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RPG Game Log:  Week 8

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(Cloud 24)


"Together," Faith says looking at the window. Its wide and tall, easy for us to both jump up to the ledge and get in. In time, we jump and land on the edge silently and press our hands to the glass and look in.
"I don't...see anybody." I whisper and Faith knocks the glass out, it crashes to the ground of the warehouse on the inside and she leaps down.
I could kill her, but then, a surprise like that would startle Spike and the others //If they're even here...// I follow her and land on the shards of glass, they crunch under my feet and I look around...nothing.



//Damnit, where the hell are they? We've been here ages// I shout to Giles, and he walks over with Cordy. "they've been in there a long time.. Either they're bored, or they're about to help. Whichever it is, I'm gonna make it worse, so I may as well go in anyway". Giles agrees, and Willow decided to follow us in, whilst Cordy cowers outside. we run in, only to see Buffy a willow sat back to back on the floor.. //I hope they aren't tied up// They get up off the floor and shrug, bringing a sense of relief and dread to me all at once.
They weren't vamp food.
They didn't find Dawn...

(Cloud 24)


I look at the gang as they stand around us "No one's here...but someone's been here, look." I lift my arm and point to the far side of the warehouse where a body lies on the ground.
"Could still be alive..." I say and feel guilty for my lack of compassion, but right now, all I care about is finding Dawn. "They're not here...but chances are they were and have fled...but how and to where?" I look around and see some movement from the body on the ground //still alive// I wander away from the gang but they follow me anyhow until I recognize the figure and groan.
"Riley? What are you doing here?"
He sits up and doesn't answer, I'm glad he doesn't speak.
"Who did this?"
"And who else?" I demand though I know the answer.
"Two girls,"
"Dawn," I lower myself and grab him by the front of his shirt "Where is she?"
"I don't know..." He closes his eyes and passes out.



I continue to look out the window, I can smell sunrise getting closer, which meant one thing, I didn't have to worry about Spike or Dru coming to find me. A part of me wishes Dru would though, Dru alone, no Spike, he was always too flippant for me.
"What are you going to do with me?"
I turn around and look at Dawn, there is fear in her eyes despite her attempts to look strong and determined, I have to admire that, most people would be trembling with fear and crying. She hasn't done any of those yet, probably knows better.
"You and me my dear, we're going to raise hell."

(Cloud 24)


"Well that's Just great!" I stomp my foot close to Riley's head and turn away "A lot of good you are, some one get him out of my sight." I clench my teeth and turn my angered attention to the room, its a big place, nice old warehouse...//how did they escape? we had the place pretty much surrounded?// I begin to walk about scanning the area.



I can't bear this anymore. I catch Xander's gaze, and he gives a questioning look. I nod. "Hey" says Cordy "What are you guys doing?". We run into the warehouse, stakes and other random sharp things raised, only to see Buffy with sharp things raised at us. "I thought you were vamps" she says apologetically. She looks around in disgust; "they left."

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