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'`Welcome to Our Family'`

*The Magliaro Family*

Hi~My name is Leanna, this is my website of my family. Until I can a better website these descriptions will have to be short and sweet!...My family and I live in New Jersey, not far from the Jersey Shore. All the kids were conceived naturally and were given birth to naturally(except for the quads). Multiples run in my family. I am a twin and so is my late mother. Here is our family can skip the story and read what I have to say at the bottom! ...Tom and I married at 19 and a few months before I turned 20 I had my first babies. I went to school during my pregnancy and after. I graduated college at 24 with a degree in early childhood devolopement and nursing....The twins came at 36 weeks on 1-31-87. Will was 6lb 9oz and 22 inches long, born at 2:35am. Taylor was 4lb 12oz and was 18 inches long. She was born at 3:05am. They were born after about 45 hours of labor. Now at 16 the twins are closer then ever. Will especially watches over Taylor when it comes to guys. Taylor is outgoing and giggly and loves the phone(and AOL)...a normal teenage girl....Emily was our first single baby. She came just a little more then a year later. And she was my biggest baby in weight(you would never know now by her skinny figure). At 5am on 3-18-88 Emily was born. Born at 42.5 wks and was 11lb 5oz, 23 inches long, and in 39 hours of labor. Emily was also my first homebirth. It was wonderful! Now and days Taylor and Em are best friends. They have this wonderful and beautiful bond. Its amazing! Will also watches out for her(he is over protective of his sisters)....About 8 years later I had my 2nd homebirth with my 4th child. My labor with Josh was a short 2 hours. He was born on 5-1-96 and was 6lb 1oz and 20 inches long(at 7:45pm). At 7 years old Josh is our little wild man!...What a surprise we got just a year and a half after Josh. The first quads in our family EvEr! Wow I was shocked, but so, so THRILLED!!! I went on bed rest at 25 weeks because I was determined to deliver these babies naturally like my other kids. But my wishes didn't come true at 33 weeks(2-3-98) they were all delivered by cesarean at the local hospital. Ryan, Nicolette, Jessica, and Sara. The first quad to arrive was Ryan. He was 4lb and 16 inches long. Nikki was next 3lb 14oz and 16.5 inches long. Then was Jessica, she was 3lb 9oz and was 16 inches long. Little Sara weighing 3lb 2oz and 15.5 inches long. Fours years later Ryan, Nikki, Jessica, and Sara are hyper, healthy, and happy! Ryan is the opposite of Josh. Nikki is like Taylor and Emily, very giggly and girly. Jessica loves reading and drawing and Sara is the shy one. Yes there is! I am pregnant with a baby boy who will be the last, believe me! ......................................................................................................... Its great to have family. My parents died 7 years ago in a car acciedent and Toms parents live in Texas. But my two sisters and one of Toms brothers live very close by. My younger sister is a huge help, Jayme is 28 and just gave birth to a baby girl, Carolena Joan. My twin sister, Heather, has 11 year old twins and a single 18 month old. The usual meeting place is at my house. We stick together good times and bad .......................................................................................................... In my SpArE tImE(lol!) I like to make lists for expecting mothers, parents and children. I make lists like "What You Need To Bring To The Hospital", "Nessicities For Twins(Triplets, Quads, and Single)", "Pros and Cons to Homebirth(Birthing Centers and Hospitals)", "How To Choose A Name and Name Advice". I also have advice letters like "Creating a Birth Plan", "Choosing a hospital", "what to Bring to the Hospital", "What To Do if You Are Givin Birth and Alone", "How to Introduce Baby To Your Other Kids". I write many more lists and letters, just send me a letter requesting what you need and I will get you the information AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Write to me at, even if ya just want to chat! ~*~Leanna~*~
