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Dog Safety

When owning a dog, it is very important to know what environments are around your dog. Have you ever crawled around on the floor like a toddler to see all the dangers that lie ahead? Examples:

1. Light Cords- If plugged in, they can shock your dog badly or may cause death!

2. Never ever leave chocolate around the holiday. The chemical in chocolate is caffeine and dog systems cannot tolerate it all. May cause death!

3. 99% of all house plants are poisonous. If any house plant has been consumed by your dog, call your vet immediately.

4. 99% of flower bulbs in your backyard are deadly. Call your Vet and get in ASAP!

5. Onions (All) are deadly to dogs. Once again a chemical that in an Onion affects them seriously. Call your vet and go in immediately

6. Check all your fences to make sure there are no nails sticking out! Why you ask? If a dog is wearing a choke collar or a very loose leather collar, and your dog is jumping up and down near the fence, the dog can hang themselves.

7. An effective way to break up a dog fight is to use a garden hose with a high pressure nozzle. Some folks use cattle prods. If you are in one, get to your Doctrors for Tetanus shot and Antibiotics. Bites can get infected badly. Also get your dog to the vet ASAP.

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