_x0000_s1035"

USCHO Top 15 12/16/02 ................. 1 Norwich ................. 2 St. Norbert ................. 3 Bowdoin ................. 4 RIT ................. 5 Wis.-River Falls ................. 6 St. Thomas ................. 7 Manhattanville ................. 8 Wis.-Superior ................. 9 St. John's ................. 10 Fredonia ................. 11 Plattsburgh ................. 12 Colby ................. 13 Middlebury ................. 14 Oswego ................. 15 Concordia .................


AOL D3 Hockey Chat Room




FHL Site Crashes Down

I am sorry to inform everyone right now, but the FHL site will not be updated until I can purchase another version of FrontPage. There is just too much stuff to put up and not enough time. Everything is being down the old fashion way right now, and that's on paper. If you have any questions about your teams please email me and I can immediately send you your team.
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but until I can get a hold of another version of FrontPage I can not make the necessary updates to the page that is needed to complete the trades and points for players. We are not bagging it in by any means. I am going over the stats very carefully right now and will have a top 15 up shortly. As far as personal pages and players stats go, they probably won't be up till after the season. Sorry. There are still some glitches I need to get out of the system and out of D3FHL for it to run smooth. Thanks to those who have stuck by these past two seasons. Hopefully as we grow I can get bigger and better materials available to members.

I am currently working on a 2003-2004 website and D3FHL handbook that will need to be read and authorized that you have read the rules before submitting the teams. There have been too many late arrivals and somewhat unfair advantages to certain players due to sign up time ect ect. I want to cut this out of D3FHL and make it more professional. Yes, its D3 I know. I will also be looking for some volunteers and maybe (MAYBE) some paid help, to help me with the points and teams. Keeping track of almost 200 individual players, and 30 something members get massively tiring. I will also be creating a CD/Disk of the FHL program and mail it to whomever is interested. Hopefully next year I can get this a little smoother and a little more on top of things.





Who is the Mid-Season MVP of D-III
Kurtis Mclean- Wick
Nick Stauder -Salem
Brian Yingling-LVC
Manu Mau'u-J&W
Chris Seifert-M'Ville
Roberto Orofiamma-RIT
Jaro Cesky-Aug
Ryan Blick-Lawr
Raj Bhangoo- Went
Dan Meneghin-UWRF
Nathan Ziemski-UWS
Zach Sikich -St.Thom
Will Hamele- Fred

View Results
