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captured cascading snaps
captured flashes
new words
scattered yet sane
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At Work
Tuesday, 17 January 2006

I keep bouncing
bound to be found
in the manner I am
thought to be,
seen and sound.
Spiritually free,
intellectually lost and found.
Both, exhausted and aroused.
By the pound,
I'm around a ton
of pent up expression.
On the ground running,
I need to commit to one direction.
Once selection is my biggest problem,
I can exist on rhythms,
the beats'll just trigger comments.
To each his own speech, just be honest.
Key into the person you wannabe
then dream beyond it.
Breathe it in; the future's not a concept.
It's a living, a person,
to immerse yourself in;
an exercise in spirit like
actors rehearsing.
The fact is, we're cursed in this skin.
Man has a history that's burdensome. Hmm?
What we got to show is shame,
scams, schemes and straight torture.
What we can't see
seems more real to me
than what the past has taught you.
The shadows been cast upon you.
What has living in the darkness cost you?
The battles you have to face
hold rewards beyond fame and fortunes.
Who's brought you to this point in time?
Is it choice or just luck or
do you think you've done,
only what you've been forced to?
We have memories to solidify
these lives before
we have to return to the source, du.
These lines I course through,
remind me of the avenues
of thought that I haven't crossed yet.
Who...has reached the pinnacle of a life
fulfilled? To say it's full!
Has accomplished so much
they can spend their life on chill?
And pulled out so much of themselves
their reserve's on nil. For real?
For those folks who've sufferred
and sacrifice I'll continue to build.
Not in my stumbling mind but
with the words in which I'm skilled.

Posted by ny5/cityexperience at 6:43 PM EST
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Tuesday, 10 January 2006
mirror's reverse
We're all subject to this physical universe.
We Exist in it's infinite simplicity.
Like energy bursts,
whatever we give to it,
we get back like mirror's reverse
my image from the surface,
it returns.

Posted by ny5/cityexperience at 7:30 PM EST
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Moon's to see
Driven by this infinite mystery,
I've come so close to my 'self'
I've become intimate with sweet epiphany.
Diggin' deep, sick of a
'stick to what works' chivalry.
Rejuvenating the wilting with
feets of mental wizardry.
How do you think what I
consider is central, isn't me?
That's like separating
who I am in terms of intellect
from what I am physic'lly.
I've come to understand
people tend to think
contradiction is a
perceived lack of unity.
From who I say I am to
what you think I should prove to be.
That's why I tend to stick to the
few who speak and soothe to me.
There's a back&forth,
a give&take,
a distinct you&me.
Including these words
will let you into who
I'm soon to be.
Everything has its time.
Hey, even at night, the Moon's
used to see.

Posted by ny5/cityexperience at 7:15 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 January 2006 7:29 PM EST
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Tuesday, 3 January 2006
Inevitable I
In the synapse, time elapsez.
perhaps its an absence of
accents in my language
which wont allow me to access
the treasures meant to maximIze
these days I fractionalize in lines,
captured in rhymes.
I epitomize a traveler's mind,
unraveling distance within
each step I devise.
Eclectic to those who specialiZe.
The rise of a sectionalized
inevitable I is eminent.
Assembling kingdoms takes a toll
on whoever sees the sense in it.
Mention it in sentences
meant to wrench the essence
from its center.
Realize ascension lives in
spirited men who have the will to enter.

Posted by ny5/cityexperience at 12:26 PM EST
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Thursday, 29 December 2005
brand new
i stood up this morning on the train.
I had so many things on my mind,
and needed someone to hear what I had to say.

"No, interruption intended. I'm sorry
to trouble your focus and attention.

Good morning folks!
Good morning!
Good folks!

Every morning,
is an opportunity.
A new start
to pick the parts
of yesterday you'd like to repeat
and relive in today's context and energy.
Cut, paste and delete
the mistakes made cuz
mistakes fray the edges of time
sharpened by someone's
judgement and impatience.
I like to be cut clean.
Not clean cut so much
cuz whatever's got a bright sheen
seems to give off too much light
to wanna give it a touch. And me?
I like love.
I like the pushing and pulling
of givin' input into an everyday relationship.
Not your ordinary,
run of the mill, again and again,
filling a mortuary
with dead conversation type.
I like fillin' the blanks
with what banks wish
they could cash in.
This spirited talk is
a walk with an inanimate,
animated passion.
A traveler's thirst for life
it's not always a contest,a match or
a need for mental bashing.
There's no sense in being
irrationally complex.
What goes up is eventually crashing.
The only perfect thing is faith
the path you have to imagine.
I like to think we should move together now,
as adults, we should focus on progress.
Not so much as what you and I have to give,
but make it more about enjoying the process.
Exercising what's good in us
in these last days in time cuz
I don't know what I got next.
Tomorrow is "today, later".
Today is harnessing the power of now.
Now is a conquest of memories
I'd like to renew for the betterment
of self any way, any how.
Sorta like, if these old shoes fit better
then why would I wanna buy em brand new?
More than real in letters.
More free then what "years ahead" is
Experience has a way of
reaching teaching so much as
letting you hold some of its truth.

and peace.

And cease to make all these days seem familiar
but definitely, separately brand new."

Posted by ny5/cityexperience at 2:43 PM EST
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Friday, 23 December 2005
Keep in faith
What better place to start than at the beginning
Spitting 'bout
the only thing in this life worth giving
No, not jewels, riches or the pursuit of a name
Its a true and human spirit
Bigger than any so called superstar claims.
Reach deep inside yourself
and u'd see the same.
More than money, this wealth'll help you
see it plain.
Just Love,
it's simple.
For your health and peace to keep you sane.
It's basic, even.
What you give and get back is real. It's gain.
That goes for pennies to dollar bills to change.
If one of the links are missing
look to God for what needs to change.
Nothing under the sun is new, this ALL
can be explained...
It's language where we come up wishing.
speak to God, be trained.
Pain and anguish can be conditioned
and decommissioned, C'mon, seize the day.
The father has got a plan for you.
Yes, I know its real easy to say,
much harder to do the work you'll need to do
unless you believe this way.
Your one of his children, now,
and together we can each display;
a bond eternally lasting
which we can ALL keep in faith.
Under God we're all indivisible
now get on your knees and pray.

Posted by ny5/cityexperience at 4:35 AM EST
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Thursday, 22 December 2005
3rd day of strike 2005
Yesterday, everyone came to work
even though it's tough getting into the city.
The medias going bezerk.
They point fingers at who they think's
to blame using stories of pain and pity.
The MTA's standing tough on principle;
Bosses don't wanna hear it.
People's feelings are hurt
like this happened cuz "The U"
lacks "holiday spirit".
The roads are jampacked and
tourists are disappearing.
Tension is high.
Nobody's buying gifts and
all the retailer's have gone nuts
cuz this is what they've been fearing.
20 to 40% off everything cuz store's
are stocked for the end of the year and
a nonexistent Christmas rush
destroyed profits for everyone here.
Money's blown on cabs and
time's blown on the commute.
That's for the lucky ones
who have jobs and that kind of money to use.
Still in all,
Its kind of funny how the news
still calls TWU's fight
for a better pension a small problem.
It must be contagious then cuz
for 3 days, 33,000 workers
skipped work, they all got it.
It's all about force, there's no logic.
The MTA doesn't have a choice in the matter.
The subways deserted, man, they ALL want it.
We didn't hear nothing for weeks ya'll.
Suddenly, the governor, mayor and
every news person, they all comment.
They single out ONE guy,
for what the power of a whole accomplished.
The MTA's been stalling,
suing and making threats;
there's been no promise.
It's a set up for a fall.
We already know what happens
when ONE tries to get up for us ALL.
He wont survive tryin' to
defend ev'ry possibility,
it's a pattern repetitive enough to call.
All in all, the MTA procrastinated
their offers to the union,
they knew the strike would ruin
public relations.
They're the ones responsible
for the budget, the public and
the dungeons we call stations.
In this day in age, where ev'ry critic
has ten cents and filled with impatience.
whoever owns most of the news,
controls the flow of information.

Posted by ny5/cityexperience at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 December 2005 5:56 AM EST
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Wednesday, 21 December 2005
2nd day
Reports say the TWU is overpaid,
but it's not your dollar or mine.
The MTA writes the checks
these complaints hide behind.
If the union is so spoiled
then why would they risk it all?
Their pride, integrity and honor?
Just to ball?
I dont believe that.
They don't rock suits to work,
fly jeans or expensive sneakers.
They got dingy looking uniforms,
piss infested stations and
cheap loud speakers.
I read they get penalized
for reading newspapers
inside the booths.
They're supposed to sit there
in silence until there's
something to do.
Someone to help, make change for,
u know, like me or you.
Now the same people they've waited on
for 20 years without striking say
"Shame on TWU".
C'mon be real.
If you think someone is being unfair,
there's 2 things u can do.
You can quit and leave it for
somebody else to fix or
you can figure out what you need to do.
Sometimes you gotta break old perspectives
before you can introduce the new.
People have to understand the need for
progress despite the painful process
they're going through.
Amidst the 2nd day, it seems there's no end.
Both sides on the attack and the public's
caught in the middle trying to pick a side
to defend.
The papers, the news and water coolers
try to be the friend.
But all they do is fuel the fire
making sure tomorrow
we'll do this all over again.

Posted by ny5/cityexperience at 12:01 AM EST
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Tuesday, 20 December 2005
strike 2005
The Metro Transit Authority
has tried to impose its law
on New York City as a whole,
the riders and its workers.
They lowball the union with offers
that force them to sacrifice
their livelihood,
to demonstrate the extent of its purpose.
It'd be easy for me to say
"That lazy a$$ union, they trying to jerk us.
Those old ladies walking the street,
Just to come to work and struggle to eat,
u know, they dont deserve this!"
But in this day in age of
propaganda and multimedia,
I try and dig deeper, passed the surface.
The MTA exxagerates the truth in the news
just to keep us on edge, confused and nervous.
Without a doubt, the busses & trains
have been here for years to serve us.
Today they go on strike and the MTA says
"they" just want to desert us.
The strike goes to show that without workers
the morning commute would always be a circus.
That's even with the Metro North, PATH and LIRR service working perfect.
It was meant to show and prove
the true value in their presence; not to hurt us.
The union understand's what their work is worth
despite how the MTA chooses to use it's surplus.
1 billion dollars over what it cost to operate?
Give it a rest! At least discuss,
in public, why they waited until the last minute
to try and finish it up?

Posted by ny5/cityexperience at 5:32 PM EST
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strike 2005
The Mass Transit Authority has tried to impose its law
on New York city as a whole, the riders and its workers.
They lowball the union, force them sacrifice
in order to demonstrate the extent of its purpose.
It'd be easy for me to say "That lazy a$$ union,
they trying to jerk us. Those old ladies in the street,
struggling to eat, u know, they dont deserve this!"
But in this day in age of propaganda and media,
you gotta dig deeper,past the surface.
Without a doubt, the busses & trains are here to serve us.
This morning goes to show the commute's a circus.
That's even with the Metro North and LI-double RR working perfect.
The strike is meant to show and prove not to hurt us.
The union understand's what their work is worth
despite how the MTA chooses to use the surplus.

Posted by ny5/cityexperience at 1:24 PM EST
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