Welcome To The RockBeach Guitars Home Page

Mike Gladstone on the RockBeach CamelBack Engineering Model Now For Sale!!! $1700.00!! Below is a list of my personal guitars:


****RockBeach Custom Chambered Body Guitars****
*****RockBeach New Project Page Updated 1/19/06*****
Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends CD and Samples Page
Washburn MG600F Page With Sound
Yamaha FG230 12-String Page With Sound
Peavy Fury Bass Page
Carvin Cobalt C980 With Sound
!!!!!!NEW PRODUCT...RockBeach CigarBox Amps!!!!!!
********NEW!! Hurricane Relief CD Now Released!********

This site is always under construction! Newest here is the new page regarding RockBeach Custom Chambered Guitars and the new RockBeach Projects Page! These are guitars which I have designed, engineered, and built in my home shop. These hand-made guitars can now be ordered by contacting Greg Bogoshian as described on Boggspage3 and also now on Boggspage6 as linked above. Also note above in "Some of my favorite web sites," there is a link to the Circle of Friends web page as hosted by Dynamic Recording Studios where we have recorded 2 CDs. There are samples from them as well. The latest is the "Colors of Christmas" CD which has seen airplay both locally and in syndication and on wdyn.net both as a webcast and on satellite radio. NEW HURRICANE RELIEF CD RELEASED CALLED "WEATHERING THE STORM" which can be found in a new link above! All proceeds from this 20 original song CD (of which I have 2 on it) will go to The American Red Cross... Awesome CD! Check it out as there are sample clips on both the reliefcd website and also on CDBaby's website at http://cdbaby/cd/wts where it can be ordered. This is a gotta have!!! Also New to the CigarBox amps... Master Volume Control option!!! Additional $10 for the A-La-Carte amp and $15 option for mounting it in a case! Now, you won't go deaf listening with headphones!! Also, volume can be reduced without affecting tone! Please come back often! One more note, the E-mail address shown at the bottom of this page is my home address. My work address is "greg.bogoshian@usa.xerox.com". Also, consider any sound clips as copyrighted! Thanks again! Greg Bogoshian (Boggs)

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Email: boggsplace@yahoo.com