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RPG Game Log:  Week 6

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I see Dawn run into Spike and decide, chip or no chip he was going down. I ran towards them and launched into a flying kick. I sailed over Dawn's head and my foot connect with Spike's head. He went down.

"Run!" I yelled at Dawn as I sprinted towards Buffy who was now facing off with the two female vamps.



I look around feeling slightly disoriented from that blow to my head. I shake my head and then turn my attention to the brunette Slayer, who was facing off with Spike. //That ***** , she's going to pay for what she did// I walk towards them at the same time blocking a punch from the other Slayer. I sent a satisfying punch to her stomach, knocking her towards Darla. "You can take care of this one" I say as she sends a powerful kick at the Slayers head with a smile.
I turn to see the other Slayer run towards us and I duck, narrowly missing her foot. I push her towards the ground just as Spike approaches and aims an kick at her face. He suddenly screams and holds his head with pain. //What just happened?// "Damn chip!" I hear him say.
"Forget about her, get the kid" I tell him. The Slayer straightens up and I knock the weapon out of her hand. I close my hand around her neck and pin her towards the wall.



I turn around and see Dawn running away. I begin to give chase, and I quickly catch up to her.

//This is going to be easy.//

(Oz's Angel)


Just as I think I'm safe, more or less, I hear footsteps banging behind me. I spare a glance and see Spike. I gasp with what breath I have left and try to run faster. The problem is, is that I have no energy left, I've been running for a while. I try to dart quickly around a corner to loose him. I keep running, but then I look in front of me. A dead end, great, how cliché. A wall in front of me and a pissed off vamp behind me.



Buffy doesn't know me and Will are here.. Nor do the vamps... hey, here we go.

I leap out of the bushes and swing a punch at Darla. Buffy looks at me with a mixture of relief, determination and happiness. I throw her onto Dru, and a whisper into Buffy's ear that willow is here too. Just as I say it, she leaps at Dru, and they both go flying. I run off to help her, and leave Buffy with Darla.

Suddenly, I hear a scream, it sounds like Dawn.


{The first post by:}


I hear Dawn scream. I look around me, and I see Dru and Darla, but no Spike... It must be him.

"I'm going after Dawn" I say to Xander, "It's only Spike, and he's been chipped". I run off in the direction of the scream, in an attempt to help Dawn. I see Spike standing over her, holding his head, and Dawn on the floor..... //Shit, has he been de-chipped?//

(Oz's Angel)


Oh my god, oh my god! What did I get myself into? Why did I have to come. I don't wanna die. He's hurting me, yanking my head. Wait a sec, I'm not this helpless. I look up at Spike and I see a happy, excited glint in his eyes. I make the most innocent, scared look I can muster and jab my elbow as hard as I can into his stomach. He curses and lets me go. I see my opening and slip out of his grasp. Ya know, I'm getting really tired of running.

(Cloud 24)


I grasp my stake in my hand and begin to circle Darla //definitely her...but how?// she smiles at me, that wicked sultriness smile that would probably work on any guy, but not me.
"Long time no see dear, How's your mother doing?" She grins
"Almost too long...see you took my advice, that catholic girls uniform just was awful..."
She keeps circling //What the hell is she doing?// I want to look around and see what's happening else where...where's Dawn, Faith...this isn't good.
"Though Angel killed you..."
"What can I say? can't keep a good vamp dead."
She lunges at me, fangs bared, I leap out of the way and thrust the stake towards her back...



I spin on my heels and shot my arm out, the stake landing almost gracefully in my outstretched hand and I jerk it, but she doesn't want to let go. I kick her in the stomach which sends her tumbling backwards, but we remain stuck together by the stake, she seems reluctant to let go or do anything more serious. Suddenly the ***** lands a punch on my check and I return the favor and we continue to wrestle for control of the pointy stick.
"Do you really want to be doing this Hon? Dru and Chip boy are getting that little brunette at the moment...who is she anyway?" I jerk the stake in my direction again and we exchange punches again.
"What are you doing back get Dawn? To get my sister?"
//sister....slayers sister even better....//

(Cloud 24)


The look in Darla's eyes sends my stomach into a knot and my heart begins to beat rapidly. //she didn't know...they didn't know...what have I? Dawn...// I calm myself and throw a kick of rage into Darla's stomach, she returns with a punch and a laugh
"You're sister's going to be fun to play with..." She laughs again and I lose it. I let go of the stake and punch her, one two, shocked she stumbles back, I do a swipe kick and knock her off her feet. She hits the ground hard but my stake is still clutched in her hands.
I don't bother looking for another weapon, no time. She's already starting to raise with the same anger that had just sent me into my little rage. I deliver another two kicks and a few punches that lift her off the ground and I press her against the wall, I punch her again then drop her. I make a grab for the stake in her hand but she holds it too tightly, I look for something else to finish the job then hear a scream...
I run.



I look at Cordelia again and try to piece together what she just said, then it dawns on me. "Oh my, hurry, we have to get out there before something really bad happens." I leap out of the chair and rush for a bag of supplies, then run out the door, Cordelia following.



"Ow you little bitch ! that hurt! now you have made me mad!"

With that sentence, my head begins to throb.

//oh great now I can't even say anything bad!//

The pain continues to get worse, then goes away just as quick. I feel...different.

//what a bloody minute. this feels like, when the chip was out. maybe...//

I turn around to see Willow running up to me. a throw a punch in her direction and hit her in the face.

"no pain...NO PAIN!!!"

At that moment, I vamp out and look towards Dawn...



//damn her...//
I rise from the spot I had fallen to and seethe with anger, //that hurt...good thing I don't bruise.// I look down the alleyway and spot the tail end of the slayer. Running to her little sisters aid, how sweet, how perfect. I make my way slowly towards the car //I must remember to thank Buffy for letting that one slip, sister...// I reach the car, the driver door still open and the keys still in the ignition. I get in, the radio's on ironically playing, Sympathy for the Devil.
"I don't need that sweetheart, give it to the slayers."
//now to just swing around and provide Dru and her catch with an escort.//



I run around the corner, not knowing what to do, but certain I can get Chip-boy off Dawn's back. The first (and only) thing I see as I round the corner is a blooded fist, before I hit the ground to the strains of a screaming Dawn and a shouting Xander. I feel as if I'm in slow-motion, with a parachute holding me up, yet the impact with the floor still feels like I've hit a moving wall at light-speed. I open my eyes, and I see what could be Dawn being devoured before I close my eyes and think of home.....



"Come here Dawn, and save yourself the pain"

I run a bit further, catch up to her and grab her.

"Now don't worry little one, we wont hurt you, much."

I turn around in the direction of Willow, to see her on the ground.

//As much as I want to see your insides, I must go.//

I begin to walk towards the battle to see Xander running in.

//Not this again//

"Well well, look who came to save the day. Our hero! Hope you don't mind if I spoil your victory party."



Its about time there was a decent fight around these parts. I pretend to go limp as the brunette vamp closes her hand around my throat. She begins to squeeze and I give her a 200 watt smile and ram my fist into her solar plexus she stumbles back and falls on her arse. I then turn my attention back to Spike, I see Buffy running towards him the Dawn give him a good shot in the guts //way to go small fry!//

I forget Spike, Buffy can beat on his chipped arse. I turn and make my way towards the blonde who has gotten back into her car. Coward, she's gonna run. I do a flying kick from in front of the car neatly smashing through the windscreen with my boot. I do a quick spin on the bonnet and catch the surprised vamp in the face with my other foot. She tries to catch my ankle but with speed that surprises even my I grab a piece of glass and ram it through her hand, effectively pinning her to the dash board. She growls and swears at me, fangs bared spitting with rage.

"Ohhh, " I say mocking sympathy "Did that hurt?"

(Oz's Angel)


With one arm, Spike grabbed my shoulder and with his other hand jerked my head up towards his. I could see a hunger burning in his eyes and it terrified me. Something told me the chip wasn't going to stop him now. I closed my eyes, I didn't want to watch. My skin tingled as he neared my neck and I started to shake.



//I haven't done much today have I??// I see Willow fall limp by the pathway, and I see Spike running with Dawn. One hostage. Will they kill her use her as bait?? I notice the blonde pinned to the dashboard by Faith. As she leaves to batter other vamps that seem to have mysteriously appeared, I decide even I can attack a vamp with a hand pinned down. I run to the car, and kick her in the face before she un pins her hand and aims the glass towards me. I leap back, ready to defend but also ready to run, just in case.......



I keep one eye fixed on the boy standing nearby as my other foot mashes down on the accelerator and sends the brunette slayer flying while the open car door swings at the boy. He leaps out of the way and tumbles to the ground.
I reach out and pull the car door shut then do one of my skillful wheel turns that spins the car around. Brown haired slayer is rising from the ground, a less than happy look on her face.

"Oooh, did that one hurt sweetie," I mock and laugh //should I run her down...she did hurt my hand.// I switch the headlights on in a scene reminiscent of that Stephen King movie...Christine. I rev the engine, watching, waiting...

(Cloud 24)


I feel my heart beginning to pound as I spot Spike with Dawn...// I can get her...he can't do anything...and why's she not fighting him?//
I break out into a sprint while I see the fights around us, Willow and Xander are doing their best and Faith, where is she?
I look around as I head for Spike and spot her on the ground, further away near the entrance to the alley I see a pair of bright headlights.
//not again...she's car happy.//
running towards the passenger side of the car is Drusilla, she jumps in just as I near Spike.
"Spike!." I scream and he turns to face me, his face vamped out as he holds Dawn tightly...



Dru jumps into the car beside me holding a hand to her head. She whimpers about how much her head hurts and that we should run the slayers down.
"Spike seems to have our little girl, while the slayers cavalry seems out of commission temporarily..." I look in the alleyway, the 2nd slayer and Buffy's friends are on the ground still, Buffy herself seems to of meet up with Spike.
"Lets just get Spike and his cargo and get out of here..." I rev the engine and keep my eye on Spike and Buffy, waiting for the best moment to barrel in, while Dru keeps look out on the other three.



At that moment, I had to make a decision. Run with the girl, or kill the slayer. I throw Dawn to the ground and face Buffy.

"Hello pet. How ya been? Surprised to see me are ya? Well your not the only one. Seems that this chip your commando friends put in my head isn't effective as they thought. Well enough of this chatter, its time to do something I have wanted to do for a long time. Are you ready to die slayer?"

(Oz's Angel)


Suddenly, I'm flying through the air and land with a thump on the ground. I look up and see Spike beginning to face off with Buffy. I breathe a sigh of relief, she's much more qualified to do this than I am. I back up farther away from the battle. Then, I hear a sound off to the side. I glance and see a car speeding towards us.

"Umm, Buffy..." I call. She whips her head around and glares at me. I just point.



I see Spike throwing the girl to the side ready to face off with Buffy and see opportunity knocking. I glance at Dru then slam my foot down
"Just open your door and grab the girl, I'll try to whip around to pick up Spike, but I'm not making any promises..."
Dru nods as I grip the wheel and speed down the center of the alleyway, car aimed at the slayer but staying close enough to the side so Dru can get the girl.

(Cloud 24)


"No more angry puppy now huh Spike? Guess there's no reason not to kill you anymore," I whip out my stake and take a defensive pose while Spike leers at me, his fangs bared.
//this is it...//
I hear my name and throw a glare towards Dawn, but she points towards the entrance of the alleyway and I look up... car, coming right for us. //what to do?//
Spike attacks...he reaches out and grabs my arm, his grip is tight and I slam my fist into his face and send him backwards, I lift my stake as he straightens, a kick heading for my head. I duck and spin away delivering a kick to his back only to receive a quick punch to the stomach. The cars engine is so close I leap away from Spike and turn to see where it is.
Brakes squeal and the car stops short of Spike and me, the passenger door is flung open and Dru leaps out quickly..
"Dawn!" I scream and try to run toward her, fingers grasp my hair from behind and I'm jerked to the ground.
"Run Dawn!..."



I grab Buffy's hair and throw her to the ground. Dru and Darla grab Dawn and drag her into the car.

"Come on Spike!" Dru yells for me.

I hesitate and look down at the slayer.

"You got lucky this time slayer. But I promise you this, you will die next time we meet."

And after I say those words I dive into the car, slamming the door behind me. And we drive away, with Buffy running after us. But she slowly fades back, and out of sight.

(Cloud 24)


"DAWN!" I scream again as I chase after the black car, but its just too fast for me and my efforts to catch up to it prove to no avail. I stop finally, feeling the tears in my eyes and I turn from the fading image of the car and wipe a hand across my eyes...
"Stupid...she shouldn't of come..." //can't blame her...can't blame anyone, except them...Spike...//
I look back towards the alley I had run out of, Faith, Xander and Willow are all on their feet now looking at me questioningly. They saw what had happened but don't know how to react, how I'll react. I turn away from them and look out at the road //they're gone...and they're going to use get to me only I hope...//

(Oz's Angel)


I glance up as the car speeds towards us, just as Spike attacks Buffy. I vaguely hear Buffy tell me to run, but I can't move for some reason. The car door opens, and the next thing I know, I feel a pull on my shirt and I am lifted off the ground. I start to scream and thrash, but whoever grabbed me is too strong. I am tossed into the back seat and Spike climbs in next to me, and the car speeds off. My heart is pounding and I know we both remember the incident less than two minutes ago. I know he still wants to kill me, to get to Buffy, but I also know he won't. The two vamps chatter in the front as the one drives. Finally we stop and Spike jerks me out of the car and into a building.



"You don't have to worry about getting that doctor Darla, looks like the chip has no effect on me anymore."

"Yippee! William the Bloody is back!" screams Drusilla.

"You bet babe, and this time, for good" I say.

I look down at Dawn, who is lying on the floor of the abandoned warehouse.

"Don't look so scared pet, we wont hurt you."

"Oh Oh! Can we play with her a bit?" Dru asks.

"Sorry love, no can do. We need to think of a plan now" I say.

Dawn looks up at me and says, "You just wait, my sister will be here in a few seconds to kick your vampire ass!"

"Oh we hope so" says Darla.

"Yes, we hope so."

(Cloud 24)


I race back down the alleyway and join Faith, Xander and Willow, fighting back tears.
"They got her...they took her...we have to g, we have to find her now, right now...come on." I turn but an am stopped by a strong hand, Faith.
"Don't lose your head just yet," she mutters and I throw her a murderous glare.
"They've got my sister" //not that I know where they've got her...// "What are we going to do...Giles, maybe he'll..." I shake my head, I feel like I'm losing my concentration, a part of me still just wants to run into the night and go looking for her, even if it means staking every vampire across town till I find her.



I pick at the glass splinters still lodged in my hand //stupid slayer// I lower my hand as Dru comes over and we both turn to the girl, Dawn.
"Never knew the slayer had a sister," I say "your mother had quite a unique taste...maybe..." I fang up and she trembles, a whimper escaping her and I turn away and laugh. "Nice digs Spike, what is this place?" he turns to face me while I hear Dru moving about the girl, taunting and frightening her.



"Its a old place I came across a while back, nothing big really."

//I just hope the slayer doesn't find us here.//

"So, what do we do with the little one?"



I look at Buffy. This is almost the first time I've seen her crying. I always thought she was so strong. I reach out a comforting arm, but she refuses, and Faith, takes charge. We decide between us to head to Giles'. He's sure to know what to do. I look for bruises, and notice a slash on my arm, with a huge chunk of glass in it. "I need to get this outta my arm guys.." I semi-mumble, before remembering that I hate the sight of my own blood, and passing out.



Great, Xander down too now. //I wish Tara was here// Buffy and Faith carry Xander between them, and we head towards Giles' place. "there's probably a spell to find Dawn ya know" I say out loud. "I just need to look for it". The others seem to nod in agreement, their ears not really hearing what I'm saying. //I'll tell Giles when we get there.//

(Cloud 24)


//He could he do this?// I think to myself as Faith and I carry Xander between us. I know its not his fault but I feel tense at the moment, my mind only on Dawn and getting to her before they put even the slightest scratch on her.
"Darla..." I mumble and Faith looks at me "She was could she be back?"



I suddenly come round, and I feel kind of stupid for fainting. I look down at Buffy, and politely cough. "Sorry bout that guys" I say, and I try to pull the glass out of my arm as they lower me carefully. It really hurts, and I'm in excruciating pain, but I manage to pull out a bi of the glass, only to see a few more piece. "screw this" I say "(mocking) I'm Xander - I can fight vamps and STAB myself with a windscreen......". I trot to catch up with the others as we come into sight of Giles' house.

(Oz's Angel)


That crazy brunette vamp keeps looking at me, like she wants to eat me or some- wait she does. I sigh. For some reason, this whole situation hasn't sunk in yet. I still feel very defiant, even though I know I could die at any second. But Buffy will come and save me...I hope.

(Cloud 24)


I walk hurriedly almost oblivious to all around me. The sister side of me wants to just run around Sunnydale looking for Dawn, but the sensible slayer side of me says to do it the right way. I agree with it, its better to go in with some plan, not just bust down every door and attack. //though it does have its advantages// I look up as we reach Giles house and I frown
"What if he's still at the library? That's where we left him.." //idiots...we should of went back there, its no ones fault, Giles usually does go home when it gets later//
"Only one way to find out" I knock on the door and wait.



"Well, this place certainly has that hideout feeling to it. Lacks that homely feeling." I shrug, "It'll have to do for now..." I wave off Spike and return my focus to Dru. She stands just away from the tied up girl swaying like a cobra as she stares down at her. The girl is close to whimpering and her lower lip seems to be trembling.
"Oh come now dear, no need to be afraid, you dear sweet Buffy is going to come to your rescue...we're counting on it."
She blinks and stares at me, possibly wondering what we have in store for her sister, and what's to be her fate.
"Don't fret Hon, aunty Dru and Darla will make sure you don't miss out on any fun." I laugh and Dru giggles, kneeling down close to the girl and touching her face.
"Don't scratch the goods dear..." I say and Dru pouts.



"Back away from her Dru" I hear Spike say. "Awwwwww" I whimper. //What's the point of having a hostage if we can't torture her?// "Please Spike, can't we just have a little fun with her... for me? I beg. Spike looks at me and his lips stretched into a smile. "Alright" he replied "It has been a while since I've tortured someone, but no killing, mind you"

We close in on the girl, a look of terror spread across her face. "My sister is so gonna kill you. This place is so obvious, she'll find you in a second"

"Well that'll just make things more interesting won't it?" said Darla.

"Alright, that's enough talking" said Spike cutting in impatiently. "It's been so long since I've tasted human blood."

(Oz's Angel)


Oh no, oh no, oh no! Buffy where are you?? I would very much like to come out of this alive. And I can't stop shaking.



I watch as Spike vamps and moves in on the girl, Dru beside him. I almost smile but instead frown, step forward and grab a handful of Spikes hair and jerk him backwards. He stumbles to the floor and Dru spins around to see what is happening.
"What the hell!?" Spike bellows and glares at me, I return a firm glower.
"Now now Spike, think about it...our little girl here's like those chips, once you pop you can't stop. You taste her blood, and you wont stop till she's dead."
He continues to glare at me and I sigh "Isn't the whole point to lure the slayers here with live bait?"
"Dead'll work the same..."
I roll my eyes "Not the same as seeing the slayer watch her sister die." I turn away and let him think about my words, Dru seems to like the idea though I can still tell she wants to hurt the girl. I step past her and lean down in front of the girl, "You know, you might want to thank me, I just bought you a longer life line."


{Now would be a good time for Angel to turn up.....}


Damnit, I can't believe they got Dawn. It was one hell of a fight, we would have won too if the useless Scoobys hadn't turned up. Sure they are good at research and all that boring stuff but they are a pain in the arse during a fight, having to dodge them while protecting them from the vamps I am trying to kill. Damn its their fault the bloodsuckers got Dawn, and what was Buffy thinking letting her come anyway. Moron.

At least now she was into the fight, only problems was she was in Commandant Buffy mode. Bossing everyone around like she's a freaking god. We arrive at Giles' only to find no one home. Buffy orders everyone back to the library. No way I'm gonna spend the rest of my night looking for Giles instead of the vamps.

"I'm gonna check Spike's crypt, I don't think they went there but maybe there'll be some kinda clue."

Buffy gives me a pissy look but I ignore it. I didn't take orders from my mother why should I take them from her. She thinks for a moment then tells Xander to go with me.

"No way." We say in unison.

"Look, if you find them Xander can come get me while you follow and make sure Dawn is alright." Buffy says shortly, I begin to argue but change my mind. It is her sister after all. I nod slightly then turn and walk away. Xander follows without a word.



"Ok we will not hurt the girl, for now. And if you try that again Darla, you will be pulling back a stump."

(Cloud 24)


With Faith and Xander gone I walk along almost in a daze with Willow by my side. She puts her arm across my shoulders and offers words of support, that we'll find her and she'll be fine. But a part of me doubts her, a apart of me tells me she wont be fine, Darla, Dru and Spike together, how could she be fine?
"Who knows what they're doing to her already...torturing her till I come..." I lower my head "Should we still go find Giles...maybe we should just look around?" I shake my head, I don't know what to do, I want to act like I do but with Faith and Xander gone I can show my fear to Willow.
"If they hurt her...even the slightest bit..."



Damnit, I don't BELIEVE I gotta go with faith. (This means I have to follow TWO parts of the story) What's wrong with Willow for god's sake, but I feel really uncomfortable after... stuff happened. I realize that Faith has gotten ahead, and I run to catch up. She glares at me, obviously hating this as much as I am. At least I can take some comfort from that huh? "Come ON!!" she yells at me, and I walk along-side her. I see Spike's crypt ahead, and I have a feeling they wont be there, but why tell Faith huh?



I roll my eyes at Spike's words. He seems to think he's actually running the show, humor him. I didn't come back to Sunnydale to reunite him with Dru so he could play around with the slayers. I came here for myself, well, for Dru as well, I do quite enjoy her company.
I turn my attentions back to the girl, I had almost forgotten that I had been kneeling in front of her the whole time. I want to go outside and scout the terrain, see exactly what kind of place we are in and what the slayers might try. But the moment I leave I daresay Spike and Dru will touch the girl, nip her, scratch her. I can't let them do that, not yet.
I reach out and put my hand on top of her head "I bet you didn't think there was a chance in hell that one of us, would be protecting you from the others...though only temporarily...first bite will be mine when big sis gets here."

(Oz's Angel)


For some strange, twisted reason, I took comfort in the fact that I had at least a few more minutes to live and wouldn't be dying any time in the immediate future. And I would at least have a 50-50 chance with Buffy here. The blonde vamp kneeling in front of me had this strange way of looking harmless and dangerous, maternal and murderer, all at the same time. It freaks me out. All I can hope for is that someone'll get here soon.


{I apologize in advance for bringing Riley back.}


We stand around the girl and argue about what we can do with her, other than kill her. Suddenly I hear a noise from the outside like the sound of something metal clank against the ground. "Shhhhh...listen" I whisper.
Spike goes out to investigate and returns a minute later, his hand gripped around the arm of a terrified looking boy. "Well well well, look what I found"
//This boy looks kind of familiar, but then again I never take much notice of humans// "Ooooh a new toy" I say.
"Another helpless victim" says Darla with a grin. "This night just keeps on getting better."

(Oz's Angel)

{Since it is Riley, and Dawn kinda liked Riley, I have to play along.}


And I thought the night couldn't get any worse. Boy was I wrong. These vamps just dragged in the wrong "toy." Well, then maybe I won't die for a while. No. Wait. Can't think that. Bad, Dawn. If Buffy knew, then she might try to get here faster. But she doesn't. As they tie him next to me, he gives be a weak smile.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper harshly.

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