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RPG Game Log:  Week 8

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While Buffy bitches about the vamps not being where she thought they'd be I take the opportunity to sneak out of the warehouse.

She'll probably think I went off on my own to find her sister - cover more ground apart. Well it was half true. Apart from the early evening slay and the bronze fiasco the night had been a big bust. I was looking for something to throttle, especially after being landed with Xander.

*OOOFF* Something hits me from behind and I stumble to the ground, I roll onto my stomach and kick out at the legs behind me. My attacker falls to the ground, I spring onto my feet then push forward landing my knees on his chest, stake at the ready.
The vampire looks shocked that I was able to get the upper hand, Pfft amateurs.


"Sonuvabitch" I grumble as I inspect the tear in my new shirt, I had no idea whether the last vamp had caused it or the fights earlier, I had only discovered it when I was dusting vampire dust off myself after the last slay.

I look up and realize I am close to my motel, its getting onto dawn so I figure I'll go change then raid some nests to forget the pain of my ruined shirt. As I approach my room I notice a familiar black sedan parked two rooms down. Forgetting my shirt I palm a stake and walk towards the room smiling. This was gonna be fun.


{Sorry forgot where I was up to.}


We continue along the sewer looking for a place to go. A ray of light shines through the gutter signaling day break. I sigh. //Daytime's the worst, no fun to be had// I look over to Spike, his brow furrowed as he tried to decide where to go.
"This way" he says as he leads around a corner. "Well now that your buddy has ditched us, I say we go have some fun on our own. I haven't had a kill for ages."

(Cloud 24)


With the rest of the gang together we split into two and start to do a sweep of the warehouse. We don't find much, boxes, rubbish so signs of Spike and Dru with the exception for Riley and no clue as to where they had gone. I stop and am about to give up when I notice what looks like a trap door in the floor.
"Faith...?" I call and step over to it, reaching down to give the handle a yank, it's heavy but comes open "Faith?" I say again and look up, I don't see her, only the gang. "Where's Faith?" I ask and Xander looks around
"I haven't seen her since..."
"Damn her.." I Mutter and jerk the door open, a ladder leads down into the sewers.



My eyes narrow as I watch a familiar brunette approaching from the window. "Damn her..." I Mutter and shift my view point, I had been watching her approaching for some time and knew she was alone. She seemed like the loner type, ditching Buffy would of been fun for her.
I glance back at Dawn "Wait right there sweetie," I chuckle, she's tied up, she's not about to go anywhere. I step to the door and pull it open and step out with such speed the brunette slayer doesn't know what was happening. Obviously she hadn't been expecting me. I reach out and grab the front of her top and jerk her into the room, she spins and stumbles to the floor.

(Oz's Angel)


As the brunette figure falls through the doorway, I make out Faith's figure. Well, at least someone came for me. She's better than nothing. Not that she's bad, well, you get it. Anyway, maybe I can get out of here alive.



"Eeewwwww." I say stepping around a pile of garbage in the warehouse where the vampires were holed up, "The undead have no taste. Why can't they kill someone with a mansion?"

Buffy gives me a pissy look but I ignore it, I know she was thinking the same thing. She is standing above a trap door that leads to the sewers. She's gonna go down there, I just know it. Now way in hell I'm following her though. I wonder if her sense of smell is retarded or something- I mean she spends so much time around dead people, decaying cemeteries and icky sewers, maybe its a slayer thing, like her super powers and lack of fashion sense.

"This is how they got out, maybe they're still down there." Buffy says to the group as though she expects us to happily jump into the dark void and chase vampires around.

"Ugh, You can find out, I'm going home is sunrise already. Not that I need beauty sleep but my foot needs rest and I wouldn't mind some either."
The others look like they agree with me but are too wimpy to say so in front of Buffy.

"Anyone want a ride home?" I ask. Willow and Xander look at Buffy questioningly.

"You guys get some rest. Spike missed his tradition, I don't have to worry about him now - I just need to find Dawn and I can handle Darla on my own. Giles - find Angel, he knows Darla he might know where she'd go." Buffy ordered then disappeared into the hole.

Everyone just stood there for a moment then Xander called "Shotgun!" And headed for my car.


{Seeming as no one has posted as Angel I figured I'd just use him as I see fit (no hidden meaning there...honest) I don't claim ownership of him if you decide to use him in your post go for it just don't kill him or I'll wedgie you!}


I cringe when Buffy mentions her ex. Damnit how could she care more about a dead guy than my beautiful self. Buffy and the others decide to leave, I walk outside to bum a lift from Cordy, as if she would refuse. I emerge just in time to choke on the dust left in her wake. I turn to Giles who is getting into his ancient car, he appears not to notice me and leaves too. I am alone now.

I decide to head for the Initiative HQ, to rally my troops, Buffy would be sooooo grateful when I found her sister. And I know I could do better than some hostile.

(Cloud 24)


I watch as the rest of the gang disappear outside then turn back to the whole. It stinks, but I draw out my stake and enter, climbing down the rungs until I land in a small puddle of sewer water. I look about, the place is dimly lit and thankful it only goes in one direction, for now.
"Lets go a vampire hunting" I mutter to myself and begin to walk into the darkness.



"Slayer, slayer, slayer...why can't you lot ever just leave me alone?" I leant back against the door and look down at the brunette on the floor. "I come her so little Dawn and I could have a break, away from all that killing and torturing, and what happens? You have to come along and interrupt us."
I bend down, the slayer is slowly sitting up looking at me. She seems to be moving a lot slower then I would expect, hopefully, she's just cautious.
"I rescued this little girl you know, sure, I still have her, but rescued her all the same..." I let my face vamp "And what about you...what should I do with you?"



I know walking up to the door is not tactically great but who cares? Its been a long boring night and I just don't feel like being stealth-slayer. As I suspected she would the blonde vamp sees me coming and assumes I'm a complete moron - which is ok by me cuz she'll be just that little bit surprised when I kill her. I let her toss me into the room like she's in control, she bends over me as I lay on the floor, I notice Dawn is tied to a chair in the corner.

"...What should I do with you?" She asks, her face morphing.

"I can thing of a few things." I retort. She smiles.

"Hmmm, so can I but I think killing you will be more satisfying." She bends a little closer for dramatic effect and I take my chance. I roll onto my back and kick her with both my legs, she goes flying into the wall and I spring to my feet. Before she gets up I pick up the bedside table and bring it down hard on her head, it shatters and she is out cold.

I walk over to Dawn who's eyes are as big a saucers and begin to untie her.

"Wow, that was so cool!" She says as I free her from the last of the ropes.

"Go home." I say shortly, Dawn just looks at me for a moment, then to the vampire then back to me, she is about to say something then thinks better of it and heads for the door.

I look at the rope in my hand then to the vampire lying motionless on the floor, an idea forming in my head. A slow smile plays across my lips as I drag the vamp towards the chair and begin to tie her to it. When I'm done I sit on the bed and wait for her to wake up. I know the ropes won't hold her for long, but it should be long enough for us to have a little chat.



I open my eyes, my head hurts and my hands are tied together. I growl and lift my head as I remember what had happened, and see the cause of it sitting on the bed where Dawn should of been.
"You realize that girls' going to die now," I smile "The safest place for her was here..." I keep the smile on my face and play with the ropes, they're loose enough for me to slip out of them if she tries to attack. I decide to stay put and see what she has planned, the fact that she had tied me up and not killed me is intriguing.
"So what do you want deary?" I ask "Dying to be turned into one of us? I don't know, you did hurt my head..."

(Cloud 24)


I wander my way down the sewer, so far no turns, and so far, no vampires, not even a trace. But I keep on, I know Spike and Dru had to of gone this way, of course, there was the possibility that they hadn't but I wasn't going to take the chance of letting them go.
The place stinks though and I hop onto a ledge as the water gets slightly deeper. "There's gotta be a ladder up or some kind of cavern down here..." I mutter out loud as the tunnel begins to curve towards the right.



We arrive back at Giles' and decide to have a quick chat before we split for bed. I find my usual position, on the sofa with Anya, whilst the rest just fall somewhere. Giles looks at us, and then heads off to boil a kettle for some tea //typical English...// He asks if we saw spike or Dru but we're too knackered to answer.... My head is kinda spinning, party due to the journey and partly cuz Cordy just wont shut up.... She's jabbering on about fashion, and the smelly sewers, and Buffy's dress scent, and Dawn killed by Darla. I look at her and kinda growl "Who's up your ass" she moans. It shut her up though didn't it.
"We must plan our next action" Giles boomed over us, tea in hand. We sit waiting for what he has to say......

(Cloud 24)


After what feels like forever a bend finally comes into the tunnel and I find myself face to face with a dilemma. There's a crossway in the sewer and a ladder leading up, and no clue as to which direction Spike and Dru had gone in. I stamp my foot in frustration and gaze in either direction, then down at my hand.
Its just after 4am...//mum...// I think //She must be worried sick, Dawn's not there...I'm not there...// I sigh and make my way to the ladder and start to climb. I'll go home, but I don't know what I will tell her, how can I tell her Dawn was kidnapped? That I couldn't find her...and don't know where she is?



I ignore the others. I can hear Giles is talking, but I'm not hearing it. I'm busy with the computer, seeing if I can link up to the initiative's GPS and pinpoint Spike, Dru and Darla.... I hear Giles droning away in the background //I'm glad I can shut him out// I think to myself... Suddenly, "YIPPEE!!!" I scream. The others look at me, scared perhaps. "Yay.....". "have you been listening to a word I've said" asks Giles. "No", I say "but I know where spike, Dru, Darla, Buffy and Dawn are. Darla has split with the others, and is with Dawn, here...." I point on the screen, and they crowd around. Giles takes control. "Xander - follow Buffy and send her to Spike and Dru. You others, follow me to Darla". We all away from the house, but Anya decides to head off with Xander. Ah well, what do ya do.......??

(Cloud 24)


I hang my head and walk dismally toward home. I don't know what to do, the sun is starting to rise in the distance and I can feel the tiredness creeping into my body. I wonder if I should go see the others first, let them know I couldn't find her then go home and let mum know... she'll kill me. She always hated the slaying and warned me about getting Dawn involved. I wouldn't blame her though, I did take her along with me, into the heart of a fight.
I sigh and lift my head, not far now, a couple of blocks and I'll be home.



I play with the ropes bounding my wrists and look at the slayer. She stares back at me with hard brown eyes, I like them, eyes full of hate.
"So, what do you want with me?"
Her eyes narrow "I want you."
I chuckle "What is it with you Slayers, can't find your own kind?" she glares at me and clenches a fist but doesn't use it. She's smart, for a slayer, the moment she moves from that bed I'll take her down and she knows it.
"So what are we playing at here dear? I know you don't want to exchange fashion tips, though you could do with please, do enlighten me, I'm bored."



"You know for someone who is immortal you sure are impatient." I tell the blonde with a smile.

"I'm Faith, the vampire slayer, incase you hadn't figured that one out."

The blonde looks at me for a moment, "My name is Darla. Tell me Faith, why is it there are now two slayers in this pretty little town?"

"Long story, basically Buffy died next slayer was called, Buffy didn't stay dead."


"You're tellin' me. This is supposed to be my town. Just mine, not perfect little Buffy." I feel my temper start to rise but manage to save myself from an outburst.

"That's where you come in, to succeed where others have failed."

The blonde looks at me interested in what I have to offer.



I leg it towards the warehouse as fast as I can, hardly realizing that Anya is behind me. I jump down the hole, not really realizing quite how far down it is, and I land about 4 meters down, in a pile of shit. I get up //damn people// I am starting to see the merits of being a vamp. Anya arrives just as I pick myself up. "You stink" she helpfully says. I just and head off down the tunnel. I haven't been traveling very long, when I catch Buffy coming the other way. "Where are you going?" I ask. She tells me about the divide in the tunnel, but I take her a bit further along, consulting a printed map, and I find a gap in the roof of the tunnel. I prize open the grate there, and Buffy helps Anya (begrudgingly) and me up. I get the feeling that she's almost glad I'm there, that she doesn't like it here along, but I don't know. We head along the tunnel, Anya talking the whole way. We get close, and I tell Buffy and Anya to be quiet. We sneak up closer, and peer in through another grate to see Spike and Dru sitting seemingly inside each other, in a loving embrace. "We're gonna have to split up the party" I whisper to Buffy. "Shame that" comes the reply.........

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