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RPG Game Log:  Week 2

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(Cloud 24)


I feel relief sweep over me, at least I know Dawn is fine, I wish I could ring mum but I suppose that's overreacting. I Smile at her "There's nothing really happening that we know of yet Dawn, just Spike..." I shrug //Just that meant to make it all sound better?// "We don't know yet, probably nothing, just Giles overreacting." //That's right, make it seem Like Giles is just dreaming it up, don't want to worry anyone if I show concern.//



I recline back in the passenger seat of the car Dru and I had stolen and appropriately redecorated and sigh. //Why the heck did we have to find Spike? He's useless...and a burden, Dru and I could take on this whole town by ourselves.//
I flick my hair and glance out a gap in the tinted window, the sun's set so I wind down the glass and look out. //It's kind of good to be back, this is where everyone is now, and that stupid little blond twit...we'll get her, we'll get them all.//



//I wonder who is in the car...//

"Hey Dru...who is that blonde bimbo in the car? Eh no matter. So are you going to help me or do I have to find someone else?"



I rub my neck in a half-assed attempt to work out some of the tension radiating from there. Last night had been heavy on the slayage and I doubted tonight would be any different. Just your average night for a slayer in SunnyHell. The sun had been down for almost 20 minutes but I had yet to see any vamps emerge from their nests.

This wasn't unusual but I liked to catch them as they were leaving - after being cooped up inside all day they were bored and hungry, generally too focused on their next meal to notice a slayer waiting at the door. It was too easy it was almost cheap - almost.

I decided to cut through the cemetery and check the crypts some of the vamps liked to hide in. As I approached one I noticed a car parked outside, there was a blonde woman sitting in it with the window rolled down and her arm hanging lazily over the side. The rest of the windows were painted black. Vampire. I smiled to myself as I pulled a stake from under my jacket and walked casually toward the car.



I sway my arm back and forth, the side rubbing against the paint of the car, a wind was starting to pick up and I caught the distinct scent of human in the air. It was only faint, but any vampire as old as I can easily smell blood. I lazily coaster my eyes up toward the review mirror then down to the side mirror.

A faint smile touched the edge of my lips as I spotted a thin girl trying to silently creep towards the car. Dressed in black in an attempt to merge with the growing darkness and a nice pointy little twig in her hands.

//Amateur// I roll my eyes and try to decide how to play it, car with dark windows and an eager slayer who undoubtedly had decided I was a vampire, highly unlikely to ask first then attack, more the stake first ask later type. I draw my hand back into the car and rest it on the handle.



As I continue to talk with Dru, I happen to look over her shoulder. And I spot Faith.

//Oh great...this is going to be fun...A slayer strolling up to my humble home...and me powerless to kill her...and why today!? I bet she doesn't even know what day it is...//

"Um Dru hun, look over your shoulder. I bet you will get a laugh..."



I continue to watch the girl walking towards the car, she doesn't seem afraid or even very wary //fool// I think to myself and cast my eyes over toward the passenger door, it's still partially open from when Dru had left and from where I sit, I can see where she had headed for, an old quaint looking Crypt and frown.
If Dru were here with me think of the fun we could have, the two of us taking on that girl, the pain and suffering, I fight a laugh at the mere thought if that event then find a smile creeping onto my lips. //The girl doesn't even know Dru is there...she doesn't have the faintest idea who she is up against.//
I Fight down a laugh and keep my eyes on the side mirror watching the girl, my mind wandering to the thought of what is to come //She doesn't even know who we many like her we have killed.//



I know the vamp in the car has seen me so I head for the old crypt were I suspect there will be at least one other vamp who'd come with her and left the car door open. I walk past the entrance to the crypt and out of sight. I quickly circle around the crypt and flatten myself against the wall, cautiously look around the corner - the blonde vamp has gotten out of the car her back was to me, I could stake her in the back.
Just as I was about to pounce on the blonde vamp two more emerged from the crypt, a brunette in an old fashioned empire gown and a bleached blonde I recognized as William the Bloody - Spike. I guessed the brunette must be his long-time companion Drusilla but I still didn't have a clue who the blonde female was. Probably just a lackey. From my position I could hear them arguing.

"How could you lose her?" Spike growled at the blonde "She was right in front of you."

"And straight past the both of you." retorted the blonde.

"Now you get to find her my love" cooed Drusilla "Run and catch, run and catch..." she trailed of reciting a nursery rhyme I've never heard before.

"All I know is at least one of those damn slayers will be dead by sunrise. Its tradition."

<<That's what you think>> I said to myself then discreetly began towards the library, Buffy was a pain in the ass sometimes, but I had to warn her.



"Great, we've lost her. And who are you anyway?" said Spike with slight annoyance, as he scanned the area around the crypt.
"You mean you don't remember?" replied the blonde.
Spike turns to examine the blonde and a look of recognition soon spreads across his face. "Darla. Thought you were dead."
"Nice to see you too" she said with a smile.
"Yeah. Anyway enough with the small talk, we need to find that Slayer, Dru."
//This should be fun//
"Forget about her. It's Buffy that we want" said Darla. //And Angelus// I think to myself. I opened my mouth to say something and suddenly an image flashes in my mind. I let out a wail of pain and collapse forward onto my knees. I try to focus on the image. It's of a girl, sitting in a wooden chair in what looks like the library. I can see Buffy nearby. The image vanishes as fast as it had appeared.

(Cloud 24)


I lower myself down in the chair and look up at Dawn, she looks tired, I gaze over to Xander and Willow, both look haggard, rings under their eyes from reading. //This is doing us no good. we're not going to find some magic answer in these books...// I rub a hand across my face then gather up Mr. Pointy from my bag sprawled across the table, I scratch an itch at the back of my neck with its point.

"Maybe we should just go home...mum's probably worrying about us Dawn..." //I'm worried about her more like least if any things goes on here I can take care of everyone though...// I hear the sound of heavy footsteps and leap from my seat, stake ready and almost instinctively pushing Dawn behind me as the doors to the library fly open and a girl comes running in. My jaw drops open...




I reach down and place my hand on Dru's back, Spike stands by worried but keeping his distance.

"What did you see?" I ask with a half note of concern in my voice that I hated, but I suppose, in my current situation she's really all I've got so I should be worried for her. I lift my head and scan the area, the girl's already gone, she had left a while ago but I had lost her scent.
I frown to myself, I should have attacked her when I had the chance, but instead I had to wait for these two...thought it would be more fun that way, but the chicken ran away.

I lift my head and look at Spike, he stands scanning the area a frown on his face...and something strange to his eyes, its almost as though he's lacking something that I remember in him, from a long time ago...he seems to be lacking his fight.

As I watch Dru begins to rise, a dazed look in her eyes and she sways to music that only she can seem to hear.
"What did you see?" I repeat sternly.



Books, books. I rather be in that detention. almost 3 hours of boredom now.... I lookout the window, Faith is legging it towards us. Oh no, not that bitch.... I've never been able to look at her since.... well..... THAT.
She bursts though the door and we all turn around, Buffy ready, Stake in hand. Everyone breathes a sign of relief, thankful it's not a vamp.
"What's up Faith?" I try to ignore her suspicious looks, and that 'you're crap in bed' look she ALWAYS seems to have towards me....

(Oz's Angel)


I'm half asleep when I hear my name. Buffy is saying something about going home but I really don't hear. We've been here all afternoon and I want to go home, but now I have no way of getting there, so I'm stuck here. I try to get comfortable in my chair when someone bursts through the door. My eyes fly open and I see Buffy tense. We both relax a little when we realize its Faith. She's always scared me a little. Very unpredictable. Faith's eyes scan over everyone in the room, including me. It makes me really self-conscious. Buffy seems to notice that and steps in front of me, blocking my view of Faith. I then glance around at everyone in the room, and they all look really worried. When they get worried, things can't be good.

(Cloud 24)


I keep my eyes on Faith as she glances around the room, a glare at Xander, a frown at Willow then back on me with a mix of dislike and half-trust. She seems to be catching her breath, she must of been running for a while to be like that.

"Well?" I ask again trying to push her reason for been here out, she glowers at me and I stand firm, if she wants to be difficult or try to fight, I'll be ready, she's so unpredictable these days. She pushes her hair from her face and opens her mouth to speak...



I look at Dru, she's still half dazed with her vision and I roll my eyes. I hate when she gets like this and turn to Spike " something?"
He blinks and stares at me with a who do you think you're talking to and what should I do look. I shake my head and push past him heading for the car "Get her and lets go...and I'M driving...I've already been killed and sent to hell once, I don't need to go there again by you're bad driving."



"Where exactly are you going? Don't you know who that just was? Faith, the other slayer. And more than likely she is going to get Buffy. And for your information, I cant do anything. There is a bloody chip in my noggin that disables me to hurt humans. But I can still hurt demons so don't even try to start anything with me or I will rip your heart out and use it as a hacky sack."

I begin to move toward Dru who is still looking in the direction where Faith was standing.

"Dru hun come on, we have to get out of here before the slay brigade gets here."



I straightened up and focused on the surroundings around me. I thought of the girl that I had just seen and then began quietly laughing to myself. //Perhaps this girl, whoever she is, is just what we need to lure the Slayers to us// I felt Spike grab my wrist as he tried to lead me towards the car. "Spike" I said as a plan began to form in my head.
"What is it, pet?" he replied.
I smiled. "It's your special day, my love. A chance to kill two Slayers. But first... I can't hear the stars when I'm hungry. Do you fancy a bite to eat?"



"I would love, but thanks to this bloody chip in my head I can't hurt a human."

//I wish I could just get this thing removed.//


{!!Ok I had intended Faith to be at the point *before* she was evil but since you guys took off without me I'll have to go with it. Just so we're clear - she is quasi-evil - not one or the other yet.}


I let out a long breath. It hadn't hit me till I walked in the library that after my indiscretions lately Buffy and the others may not be falling over themselves to trust me. Their problem.

"I saw Dru and Spike earlier. And another one - blonde- they're planning on a dinner heavily 'slayer', and I don't think I was intended to be on the menu."

I stood and waited for Buffy's reaction.




"Whoa, that's heavy..."
I head over to the table with books spread out. Dru was here, I could look for her right? I wonder who the blonde was....

I sit down, and look at Buffy to see how she feels...

(Cloud 24)


I take in a deep breath and feel myself almost beginning to shake, I stop it from starting "Great..." I mutter "Drusilla's back in town...and she brought a friend with her..." //who...? can't be safe if they're traveling with Drusilla...//
I try to remain calm "Ok, so Dru's back, that means there's a way to attack me now for Spike...and the chip, if she knows, I wouldn't put it past Dru to rip it out of his head..." //not good, not good...and he's still invited into my house...not good... //
I look over at Giles "What should we do? I'd like to go it myself...maybe me and Faith combined could take them on...but who knows with those two, they're capable of almost anything..."



I lean over the top of the car door and smile towards Spike "Can't hurt a person? my you've been neutered somehow? How...interesting..." //burden...// I smile slyly "If you want, Dru and I could try and take it out for you, a nice little operation.." I chuckled "No, I wouldn't do that to one of my own." I step away from the door and pull myself into the car, I look back through the open passenger door as Spike and Dru slowly approach.
"So where's a good place to get a bite to eat in this town? Something...young and a little fun, oh...and maybe we could do some late night shopping. What do you think Dru? Make our mark then get some slayers." I smiled a spot of late night hunting and shopping always got the blood rushing.
//then who knows, get the chip out of Spike...and get ourselves, two... two slayers? How the hell is that possible?// I frowned. That little blond twit now had herself an ally, one more pain in the butt since last time I saw her... but...all the more blood to be spilt.

{Edited, I was still in Buffy mode when I wrote it, forgot I was a vamp.}

(Oz's Angel)

{Just checking, but you said Darla checked herself in the rearview mirror. Just making sure you know that's impossible.}



"Are we going to sit here and chit chat or are we going to go after those slayers?"

//I just wish I could get in on the action...this stupid chip...wait a sec...I wonder if Dru will know anything...//

"Dru hun, I got a question, do you have any clue on how to get this bloody chip out of my head?"



I drum my fingers on the steering wheel and sigh to myself, //they're still talking, can't get anything done with them too yakking about a chip in the head// I smirk, A hammer would do the trick...or...there are those underground guys, if they're still alive, they could help him, but it would take some time.
I move my leg and hear the jangle of the car keys as the small key ring Dru had stole sways back and forth. I reach up and place my hand over the key, an almost overwhelming feeling sweeping through my body.
I turn the key and the engine roars to life, my foot hovers over the accelerator, hand on the hand brake and the car shifted into gear...



I look around the library as the others try to formulate a plan of action. I sigh to myself, by the time they think of something the night will be over or the vamps will have found us. There is no way I am going to wait around for the latter. And I was yearning for some good action so the former was out. Screw their plan I had one of my own, it was simple and fool proof. Even Buffy and her Scoobies could handle it.

"I have a plan." I said. No one paid any attention, they were too busy arguing.

I spoke up a little more forcefully, "I have a plan."

This time they all looked at me.

(Cloud 24)


I look at Faith with raised eyebrows, a plan huh, we all know what Faith's plans are like, stake happy...but maybe this time, a lot of staking might not be so bad.

"What is it?" I ask curiously and wait for a reply.

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