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My friends!!!

This website is all about my friends and some of my faimily. I hope you enjoy it.

Susie- Well girl, we have been through it all. I love you to death and you are my best friend. You are more like a sister to me. I can go to you whenever I need you and you are always there. I can still remember the first day we met when we were 2. Its been 17 years now and things are still great. Its a good thing you needed a diaper and i wanted to use your blanket, haha. I miss you so much but hey we've only made our friendship stronger. I cant wait to see you. Love yah Girl. I wish you the best of luck in college and the future. You are a great friend.
Ron- Well Ron what can I was a great 3 years while it lasted. You hurt me pretty bad and I know when I left on July 13, it hurt you pretty bad. I know it was suppose to be our anniversary but I finally did what i needed to do. I still love and care about you alot. But I hope your happy with your life because I know I am.
Curt- You are really one of a kind!! You always have me laughing. I havent seen you since Ive left NY but I miss you soooooo much. I miss all the great times weve had. Prom was sooo much fun. And senior year was pretty great. I wish we never grew apart, you were a great friend.
Melissa- I have known you since kindergaten and we have had some great times. But I think since moving away we have grown apart. We both have different lives. You are one of the sweetest people i know. You have such a great outlook on life and you have so much respect for yourself. You are also so beautiful. I miss yah lots.
Ryan- I have known you for 5 years now and we talk for hour about everything. But we have never talked in person, haha.......well except for like 5 minutes at Nate's graduation. You always know how to make me feel good about myself and everything else. I can always turn to you when I need help or when I just need to talk. And you know that you can turn to me too. I cant wait to get to finally talk to you in person. Your a great guy. Just remember our little promise type thingy............if thats what you wanna call it, haha.
Manda- Well what can i say........your one crazy bizitch(however you spell it), haha. But I think you living here has helped me change some things in my life. You have helped me to boost myself esteem and self image and made me more secure with myself. I used to feel that I was nothing and you helped me to see I can be something. I have tried things I would of never tried before. We have so many memories..........not all good.....but mostly. You are my cousin but also a friend. And I know i can turn to you if I need help or need to talk. And you know that no matter how mad I am at you that you can always come to me when you need to. Your in Texas now and Im in SD. Weve both gone our seperate ways and have grown too far apart. It sad to think its all because of guys. But maybe one day well be close again.
Dave B.- We only met last year but we have become pretty good friends. We have shared alot and you are always there. I can remeber the one time me, you and Manda went to the lake in the woods. It was so quiet and peacful. But when you are with me and Manda things dont stay quiet for long, haha. You and her made rock thingys with string and were throwing them into the lake, trying to see whos went the furthest. Then your rock didnt stay and flew back and almost hit me in the head. We all laughed so hard. That was so much fun. I hope to see yah soon. Good luck in all you do.
Chuck- Ive known you since 6th grade. You were in my class when I moved here. You are always there but most of the time you dont know what to say, haha. When i am sitting there crying you just stay quiet, but you have expression on your face that tells me that it will all be ok. Your a sweet guy.
Lauren- 10th grade biology! haha. That was a great year, well not really, but i met you. You have been such a great friend since than. Im so glad I got to know you. Well that was written before i knew she was a back stabbing bitch. but you have to figure out who your true friends are sooner or later.
Chrissy- Ceramics was quite crazy. We were always talking and never accomplishing much. And when we were doing something we would always mess it up, haha. We have had some pretty great times. The BSB concert was great and all the other times. And when my aunt died you were there for me to get me back to myself and see that life does go on. You stuck by my side. Your a sweetheart. Good luck in college!! Im sure going to miss you in school. Well~ we have been hanging out alot more now. You came to that parade with me and we got stuck in the pouring rain, hahaha. You are a really sweet heart and you are always there. When shit goes wrong you are always there to make things right. You never let anyone mess with me, because if they do, than they have to mess with you. Your the greatest and this summer has been great and I hope it gets better.
Megan and Taylor- You guys are the cutest cousins ever. I miss you guys soooo much!! I love coming to SD to see you two. You guys are always make me smile and laugh. I cant wait to see you when I move back to SD. I love and miss you Megan. I love and miss you Tator Tot(Taylor). I come home. I miss and love yah.
Grandma and Grandpa- What can i say??.........Your the best grandparents ever!!!! You guys are the greatest. Grandpa always used to give me butterfly kisses when I was upset and it always made me laugh. I also remember when me and Manda used to play with Grandma's sample Avon lipstick, haha. We always wanted the reds, haha. And Grandpa you make the BEST grilled cheese sandwichs and chocolate shakes!! I am so happy you let me come and live with you. Its the best thing i could have ever done. You may drive me insane sometimes but I still love you. Thanks for everything.
Nate- Your in college now. Wow! i can remember when we were all little and we didnt have a care in the world. Those were the good ol' days. But even though we are now older and we rarely talk, I still look up to you. Your a great person with a big heart. You are so sweet. Remember the last night we were all in SD and we threw the frog at the fan?? haha. I miss and love you lots!!!!!
Jen- I dont remember when we met, I think it was in middle school, but oh well. You are such a great person. Your smart, caring, and very sensitive. You are also very successful. Youll be a real somebody someday and dont let anyone tell you different. Good Luck in all you do.
Angelique- Your a princess arent you?? haha. Your my little Annie Bananie. You may be a brat 95% of the time, but i still love yah. I always wanted a little sister and you may not be the one I always dreamed of..........youll still do. You always find a way to make me laugh. I love you Annie. I miss you alot. I wish you were closer to me. I think about you all the time. Bed time bear misses you alot too. I cant wait to see you this summer Annie Banani!!
Mom and Dad- You may not be the perfect parents but no one is perfect. You have taught me alot about life and you arent always do everything for me. You let me make my own mistakes and learn from them. You arent those parents that fight for me and do everything and that has helped me become the person I am. You taught me what was wrong and even though it was wrong i still did it, haha. You have put up with proms, breaking up, driving and everything else. Dont think I dont appreciate it cause I do. Thanks for everything. Now that Im here in SD, I can see the person you have help me become. You worry too much about me. Youve taught me well and you dont need to worry so much. Im doing ok. I miss and love you both very much.
Jory- Your the most annoying person i know!!!! haha. But i guess life wouldnt be the same with out you. I mean you used to play dress up with me, barbies and all kinds of little things. I bet no one else can say there brother did that, haha. You also were more excited about my new barbie house in 3rd grade than I was, haha. Remember that? Well those were the good ol' days, and they are nothing but memories that I will remember the rest of my life. And no hes not gay! He was like 4, so yeah.....he no longer does that, haha. I miss you lil' bro. I hope you decide what your going to do with your life here soon.......your not getting any younger.
Adrian - Well we used tp be good friends but we decided to take things to another level and I it wasnt good, well it was but yeah. You are a great guy and I hope we can be good friends again.
Justin - Well weve been friends for how long now?? I was 15 when I first started talking to you. We have been friends for years and things have changed. Not bad though good. I think your an awesome guy and you always make me smile. I hope that good things will come from being around you so much haahaha.
This is all that i have for now..........i have more names to add so if your not on here youll probably be soon. bye bye

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