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Length: body- up to 8'2"; tail- up to 3'5"
Weight: males: 385-450 pounds females: 250-320 pounds

Sexual Maturity: 3 years
mating: non-seasonal in tropics, early autumn in extremes of range
Gestation:15-17 weeks
Litter size: up to 6 cubs

Habit: true social cat and lives in groups called
Diet: take almost any prey ranging from small
rodents to young rhinos, hippos and
elephants, but mostly zebra, wildebeest, impala, warthog, hartebeest and waterbuck
Lifespan: In captivity, lions can live 25-30
years, as compared to 12 in the wild for males and 15-16 for females.

Related Species
3 sub-species

  • The majority of Africa’s lions can be found in east and southern Africa, with a small number in west Africa.
  • The lion prefers to live in open woodlands and thick bush, scrub, and tall grassy areas. The lion can and will tolerate a wide variety of habitats, absent only from rain forests and desert interiors.
  • Lions have a uniformly tawny coat, and the shades of it may vary from light to dark.
  • Black (melanistic) lions have not been observed and reports of black lions in captivity have never been confirmed. However, there are White lions both in the wild and in captivity.
  • Males possess a mane and it can range in colors from blonde to red to brown to black. It covers their head, neck and chest, and its development is believed to be strongly influenced by testosterone.

  • Prides are made up of a single male or a coalition of males (up to 7) and up to 20 females and their offspring.
  • A male’s average tenure over a pride is only 2-3 years, but can increase depending on the size and strength of the coalition.
  • Females remain with their natal pride most of the time, although some will disperse and form new prides.
  • The females do most of the hunting, and the male will come and join the females after the kill is made. The females will make way for the males and allow him to eat his fill first.
  • Lions use a variety of vocalizations, most notably the roar. It can be heard over a distance of 5-6 miles, and serves to let other members of the pride know where they are, and as a signal to strange males to stay away.
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