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Beth Candy's
Scrap Book Instructions
& Sorce Viewer
"Move Images From" the Scrapbook to another Site
(Ex. Geocities, Tripod or Angelfire)
The scrapbook image must be published on a page.
The quickest way to do this is:
Go to your Page Builder Index.
Click on "create."
Select the Grey background on page 2
Click on "Add an item" (top left)
Select "Picture"
Click on "Your scrapbook."
Select the desired scrapbook photo.
Press "Done." (bottom right)
Note: If you want other images on this page,
click on "Add an item," select an image,
Press "Done."

Repeat these two steps until you have
all the images you want on this page
(I recommend no more than 6 on a page).
Click on "Publish" (left sidebar)
Title and description are optional.
Press "Continue." Click on "Publish."
Now go to:

Type in the URL (web site address).
Press the "Image URLs" button.
You will see your photos with their URL
(web site address) above it. For example: