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Who other than "The Great Alan Jones"

Hi i'm Alan, "as if u didn't already know from the title, otherwise i won't call you captain obvious" anyways like i was saying i'm Alan and this is my web page "yey!!" But i guess i'll start this off "ignoring my bad jokes" with a little about myself....... "sigh" i'm 17 year old guy who lives in New Hartford, New York and basically i've lived here all my life.... For what i do... really for school i bowl "i am the bowling god!!! //not really i'm like ........ last// other hobbies include cards "really i'm good at that one i swear" and i also play hacky sac "i'm ok at that one" hahaha..." academically i suck………. About myself I guess i'm about 5,11" with dark brown hair my eyes i guess are hazel "but i disagree"..... so what else is there to say about me.........hmmm gee i wonder........ hey take a look at the rest of the site if u want i plan i putting a few pictures of me, my dog "Sophie!!!" and maybe friends and some other things i think are cool --PEACE OUT-- "since when did i say that???"

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