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My Journal

March 21, 2003 - This is the first day i am starting this darn thing. I have always thought that journals were fun to read to see what other people are thinking and feeling. This is why i decided to start my own. Today I am going to get my tatoo at 2:30. I'm alittle nervous, but I cant wait to see how good it looks. Manda is going first only because she will get sick if I go first. I also just got a new car. It isnt new but its new to me. It is a Honda Civic. It is a 2 door and its hunter green. I like it. I have been pretty stressed out lately with the war and aother shit. I work 2 jobs and go to school full time, but Im getting by. Its also been almost 3 years since my aunt has past away and I miss her still to this day. I have gotten use to her not being around but it still sucks. My grandpa has also been pretty sick. They gave him 2 years to live 4 years ago, so I should be happy I got those 2 extra years. But I am selfish and want more. That is just alittle about me. Ron is coming over here at 1:30 and he is coming with me and Manda to get our tatoos. My friend Chrissy is also coming with to see what it is like. I have this thing with seeing blood and fainting then puking, so I am really hoping that is doesnt happen this time because all these people will be there. The tatoo is on my back so I wont be seeing any blood. I'll update this later tonight to tell you how the tatoo went. Well I got the tatoo. It wasnt too bad but it did hurt. I didnt cry or anything, like someone I know. Hahah sorry Manda. I am really happy with the results and it looks great. I dont have a web cam anymore so I cant take a pic yet. But i love it!!!!!
March 28, 2003 - Well not much has really been going on here. I get my new car today. I can't wait!! I started to jog. I want to lose some weight before summer gets here. I think I'll ask Ron to come with me. I want to be as skinny as i was last year. I definatly gained the freshman 15, hahah. Maybe ill even go out right now to run. I have to shower thouht before i got and get my new car, so how knows. Ron and I are doing really good. I gave him his Easter present early only because i thought he needed it. But i should probably go out and jog.
March 30, 2003 - On Friday I got my new car and I love it. My parents gave me a car a few years ago for Christmas and then some one totalled it, so they bought me a new one. I guess I am pretty damn lucky. Friday night I went to Linens n Things to see Ron and ended up staying until closing. We all went to the diner. There were 10 of us there. We all had alot of fun. Yesterday I catered with Ron and made some extra money. I then baby sat until 4 am. I made some extra money there too. I didnt go to work today. I just sat at home and slept until 2. I was so tired. It gave me time to finish my psychology paper. It had to be 7-10 pages long. I'm just gald to have it over and done with. I cant wait until 7:30 because Ron will be here. I havent seen him all damn day. I think tomorrow after work I might go over to the mall. I really want to go shopping anf get some new clothes. I am on a diet though, so maybe I'll wait until I lose some more weight. I guess I'll just see how I feel tomorrow. I should probably go.
April 9, 2003 - Not much has been happening in my life. My aunt Lisa and my cousin Thane from Alabama are here for the week. This is the first time I have met my cousin. He is one and so adorable. Manda and I found a beach house for Ron's birthday. There will be 8 of us going. It is so exciting. I think we will all have the time of our lives. We are staying in Lewes but will probably will be at Rehobeth most of the time. The beaches by Rehobeth are better because there are bigger waves. The boardwalk at night is also awesome. Our house we are renting right on the beach. It is so great. I love my new car!! I have to get it into the shop though. I needs a tune up and something else. I have finally caught up in school. I havent been doing my work but I made it all up. Things with Ron and I are going good. We havent had a fight in a long time. I think things are going really great. I love him more than anything in this world and nothing will ever change that. Love you Hunny!!!
April 14, 2003 - Today was a pretty blah day. It was really nice outside but I spent most of it indoors. I had to go to my bank and it took Ron forever to get ready. I missed class this morning because I over slept. But oh well. My aunt Lisa who was here for a week left on Saturday. I then worked until 5 that day at LnT. It was also my mom's birthday. She turned 40. My brother, cousin and I bought a bunch of stuff for the patio for her and my dad's birthdays. I also went to the mall that night with Jess from work. We had fun. That night I didnt do anything, I dont think, but I cant remember. Last night Ron, Jory, Charlie, James and I all went to play pool. I drove my car and James drove his, and on the way home his car started on fire. I was behind them and we were all driving down 52 and he started to slow down. I couldnt figureout why then I say a big red bar under his car. Sparks then started flying out at my car and pieces of his car. I started to flash them and honk and was having my bro call Ron and James on my cell phone. All of a sudden i saw flames under James car. They werent huge but there were flames. I started to go crazy honking and flashing my lights and they finally pulled over. I told him the car was on fire and they got out of the car. I think everything was ok after that though. They towed his car and my bro and I were home late, haha. I didnt get to bed until 3am and I had to get up early, I guess that is probably why I did not wake up this morning, haha. Ron is going to be here soon so I've better get going.
May 9, 2003 - Not much has been happen. After tomorrow I am on summer vaction. I plan on using all me new free time to tan and be outside. And work also. Ron and I are doing good. Our 2 year anniversay is coming up soon. Its hard to believe its been that long. I love him more than anything but still that is a long time. It is now 1 am and I am washing clothes, haha. But my parents wont wash manda and my clothes for some reason. I wash my own dishes, pay for everything but food in the house and rent, I wash my clothes and cook my own food, but they say I have to do more around the house! I think that is bullshit! What the hell do they do? I work 42-46 hours a week and go to school for 18. I mean I think they need to grow up and start thinking. I could understand helping out if they washed my clothes or did things for me, but they dont. I also had planted a rock garden for my cat. I bought some pre grown flowers and planted the rest. Well my sister and my mom dumped them all out!!!!!! I was so pissed. I spent $50 on all that shit and they ruined it. The garden does look nice but I had some really nice flowers. I think I just need to move out! Ron and I were suppose to move out in Aug. but due to some money problems it will probably be more around Dec. There are 8 of us going to DE this summer for Ron's bday. I rented a beach house and we are staylng there for a week. I think it will be a lot of fun. I should go finish my laundry. Good Night!
July 3, 2003- Its been awhile since i have written in here. My cousin and his girlfriend from SD are here. They leave on Saturday. It has been fun having them here. I missed a few days being witht hem because Ron's aunt died so I went to be with him. It was very sad. We drove 2 hours to get there and another 2 to get home. It was way too much driving, haha. Jory and Manda graduated. I didnt go to the graduation because it was too hot. On Saturday Ron had a parade and they did so well. They won 5 awards i think. He has another one this coming Thursday. Yesterday my family all went to Mystic and then to Rhode Island. We brought my cousin and his girlfriend to see the ocean. We had alot of fun.
JULY 12, 2003 - Tomorrow is Ron and mine's 2 year Anniversary. I can't believe its been that long already. I love him so much. I was looking through pictures today that he had and certain feeling came rushing back. I wanted to run and hide. There have been times he has hurt me so badly. But its in the past. I know I want to be with him forever though. Today was James graduation party. It was alot of fun. James is a great guy and a really good friend. I wish him luck in all he does. On Thursday I went to Ron's parade in Mahopac. they did really good. They didnt win any trophies but that is for reasons. I am leaving for Deleware in 2 weeks!!! I can not believe it's here already. I can't wait to go though. But there are problems that I know will be caused by certain people going. I just hope that some of it is fun. I know Ron, James, Charlie and Me will all have a good time. I want to die my hair a light/medium brown and get blonde highlights. But I dont really want to give up my blonde hair. So maybe I'll just get it a darker blonde then get really light highlights. Decisions Decisons! Hahaha. I am really bored right now. Ron works 10-8 as an E.M.T. and it is killing me. I never ever see him anymore. But I really should stop writing.
July 25, 2003 - Well Its been a pretty crazy week. I am leaving tomorrow for Deleware. I am going for a week. It should be really fun. We rented a beach house. I cant wait to be by the beach and just relaxing. I have been busy getting everything ready for DE. Last night I went to Rons parade in Brewster. It was really nice. They got like 4 or 5 trophies. We all went swimming at James' house afterwards. I just cant wait to go on vacation. It is going to be sooooooooo much fun, haha. There are 7 of us going and no parents!! Well i should go. I have to go get my bro.
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