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Black-Footed Cat

Black-Footed Cat

Height to shoulders: 10 in.
Length: 22-25 in. from head to end of back Wieght: about 3 lbs.

Sexual Maturity: 21 months old
Mating: females are only oestrus for 5-10 hours, so timing is everything
Gestation: 63-68 days
Litter size: 1-3 average

Habit: solitary and come together only for breeding
Diet: birds and their eggs, small rodents, insects, arachnids, frogs and lizards
Lifespan: 13 years

Related Species
The Sand Cat

  • As special adaptations to their desert habitat, Black-Footed Cats have a broad skull with large, rounded ears, and hair on the black soles of their feet to protect them from the hot sands.
  • Black footed cats are located only in three countries of southern Africa: Botswana, Namibia and South Africa.
  • They are found primarily in short to medium length grass plains, scrub desert, and sand plains, including the Kalahari and Karoo Deserts.
  • Black-Footed Cats are strictly nocturnal animals, sheltering during the heat of the day in termite mound holes or burrows abandoned by other animals.
  • Hunting techniques include waiting up to 40 minutes at rodent burrows, or flushing nesting birds by walking very fast through the grass.

  • The meow is said to be comparable to the roar of a tiger, only an octave higher, and carries over great distances to communicate with others and locate mates.
  • Babies' eyes open at around seven days, and they are independent at three months.
  • When the mother calls an alarm, the young scatter and "freeze" until the danger has passed.
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