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My Pics!!

Hey Everyone! I had so many pics that i had to create another site. but these are just some more pics of my friends and family.

This is My cousin, Manda and Me. I was leaving for SD. I had been crying so I dont look so great. But it was a hard day!

This is My Brother, Jory and Me, again Im leaving for SD, haha.

This is My Boyfriend Ron licking a fake ice cream cone.

This is My parent and Me.

This is My Sister, Annie Banani and Me. I miss her!!!


This is me getting tickled by my uncle John, that is why i look so funny!

This is my cousin Nate. He's a great guy and a great cousin. And i wish him luck in all he does, Good luck in college. Miss and love yah lots!

This is a good friend of mine. His name is Ryan and he lives in SD. He is always there for me and without him i dunno what i would do. Thanks Ryan =)

This is Me being weird, haha.

This is My friend Adrian.

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