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cowgrls blog
Tuesday, 24 May 2005

Mood:  caffeinated
well i actually played for gym today, i changed and participated in kickball. even though both the times i kicked i got out. but i also made an awesome catch of one of Matt Belacks kicks.

this weekend was horrible. i wasn't able to do anything. Melissa didn't even call me at all for any help with the horses or anything. but this weekend i hope is going to be alot better sense niky is going to be at her dads so i will be able to go over there whenever i want. n get a pic. of trixie, lightning, babe, shadow, crystal, and maybe me and niky on shadow, and a couple pics of niky n everything...

Posted by ny5/cowgrlny0 at 11:48 AM EDT
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Mood:  caffeinated
well i actually played for gym today, i changed and participated in kickball. even though both the times i kicked i got out. but i also made an awesome catch of one of Matt Belacks kicks.

this weekend was horrible. i wasn't able to do anything. Melissa didn't even call me at all for any help with the horses or anything. but this weekend i hope is going to be alot better sense niky is going to be at her dads so i will be able to go over there whenever i want. n get a pic. of trixie, lightning, babe, shadow, crystal, and maybe me and niky on shadow, and a couple pics of niky n everything...

Posted by ny5/cowgrlny0 at 11:47 AM EDT
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Thursday, 19 May 2005
Mood:  a-ok
nothing really happened on this day...

had to do my homework. which like normal i really didn't get done all the way. i had none really, but i was sappose to study for this test and it might be really had to do. it is sappose to be on foriegn policies and on the power point presentations that we were doing earlier in history.

besides being in skool that is totally boring it was a really not so bad day. i got to make a calendar with everything that i am going to do for the week on it. and organized my room. but i am going to have to bring my puter modem to my mom's house sense i so how got a cd disk stuck in it. but hey my mom can fix almost anything.

i also found out today that my step-aunt(carla) was really sick and is in the hospital. and i guess the doctors are saying that she prolly isn't going to make. so my step-sister and my step-mom are really depressed right now because of it and my step-sister isn't going to school tomorrow because of it.

oh yeah can't forget like only 1 more month and 3 days till school is finally offically over. :-)

Posted by ny5/cowgrlny0 at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 20 May 2005 11:35 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 18 May 2005
Mood:  energetic
today wasn't that bad of day. i had so much energy i didn't know what to with it. well untill i got home.

i finished my magazine project that i had to do. well even though it was 2 days late. oh well you know what they say better to hand something in late that not at all.

also when i did that i also moved everything around my room. all by my self. my step-mom said that i wouldn't be able to move my entertainment center with out taking everything off of it. but i proved her wrong, i moved my entertainment center all the way to the other side of my room, and i also had to spin it around. welll i moved it all the way across my room spun it around and didn't even take one lil thing off of it. ha ha ha... i know i could move it well i thought that i was ganna need help but i didn't all by my self ha ha ha...

Posted by ny5/cowgrlny0 at 12:01 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 17 May 2005
Mood:  irritated
today was horrible...

well besides the fact that i got to stay home from school all day. but with staying home i didn't really do anything i mean. i didn't sleep or anything that my dad told me to do. and that i was sick so it made it kinda bad.

all i really did was sit home, watch T.V. and clean my room.

omg! when i was cleaning my room i found like 15 half empty bottles of water under my bed. my step-mom prolly thought that i was going crazy or something with all of those bottles. but i think she got a lil bit mad becuase i always drink all the water in the house and there is never any there when she wants something to drink. Ohh well!!

now all i have to do in my room is move everything around so that it is the way i want it. it is kinda funny because my step-mom told me that to move my entartainment center i have to take everything off. and there is no way in hell that i am taking off my puter, T.V., radio and everything else i have on there.

2morrow i have 2 deal with my step-sis.. so that is going 2 be fun.. tell u about it 2morrow... :-)

Posted by ny5/cowgrlny0 at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 May 2005 11:35 AM EDT
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Monday, 11 April 2005

Mood:  lazy
today wasn't that bad except4 my step-mom being a bitch this morning... but she is always like that so it really isn't a big change...

saturday~wasn't really that bad but i was bored out of my mind...the only good thing that i did was i went to go see niky horses, trixie, baby they r thinking of naming it lighting.. he is a lil colt n so adoriable...

sunday~ i was doing so much but hey i got there filly, babe, out of the barn for the first time in like 3 weeks... :-D but be4 that i helped melissa muck out stalls, feed there horses, and bring the horses in n out of the paddock and up to the barn.. but with everything i did i got a sunburn n was standing from 9:00am to 6:00pm and im tellin ya i don't know how ppl can do that at work...

but next weekend ill prolly do that again but hey if i didn't like horses so much i wouldn't do it but hey...horses are so cute and playful... i would muck out 100 stalls a day if i could be my own horse...

Posted by ny5/cowgrlny0 at 9:18 AM EDT
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Friday, 8 April 2005
1 more week till vacation
Mood:  not sure
today well it isn't over but i don't care right now... i mean it is friday and hopefully i get to go to a party and see a hot guy... don't know if i'm ganna be able go anywhere because of my mom... it sucks :-(... found out that i got an 75% in one of my gym classes and a 68% in my other gym class... so if i pull of passing this quarter i will be able to have only one gym class next yr...

last weekend was so much fun...went to a lil git together at my friends house...even though my best friend NS bet me in a drinking contest that i usually win...and she never usually drinks either... it made me kinda disappointed in myself...

my step-mom and step-sister is really starting to make me mad...they keep on coming over to my dads house when they know that they are not sappose to be there alot...and they keep on telling me and my dad to work around there schedules when that isn't the way it should be..they should work around our schedules...and soon enought i just ganna change the locks on them so they can not get in anymore and bother me unless i want them to come over... :-D

Posted by ny5/cowgrlny0 at 11:37 AM EDT
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