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Artist C.A. Durbin
Monday, 16 April 2007
Sad Day For Virginia Tech
Mood:  sad
New reads:

Virginia Tech officials say there are 33 dead, including a gunman.

Four hospitals report 29 wounded from the attack.

The attacks mark deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

It is sad, thinking about those wonderful students who passed away from this tragedy. For us it seems so final though one day we will meet them again on the other side.

I remember the day they honored the 4 students of the May 4th Memorial at Kent State University by . It had marked 30 years since the Kent State shootings occurred. I was 10 years old when the students were shot in 1970. I felt so bad about that tragedy and now this one.

Kent State University - May 4th Memorial

"Dedicated on May 4, 1990, the May 4 Memorial invites visitors to "inquire, learn, and reflect" about the tragic events of May 4, 1970 when four students were killed and nine were wounded during an anti-war protest on the Kent State campus. Resting on a 2 ½-acre wooded site overlooking the Kent State commons, the memorial provides visitors a retreat for interpretation and reflection. Its environmental design by Chicago architect Bruno Ast was developed from a concept submitted to the university's national design competition in 1986. The number of entries made this the second largest design competition in American history. Constructed of carnelian granite, the memorial is graced by a planting of 58,175 daffodil bulbs, which symbolize the number of our country's losses in Vietnam."

Today we will honor those at Virginia Tech. Those both who were killed or wounded will be honored. There too will be an April 16th Memorial. It too should be graced will flowers and mementos of those students whose lives were cut short or wound by this incident. My heart and prayers go out to the families, friends and everyone who is deeply effected by this. Not since September 11, 2001 have I felt such great loss.

I think that Virginia Tech is a great school for engineering and came close to being one of its students a long time ago. I have lived for a time in Northern Virginia back in the early 1980's. This just hits too close to home. Again my thoughts and prayers especially to the parents, the loss of their child, their son, their daughter, brings tears to my eyes; that I too feel their terrible pain. I hope that somewhere the Lord, Jesus Christ can help you find the comfort to move ahead in life. One day we will all be united as one family. Let us today unite as one.

God Bless Anyone Who Reads This!!!

Charles Durbin
Artist - Photographer
Palm Harbor, Florida

Posted by ny5/cd2 at 10:54 PM EDT
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Saturday, 27 January 2007
Ninety One - Martha G. Durbin - Birthday 01-27-2007
Martha G. Durbin was born on 01-27-1916. I hope that I live to be as old. People who were born in the early 20th Century have seen the world change dramtically in the last 100 years. From the first airplane to landing men on the moon, people born in this era have seen so much progress. If we do not blow each other up, maybe the world will last another 100 years.

Posted by ny5/cd2 at 2:55 PM EST
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Wednesday, 15 March 2006
Wednesday Before Trip to Florida
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: March 15, 2006
The time is flying by now through this semester. I'm half way through my internship with the Akron Symphony and just had my Mid-Term Test in Policy and Procedures in Randy Pope's class. I have an interview in Tampa next week. I need to make some resumes before I go too. It will be nice to see some warm weather next week. It seems that the warm weather is never around long enough to enjoy. If anyone sees this, I am moving to the Tampa Bay area this summer. I would like for you to e-mail me at to tell me about any good places to go to or any art galleries I should check out in Tampa or St. Petersburg. Graduation is right around the corner. See you later!!!

Posted by ny5/cd2 at 3:25 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 15 March 2006 3:34 PM EST
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Wednesday, 22 February 2006
New Artblog for 2006 - February 22, 2006
Mood:  bright
This day has not been as creative as I needed it to be but I have got some things done. There was a whole list of things that I needed to get done. One was to replace the sticker on the license plate of the van. Tomorrow is Marcia's birthday and the plate would have expired then. The prints that I was going to do never got printed. I needed to touch base with Harmony Cafe and Conservatory in North Canton. I was their featured artist this month. I needed to touch base with them because I will have to move my stuff out so they can have a new artist come in for March. Tommy has the flu and I have been getting some stomach pains. I have been doing ok with the teatree oil on the tongue. Tommy, being only 8 years old can't do that but he is better than yesterday, which was Tuesday. I was off today from the Akron Symphony but I may have to call off tomorrow if Tommy is not up to going to school. I got to see the symphony play to the music of Led Zeppelin. That was really good. I have tickets this weekend to see the symphony play Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro." I am trying to finish my thesis for graduation in Arts Administration from the University of Akron. My mother and sister are in Florida. Marcia and I are expected to move down there. Joh and Tommy can't wait. They want to go today. I hope we can work things out. I need to get a job there and we need to find a place that we can purchase because I do not want to rent. Rent is like throwing away your money to some sob. It helps their situation to become richer where by continuing to sap money from the poor struggling people of Florida. That doesn't sound like it came from a Republican does it. I will continue with this tomorrow.

Posted by ny5/cd2 at 8:38 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 February 2006 9:13 PM EST
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